ABC NEWS: Bono injured in rehearsal, undergoes emergency back surgery

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Everyone over forty has a mild form of arthritis.

My mum is 57 and she's never suffered from arthritis, and neither has anyone else I know over 40. For 10 years she's been working in a warehouse lifting heavy pallete's of refridgerated food which is like a giant fridge. My mum is as fit as a fiddle. My godfather is 85 and does not suffer from arthritis. He served as a fighter in the 2nd World War, walks 25 miles a day in London and up until the age of 70 he used to run in the Dublin, London and New York marathons. There is no reason why Bono should not as fit and healthy as my mum or my Godfather.

Getting back to Bono. No pun intended. But, I have said this before. "Once a back injury, always a back injury." Ask any of us who have had one. When you have torn the ligament surrounding the lumbar disc, resulting in the disc bulging and severe compression of the Sciatic Nerve. You will always have a back problem. There is no magic cure. The most important thing is to not re-injure. Because, with each additional injury your condition will become worst. Any good doctor or PT will tell you that.

This is why I was confused because Jorg Tonn said that the herniated disc, torn ligament and compressed Sciatic nerve occurred in the lower leg/knee. The sciatic nerve runs from the back to the thigh and what I thought was that the nerve was compressed within the thigh area not the back. My mum and godfather do not have back problems and neither does Paul or the rest of the band. I can name you plenty of famous people who are older than Bono who do not have back problems. Besides Bono wants to go on all the rides at Disneyland Paris, but he can't if he has a poorly back.

I also thought that the MRI scan must have shown that there was a problem with his back, else they would have just operated on the knee.

What concerns me is that Bono had bone fragment floating around in his spinal canal. This did not happen over night. It takes years of repeated injury, for the disc to degenerate to that point. X-ray/imagining would have shown this.

I reckon he's having more fun in the bedroom compared to the rest of the band and a lot of other people his age, which is a good thing. Climbing on top of roofs at stadiums may have been amusing 25 years ago but I'm sure that even he knows that this joke has run thin now. Also I'd imagine he's more careful that he doesn't fall of the stage anymore. If I came round to yours and broke a cup you handed me you can forgive if it only happens the once. but if I kept doing the same thing over and over you would say "for flips sake Annie, can't you be more careful?"

When I hurt my back. The first thing my DR. did was to order a full set of spinal x-rays/imaging. After of course, a complete examination. He wanted to see if the vertabre were evenly spaced and to ensure that there were no bone fragments. Compromising my spinal cord. In my case I was fortunate. It was more of a soft tissue injury. The disc was still healthy and intact. Thus, I didn't need surgery.

My recovery was long and very painful. I would be lying. If, I said otherwise. My doctor ordered best rest, anti-inflamatory meds. For a three weeks, only. Because, long term usage of ibuprofen can cause kidney and or liver problems, later on. No steroids, Rooster Booster, were ever prescribed. Then, once I was able to move about, more comfortably. Light physical therapy helped me strengthen my back muscles and regain flexibility. I don't need to see a PT anymore. But, I still do the back strengthening exercises. I was taught. Proper Body Mechanics are golden! I swear by them.

You have to be careful with NSAID's because in the book I mentioned it said that they can affect blood clotting. Do you think that this may have been the cause of the hernia's? I have suspected that he may have been taking steroids in the past, which can help to build up muscle but it says in my book that they are only given under strict medical observation.
That is true. Bono has been having back problems for quite a while. I'm not sure what caused a bone fragment. To float in his spinal canal. I'm just making an educated guess. But, it could be the result from blunt force (falling from a stage, etc.) or advanced stages of degenerative disc disease. If it had been left untreated. Bono could have very possibly ended up in a wheel chair for life. Once the spinal cord nerve endings are compromised. It is usually irreversible.

It was probably caused when he fell off the stage in 2001. And I don't think that it would've got that bad because doesn't a severe compression of the sciatic nerve would not go unnoticed because it would be so painful. Even if it was at night and he was fast asleep he would've been woken up by the intense pain. That's why the reports said Emergency Surgery, because he would've known about it right away. It wouldn't have been like someone walking along with strong healthy legs one minute and the next they were ploughed into by a car and instantly they were crippled for life.

I think the fragments of the disc within the spinal cord canal were a separate matter to the sciatic nerve. When I told my mum about it she said that it's similar to what happened to a colleague she knows at work who was involved in a minor car accident and although she only had whiplash, when her doctor examined her she also found a lump in her breast which luckly was benign. Mum says she thinks that sometimes things like this happen for a reason and it's almost as if something up there is trying to alert you to a problem that has been overlooked. If this women hadn't been in an accident then the lump would've gone unnoticed and could have turned malignant. It's similar thing to what happened to Bono. If the sciatic nerve was not compressed be a knee injury than they probably wouldn't have found the problem in the spinal cord.

