ABC NEWS: Bono injured in rehearsal, undergoes emergency back surgery

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Perhaps, he is just wearing a light back support under his clothing. From what I have read. Some patients do, for a few weeks. Bono doesn't seem to have any problems with walking or driving. Which, I think is a very good sign.

He shouldn't be wearing one. Some people will because they do not "trust" or worry that they will re-injure. Having what happened to him, and many others, freaks people out. Even the "strongest" of people. They will often have in the back, or front of their minds they will just drop. It is a scary thing to not be able to feel your legs or not being able to walk . It is a traumatic mind experience. It's understandable. It will often cause people to be afraid of the PT , but by now, he should be at 6 hours a day total.

People who have this surgey will often have rapid weight gain. The drugs alone will cause it.

This surgery isn't rocket science so to speak. It has been done a zillion times, and they do it the same way for the most part, no matter where in the world it is done. The PT is also standard. It is his choice to follow thru, and I know that friends have been telling him their experience. Gloria would have never walked again had it not been her extreme devotion to her Physical PT .

I Think the best news is that he is not in Germany
He shouldn't be wearing one. Some people will because they do not "trust" or worry that they will re-injure. Having what happened to him, and many others, freaks people out. Even the "strongest" of people. They will often have in the back, or front of their minds they will just drop. It is a scary thing to not be able to feel your legs or not being able to walk . It is a traumatic mind experience. It's understandable. It will often cause people to be afraid of the PT , but by now, he should be at 6 hours a day total.

People who have this surgey will often have rapid weight gain. The drugs alone will cause it.

This surgery isn't rocket science so to speak. It has been done a zillion times, and they do it the same way for the most part, no matter where in the world it is done. The PT is also standard. It is his choice to follow thru, and I know that friends have been telling him their experience. Gloria would have never walked again had it not been her extreme devotion to her Physical PT .

I Think the best news is that he is not in Germany

Thank you Benj for the information.

As to whether or not, Bono may be wearing a light back support or corset. For a very short period of time. Of course, I don't know for sure. I thought, perhaps, maybe.

I can understand where this could interfere with the natural movement of the spine and PT.

I hope Bono wasn't wasted. Alcohol would be the worst thing he could drink right now.
Thank you Benj for the information.

As to whether or not, Bono may be wearing a light back support or corset. For a very short period of time. Of course, I don't know for sure. I thought, perhaps, maybe.

I can understand where this could interfere with the natural movement of the spine and PT.

I hope Bono wasn't wasted. Alcohol would be the worst thing he could drink right now.

No, he shouldn't be wearing one. I think we are about 3 weeks or so?

Drinking not the best ( but I believe in the feel good magic of wines) but alcohol on painkillers would be number one, and we dont advise alcohol or smoking after a surgery to the spine. Generally speaking, he shouldn't be on heavy pain meds ( percocet no, Vicodin maybe ) as if it is close to 3 weeks, he should be off them, and using corticosteroids injections .

I can get the scoop on this photo. The Mad Texan and I share a bond as we both have he same nickname and the same Dr at the same time at Indiana University in 1996. We were in the same club . I wondered who the bald 'fool" in the corner riding a stationary bike with tubes coming out of his head was. We were both reffered to the same Dr by an online support group. From there the LAF was born.

I completely forgot this is June, and it is prep time. Tour time ( you know becuse Lance has no beer or wine glass ) Lance has a home near there . It would be absolutely fantastic if Chris would be helpng Bono with a training program to get him started . I doubt he would have time to do it himself , but would know the second best to get him ( Bono ) back from this.

From the look at that photo , he never would have made the 4-6 weeks for recovery. Lance will ride his As% to get in shape. Maybe Lance has someone for him, and that would be great. There is no better person on this planet in getting prepared and back into shape. Lance has the body that nobody else on earth has. He has great trainers and self discipline. He knows how to instill it in others. He and Chris know bout LB problems and healing them. Bono couldn't ride, but Lances Trainer knows what to do to get him going very quickly to be able to, if that was his gig... and if he is "goofing" Lance would be the person to tell him to get going. No doubt about that. He doesn't mince words... Far from it.

I will see what can find out, as this could be very good !! thanks for the photo .
If you guys are looking for more there were also these. Bono is at least well enough to be bouncing babies. :cute:


Benji, if you're around to answer this, I have a couple of questions. Although I've known people who have had spinal surgery, and have had back problems (I have them myself) but I'm by no means an expert.

1) I'm assuming that Bono had microsurgery, meaning that the surgery site would be minimal and require little healing time. So, am I correct in assuming that most of the healing/physio he has to go through now would be repairing the damage he suffered pre-surgery?

