ABC NEWS: Bono injured in rehearsal, undergoes emergency back surgery

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Not medical advice. Just some facts in regard to what the usual circumstances are with this type of injury. In General, they usually follow a couple of distinct "roads" . The German Surgeon's brief gave a lot of clues, and I know what I saw at shows.

Glad to share it. If anything, I really want to give hope for the return. It was the right thing for him to do. He really didn't have any choice, and although he may not feel it right now , it will change the pain he went thru over the last few years . That is a good thing in my opinion.

Yes, throwing men around the mats will do it. You went a long way, but long term health is most important I think. Be very proud of the level you achieved. I know how difficult the "arts" can be. It is an art.

Other lesson, is don't let a Dr inject you with something that nobody has, ever, examined as to long term consequences. That is as dangerous as dangerous can be. It is not worth it.

Your information has given me hope for Bono's return. I was deeply concerned. Especially, when I read about his paralysis. It came very close to being irreversible.

He may have a few restrictions. Which, actually will benefit him in the long run. He can still give a fantastic performance. I think he is one of the best rock stars, ever.

I am looking forward, to seeing Bono in the press/concerts, etc. Of course, when he is well enough to do so. And he will be.
I admit that I am a complete control freak. Being that vulnerable in and at the mercy of the hands of a surgeon would freak me out. They use a cocktail of drugs in order to control pain and mum always says that every major operation weakens the heart. A painkiller like Demerol would do that but not every drug will do that will it? Surgeon’s wouldn’t use a drug that could shorten life if the condition wasn’t life threatening would they? Michael Jackson had been taking that before he died and on a documentary a doctor said that only a few surgeon’s and hospital’s are able to get hold of it and that it’s used for those with terminal cancer or lethal serious burns. In the papers it said that every dose would weaken the heart. I have heard before that these painkilling drugs further decrease life expectancy in these types of patients’, particularly opiate drugs that weaken the heart muscle. It wouldn’t lower his life expectancy would it? I suppose operations that last for hours, one at an advanced age or if you are someone who is unfortunate to have to undergo many operations in a short space of time it could weaken the heart, but it wouldn’t for this type of operation would it?

But my worst fear would be rendered unconscious. This is my own personal fear and being vulnerable, ill or unable to look after myself. You’d have to put your whole trust in someone who you’ve never met before and I’m someone who only places my trust in my mum and a few close friends. Yet with an operation you are expected to place even more trust than you would in any of your friends and even your family. I honestly would rather walk though town stark naked than have to undergo an operation, especially one that will render me unconscious. My friend has an operation to remove a tooth and I asked her ‘wasn’t you nervous?’ – and she said no, she enjoyed it. :huh:This is what scares me about being pregnant, is that you have to give birth, especially if you have to have a caesarean.
OH MY GOD, NO! :ohmy:

@U2, June 08, 2010
By: Tassoula/ @tassoula

Entertainment Weekly reports that U2 producer Daniel Lanois was injured in a motorcycle accident Saturday in Los Angeles and has canceled all of his upcoming tour dates.

He is currently in intensive care and is expected to heal over the next two months.

All of us at @U2 send well wishes to Danny for a fast recovery.

Source: Daniel Lanois Hurt in Motorcycle Accident

Get well soon Danny! :hug: :sad:
Oh fuck. :( Danny. :hug:

It's Tuesday and we're just hearing about this now? :huh:

I haven't heard anything in local/Canadian media about it...

Here's the email that a member of the official Black Dub boards posted:
Dear MR - -

With regret Mean Fiddler announce the cancellation of the Daniel Lanois Black
Dub concert scheduled to take place at the Jazz Cafe on the 27th July. Over
the weekend Daniel was in a motorbike crash in Los Angeles. He is currently
in intensive care and consequently all live appearances have been cancelled.

We have issued your card with a face value refund. If you have any further
questions regarding your order, please call us on 0115 9129000.

Yours sincerely See Tickets Customer Services

Source: London date cancelled! - BLACK DUB
This is all it says in the local paper, where he grew up, and it was only posted 35 minutes ago: - BreakingNews - Daniel Lanois injured in motorcycle accident

June 08, 2010
LOS ANGELES — Grammy-winning Canadian producer and artist Daniel Lanois is in hospital after suffering multiple injuries in a motorcycle accident over the weekend in the Silverlake area of Los Angeles.

Lanois, 58, is in intensive care but expects to be released soon, according to a statement from his record label.

He has cancelled all upcoming tour dates and promotional activity and will likely spend the next two months recuperating.

His outfit Black Dub, which also features Trixie Whitley and Brian Blade, will release their debut “when circumstances permit,” his label said.