And this is for you Benji:

BBC News - Acupuncture pain molecule pinpointed

I'm in no way suggesting that acupuncture is a cure but there are some proven benefits for it aiding pain. You can make up your own mind from this report on whether you trust this professor but Muller's treatment hasn't been proven to be damaging.

It was very sad to hear what happened do that Ethiopain runner but again we do not know what caused her death and we mustn't throw serious accusations around. In Britain there is a sports presenter who's younger brother died of a heart attack in his early 20's. Although they had been no other family history of heart problems, sometimes these things can be passed and lie dormant for a few generations.
It was probably caused when he fell off the stage in 2001. And I don't think that it would've got that bad because doesn't a severe compression of the sciatic nerve would not go unnoticed because it would be so painful. Even if it was at night and he was fast asleep he would've been woken up by the intense pain. That's why the reports said Emergency Surgery, because he would've known about it right away. It wouldn't have been like someone walking along with strong healthy legs one minute and the next they were ploughed into by a car and instantly they were crippled for life.

I think the fragments of the disc within the spinal cord canal were a separate matter to the sciatic nerve. When I told my mum about it she said that it's similar to what happened to a colleague she knows at work who was involved in a minor car accident and although she only had whiplash, when her doctor examined her she also found a lump in her breast which luckly was benign. Mum says she thinks that sometimes things like this happen for a reason and it's almost as if something up there is trying to alert you to a problem that has been overlooked. If this women hadn't been in an accident then the lump would've gone unnoticed and could have turned malignant. It's similar thing to what happened to Bono. If the sciatic nerve was not compressed be a knee injury than they probably wouldn't have found the problem in the spinal cord.

And this is for you Benji:

BBC News - Acupuncture pain molecule pinpointed

I'm in no way suggesting that acupuncture is a cure but there are some proven benefits for it aiding pain. You can make up your own mind from this report on whether you trust this professor but Muller's treatment hasn't been proven to be damaging.

It was very sad to hear what happened do that Ethiopain runner but again we do not know what caused her death and we mustn't throw serious accusations around. In Britain there is a sports presenter who's younger brother died of a heart attack in his early 20's. Although they had been no other family history of heart problems, sometimes these things can be passed and lie dormant for a few generations.

That is a great example. I also have said several times that I personally see benefits from accupuncture. I tried it myself when I had a neck injury (disk) from a car accident in an effort to avoid surgery . I did have pain relief, but ended up having surgery 7 months later as it wasn't sustainable. . Ultimately, with a disk injury, if the PT and other conservative treatments do not resolve the disk issue, then surgery is the option . Especially if you can't feel your arms and legs. That was a problem for me(arms) .

Accupunture-It is also something that has been studied for a long time. As the article clearly points out, it may work in some instances, but not with everyone. Nothing does. Pencillin is a good example. A true wonder drug. It works on many people (well, did ) but it allows infections, to use a general term, to mutate to protect against it. Also, people are allergic to it . Many people.

So, the article in many ways says what I am saying in a general term about these "shots " ( remember, he is injecting a compound(s) with the needles.

1)They have never been studied. So, nobody knows what good, or bad they do. The potential for bad is very , very high.

2) This point in the article also shows the need for it to be studied.

"We need, I would argue, independent replications with more rigorous controls before we can fully accept its findings.

"The curious thing with acupuncture is that we seem to understand better and better how it might work and, at the same time, we have more and more reason to doubt that it works."

Remember again this Dr has never had any sort of study , in any fashion. Look at the viedo I linked. He said " I don't have to have any proof that it works. I know it does and that is all that matters".

Sorry, it doesn't work that way, and it is a major red flag. Would you accept if your Dr said that to you regarding any treatment, or especially, a medicine? Of course you wouldn't. A good Dr would never say that. Want to talk about lawsuits !!!!!

If it worked, then everyone would be doing it. It would be the = to the discovery of Pencillin. There are Dr's who have used some portion of this in Spain, and Italy, but they are all in jail.

" think the fragments of the disc within the spinal cord canal were a separate matter to the sciatic nerve. "

No , I strongly disagree . L-4 L-5 and S-1 more often than not, in time, go together. He would have some strong indication of the degeneration of the disk , including numbess or shooting pain in the LEFT leg. he did, you can see it on many tapes done so far on this tour. Clearly see it. Watch him grab his left side right below the hip . It is CLASSIC L-4 L-5 S-1 problem. It is why we have people walk around the room. You can see it.