2) A lot of people have been commenting on his weight, and if I'm not mistaken, even you said that post-op meds can cause weight gain. One of the people I know who have undergone spinal surgery, she said her doctor stressed that losing weight was key (this person wasn't terribly overweight to begin with, if at all), and that strong abs were crucial to back health. Is this a general rule with back problems, or only in specific cases?
I agree with you that:
- About his condition: L5 L4 S1. Although I’m not sure what it means. You have proven yourself to be a worthy source so I gather you know what you’re talking about.
- He was undergoing PT, but as someone else mentioned earlier on this thread, although PT can do a lot for L5 L4 S1 something like this was bound to happen sooner or later. Plus, like someone else mentioned it’s better to undergo this type of surgery now than at an advanced age.
- That he was experiencing a pinched sciatic nerve beforehand but this time he experienced a compressed Sciatic nerve. Therefore I stand by what I said before that the pain of a sciatic nerve would’ve been so intense that he would have had to be numb not to feel it, so he wasn’t going to be become paralyzed. I was discussing this with a few people I know and they agree with me on this. Not unless he’s one of those who gets a kick out of being in pain. It’s like when you have to have an appendices out. The pain is so excruciating that you were never going to ignore it or be told by some Doctor Death that ‘it’s nothing’. Having to have your appendices out is more serious than Bono’s condition because you can actually die if it bursts. There was a girl at my school who once was taken into hospital during the middle of the night because she had to have her appendices taken out. She spent a few weeks off school but when she came back we never treated her as though she was ‘vulnerable’ or that she was going through a death sentence, and she was still the same girl as we knew.

I disagree that:

- There is some kind of conspiracy going on between the record label, Livenation and the rest of the band. Funny how your theory has many comparisons with what happened to Michael Jackson, who lets not forget, has been a multitude of problems for many years. In order to lie to doctors about the pain you’ve been going through either means you’re suffering from Clinical Depression or you are plain stupid. Jackson was probably suffering from depression after all he had gone through. I’ve known people with depression and they are co-morbid. After 9/11 Jackson made out that he was dying from exposure to anthrax poisoning. Do you want me to bore you by spelling out the many differences between Bono and Michael Jackson and why I don’t think Bono will allow some bigwigs at Livenation to bully him into going ahead with a series of concerts if he had to take strong painkillers in order to get on stage?

- If he did manage to convince doctors that ‘it was nothing’ then he’s only got himself to blame for this whole sorry mess, hasn’t he? If you get cataracts but instead of keeping an appointment to get removed by a doctor because you thought keeping a business meeting then you’ve only got yourself to blame if you go blind. Going blind through cataracts is unnecessary just as dying from skin cancer just because you chose to ignore the fact your mole was getting larger, changing colour and was itchy, and so eventually the cancer spread to your lymph nodes and by then it was too late, and you died form a treatable disease. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a rock star, a footballer, a world leader, an aid worker or you work in a shop, you’re main priority always your family and so you have to look after your health so that you can do things with them.

I agree with LastUnicorn with this. I’m sure Bono would have sought the opinion from doctors in Ireland and that clinic that you mentioned in Miami. Ali would have made sure that he did this. Sometimes doctors make mistakes, big one’s. Maybe before only part of the disc had broke and crumbled on the other side or at an angle that they couldn’t spot on a scan. Dr Muller did transfere him to be treated at another specialist back clinic, so his ego isn’t that much that he’d treat a patient himself even if he thought he isn’t the best surgeon in order to perform a back operation.
Ok, hate to say it, but he looks SUPER CUTE in this one! :cute: He looks like a Grandpapa. :heart: :love:

Old people simply love babies :wink:

Sweet pictures, and good to see Bono doing better. Lance also twittered that he's recovering, which is good to hear. And yes, that Lady could be his nurse or therapist. I hope she is. It's a good sign she's there with him and keeps the man under control.

His hair, on the other side, is kind of out of control :crazy:

:lol: Exactly what Bono needs.


Not to get all sentimental or anything, but I watched 360 again earlier tonight, and the one thing that stood out to me is what a good time they all seemed to be having on stage together. Performing onstage is his life. I'm confident that he'll do whatever it takes to get back there...stern European mistress or not. :wink:
He wouldn’t want to have a pee bag fitted to him. He’s not an invalid. Don’t you think having to undergo this type of surgery embarrassing? He probably found having to stay at the hospital for s few days embarrassing also. Maybe that’s what Edge meant that Bono likes to take corners. When I worked in a small hospital a few years ago I was shocked to see that our casualty unit that was admitting people with sprained wrists, a large boil or their chest and those wanting be checked over for concussion. In my naivety I thought an emergency would be someone with a heart attack or someone with his or her leg hanging off after an accident with a tractor. When I mentioned that I tripped up on the pavement as I was coming into work one morning, I didn’t expect that a nurse might want to check I hadn’t done any damage to the knee. Most of the damage was to my ego having tripped up by a busy road and knowing that everyone in their cars saw the incident. There is always someone far worst off than you and that’s probably why he didn’t want to make a fuss over as you say is a common injury.