Lanois, born in Quebec and raised in Hamilton, is best-known for his production work with U2 (“The Joshua Tree,” “Achtung Baby”) and Bob Dylan (“Time Out of Mind,” “Oh Mercy”).

Mods, maybe this should be in a separate thread?
Here's the email that a member of the official Black Dub boards posted:

I just saw that. It was only posted 2 hrs. ago. Weird that the venue would have to let them know about the injuries.

A quick glance at other posts, and it seems like several people got cancellation notices for shows over the weekend, but no reasons were given.
FYI since you mentioned starting a separate thread - there's a new thread in Bang & Clatter, and Sicy had posted something in the Black Dub thread in the same forum.
If it worked, then everyone would be doing it. It would be the = to the discovery of Pencillin. There are Dr's who have used some portion of this in Spain, and Italy, but they are all in jail.

Are you talking about this Actovegin? The EU approves medicine for the whole region then it's up to individual countries to further test it. There are a few examples of this such as a Beta-Blockers which is now banned by the BMA but you can get it other EU countries. Serexat is banned in some EU countries but not in the UK. Halcion has been banned in the UK but the FDA approved it. I can understand if this guy was giving his patients Opren which is a universally banned painkilling drug that causes jaundice.

In the early 60 and late 50's dotors were prescribing Thaimidolide to pregnant women. They was not to know what the frightening consequences would be.

My friend was on Serexat but I don't think it made her anxiety and panic attacks any better. The drug company said that their tests proved that it was safe but most people's complaints was that it isn't beneficial. In the end she went to a hypnotherapist and slowly came off Serexat. She said that hypnotherapy is much better for helping her phobia's. But there are theories that hypnotheray is dangerous also. You search on the internet for anything I bet you there's a website saying that everything is dangerous.

The Daily Mail proclaims that everything causes cancer. I used to take these stories seriously and believe them. In an article this newspaper said that aluminium in deodorant causes breast cancer in women. There was also an article that the sweetener aspartame causes everything from cancer, crohn's disease, epilepsy, dementia, hyperthoiderism! Now I realise that these stories are just meant to scare the public.

He may have a few restrictions. Which, actually will benefit him in the long run. He can still give a fantastic performance. I think he is one of the best rock stars, ever

PT will put a stop to that. Benji said so! Besides Bono also wants to beat his family to win a gold medal on skiing at the Olympic Resort on the WII.
I couldn't access the link. But, thank you for the good news! :hug: Going out and having lunch is absolutely a sign that Bono is doing much, much better. Everyone here, will be thrilled to hear this. I know. I am.
I couldn't access the link. But, thank you for the good news! :hug: Going out and having lunch is absolutely a sign that Bono is doing much, much better. Everyone here, will be thrilled to hear this. I know. I am.

Apparently, he's well enough to drive. The last two pictures are of him driving himself away from the restaurant (with his leftovers :giggle: ).
Him walking and driving all by himself is definitely a good sign :up:

Looks like he's recovering well. Let's just hope he doesn't overdo it and still follows his therapy programme. It's important for him to recover completely and not exaggerate anything at this stage.
It's been nearly 4 weeks, he should be fine to drive. He's probably just at the stage where he shouldn't do anything strenuous, nothing to over-exert himself, no lifting, while continuing to do his physio.
Either that, or the next picture coming out will be Ali marching down the street shouting "Get back here, you're not supposed to be up!" :madwife:

I swear I think that is what is happening.... ...I mean who would let the man go out alone and then on top of it DRIVE? He is going nuts at the house I bet!! Just guessing. And probably worried sick about Danny. :(
It says in that link that he had a compressed sciatic nerve. I hadn't heard that.

He was out with friends.. The two women in all white, it looks like he's out w/ nurses :wink:

It says in that link that he had a compressed sciatic nerve. I hadn't heard that.

He was out with friends.. The two women in all white, it looks like he's out w/ nurses :wink:

Yes, it's in the official statement from the clinic. The doctor talked in detail about the nature of Bono's injury.

And it looks as if he was out alone, he's alone in the car. The women with the STRANGE white "uniform" is obviously someone who's handing him whatever he's eating there, or the leftovers of what he had been eating. Guess Ali isn't around to cook :wink:

And yes, funny how he's carrying the little bag. :lol:
No, it hasn't. By my calculation, it's been about 2 & 1/2 weeks. He had his surgery on or about May 21st . . . that was 2 weeks and 4 days ago.

Phew, okay. I thought maybe I was losing my mind ... or had lost an entire week or two. :uhoh:

Crap, sorry, I miscounted the weeks. :reject: Still, nearly 3 weeks. I don't think taking a short drive into town, or a brief stroll to receive a package from an oddly dressed lady is out of line.
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