If he’s a strong clever man then why would he allow someone to bully him into not seeking adequate treatment? He doesn’t seem to be suffering from clinical depression like MJ must have suffered from years with so why would he be this co-morbid? Someone mentioned that it was likely was undergoing PT but they are not surprised that he would require surgery in the end.

They are people who are born into this world with horrific illnesses that can affect their quality of life. Bono is a healthy man with no major illnesses. He hasn’t been in a serious road accident like Gloria Estefan had in early 1990. That fall in 2001 looked quite bad. I’ve seen it on Youtube, and maybe the way he’s been snapping back away from the mic stand hasn’t helped either but it’s hardly his fault that he has an L shaped spine or a low centre of gravity. I’ve been observing the shape of people’s spine and it seems to me most people have S shaped spine but that wouldn’t mean that we are destined to spend our life’s in a wheelchair after 50. You are beginning to worry me, now.
He wouldn’t want to have a pee bag fitted to him. He’s not an invalid. Don’t you think having to undergo this type of surgery embarrassing? He probably found having to stay at the hospital for s few days embarrassing also. Maybe that’s what Edge meant that Bono likes to take corners. When I worked in a small hospital a few years ago I was shocked to see that our casualty unit that was admitting people with sprained wrists, a large boil or their chest and those wanting be checked over for concussion. In my naivety I thought an emergency would be someone with a heart attack or someone with his or her leg hanging off after an accident with a tractor. When I mentioned that I tripped up on the pavement as I was coming into work one morning, I didn’t expect that a nurse might want to check I hadn’t done any damage to the knee. Most of the damage was to my ego having tripped up by a busy road and knowing that everyone in their cars saw the incident. There is always someone far worst off than you and that’s probably why he didn’t want to make a fuss over as you say is a common injury.

If he’s a strong clever man then why would he allow someone to bully him into not seeking adequate treatment? He doesn’t seem to be suffering from clinical depression like MJ must have suffered from years with so why would he be this co-morbid? Someone mentioned that it was likely was undergoing PT but they are not surprised that he would require surgery in the end.

They are people who are born into this world with horrific illnesses that can affect their quality of life. Bono is a healthy man with no major illnesses. He hasn’t been in a serious road accident like Gloria Estefan had in early 1990. That fall in 2001 looked quite bad. I’ve seen it on Youtube, and maybe the way he’s been snapping back away from the mic stand hasn’t helped either but it’s hardly his fault that he has an L shaped spine or a low centre of gravity. I’ve been observing the shape of people’s spine and it seems to me most people have S shaped spine but that wouldn’t mean that we are destined to spend our life’s in a wheelchair after 50. You are beginning to worry me, now.

You must live/work in a magical place, where a sprain or a boil is considered an emergency. In most other places, people with those ailments would be waiting hours.

I'm not sure what's so difficult for you to understand. A large percentage of the population suffers from back problems. For most, the most conservative treatment helps, and it no longer bothers them. For others, they need more intensive treatment. For still others, surgery is done, with a follow-up to physiotherapy. This is what happened to Bono, a chronic ailment suddenly became acute, and he needed immediate surgery. The surgery is not difficult not complex, in fact, it's fairly routine. It would have fixed his sciatic problems immediately. However, the strength and healing will take place over the course of his physiotherapy, which he will do over the next few months. And then he'll be as good as new. Better than new, probably.

Now, I really don't know what all this has to do with your mother's friends' having c-sections and heart problems and other horrible things. None of that applies to Bono. He had back surgery and he's fine. Period...end of story.
Wow has this thread gotten to 40 pages now!

Guys and girls come on it's very simple, Bono already had back problems for a long time but managed to cope with it with little treatment. Now his condition got worse quickly and they operated him and he's going to be fine in time.

If he follows the instructions from the doctor he will be back in even better condition compared to before his operation.
Wow has this thread gotten to 40 pages now!

Guys and girls come on it's very simple, Bono already had back problems for a long time but managed to cope with it with little treatment. Now his condition got worse quickly and they operated him and he's going to be fine in time.

If he follows the instructions from the doctor he will be back in even better condition compared to before his operation.

thank you.

now, i have a question.

precisely what does any of the rest of this thread have to do with bono's back? it seems like this really should be split into lemonade stand or zoo confessionals.
thank you.

now, i have a question.

precisely what does any of the rest of this thread have to do with bono's back? it seems like this really should be split into lemonade stand or zoo confessionals.

Well, Benji proclaims to be a surgeon (and I've seen no evidence to doubt him, he seems to know what he's talking about), and he's been talking about the treatment Bono would have been given by the German doctor who favours odd injections, as well as the surgery he likely would have gotten from the neurosurgeon who ended up performing the surgery on him. There has been the odd detour taken by people who have turned it into a thread about their own ailments, but for the most part, I've found it really interesting, and I don't think I'm alone.

So, to answer your original question, it actually has quite a bit to do with Bono's surgery...and I don't think it's gotten any more off track than any other eykiw thread.
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