The "blowing" of the disk, which could have happened on the tour, or from a heavy workout . The degeneration of the disk, would have been very clear. If he had an MRI at any point in the last year, they would have seen it. The Insurance Company for an athelete, or a Tour , would have put them thru a rigerous Physical. I have done them. They can last 1-3 days. They test everything. They know everything about the History of the people, but as Michael Jackson proves, there are Dr's they go to who will "slide them trhough". Wasn't that LiveNation too? The dollars involved in this were staggering, and the pressure to go on would have been enormous. There is actually a great article about it I will link. They had Millions of their own money tied up for 2 years plus, just to build the stage .

If Bono were injured in 2001, ( he was) then his history, or that,, and lower back problems that come naturally, the disk would have been clear on any MRI . It usually doesn't just happen, without a servere trauma. I mean servere! there is also had the naturally occuring degeneration of the bone, disk that everyone has some form of as they age. I am sure he was scanned, and it would have shown the density of the bone, or any abnormalities long before the accident happened. No question.

" Mum says she thinks that sometimes things like this happen for a reason and it's almost as if something up there is trying to alert you to a problem that has been overlooked."

You Mum is right. Smart women . The majority of problems are usually discovered when looking at something else. Unless someone smashes their finger with something, and it is obvious, we will still look at many other possiblities on why the finger hurts, and often find another, or other problems. All good Dr's do, and I can see no other answer except someone, or a couple of them, tried to ignore an obvious problem. At least tried to get by. With a Football player, or a performer as active as Bono is, that can lead to serious, serious problems. Which is exactly what happened.

The Edge " Bono is known to cut corners. We are going to sit on him to make sure he doesn't this time "

If he is doing his PT , he will be 97 % new. That is an tremendous outcome I would think considering where he was not long ago, and could have easily been forever. There are no shortcuts to spinal cord injuries, knees, backs or necks. None.
Benj is absolutely right.....there are no shortcuts.

My DR. is a JH physician. For those who don't know what this means. It is Johns Hopkins Hospital. They are well respected world wide, for their research. If steroids, Rooster Booster were safe and more importantly, they worked. They certainly would be using them. But, not out of a hotel room.

Bono has had problems for years. Unless, he had severe blunt force injury to his back. This did not happen over night.

I have had two back injuries. The second by far, was the worst. Both times, because of pain in my legs, Sciatica. X-ray/imaging was done. The injuries were around five years apart. The x-rays were compared and my spine was not being compromised in any way. The lumbar disc was still intact, no evidence of bone fragments floating around the spinal cord. Which, can cause paralysis. As painful as it was. I could walk, stand, etc. I did not experience any weakness/paralysis in my legs. That is the red flag! If, I would have. My DR. would not have hesitated for one second to set me up with a surgeon. I would have seen one the same day.

Bono do the PT. It works. Recovery takes time. Don't rush it. If you take proper care of your back from now on. You will be a brand new man!
My mum is 57 and she's never suffered from arthritis, and neither has anyone else I know over 40. For 10 years she's been working in a warehouse lifting heavy pallete's of refridgerated food which is like a giant fridge. My mum is as fit as a fiddle. My godfather is 85 and does not suffer from arthritis. He served as a fighter in the 2nd World War, walks 25 miles a day in London and up until the age of 70 he used to run in the Dublin, London and New York marathons. There is no reason why Bono should not as fit and healthy as my mum or my Godfather.

This is why I was confused because Jorg Tonn said that the herniated disc, torn ligament and compressed Sciatic nerve occurred in the lower leg/knee. The sciatic nerve runs from the back to the thigh and what I thought was that the nerve was compressed within the thigh area not the back. My mum and godfather do not have back problems and neither does Paul or the rest of the band. I can name you plenty of famous people who are older than Bono who do not have back problems. Besides Bono wants to go on all the rides at Disneyland Paris, but he can't if he has a poorly back.

I also thought that the MRI scan must have shown that there was a problem with his back, else they would have just operated on the knee.

I reckon he's having more fun in the bedroom compared to the rest of the band and a lot of other people his age, which is a good thing. Climbing on top of roofs at stadiums may have been amusing 25 years ago but I'm sure that even he knows that this joke has run thin now. Also I'd imagine he's more careful that he doesn't fall of the stage anymore. If I came round to yours and broke a cup you handed me you can forgive if it only happens the once. but if I kept doing the same thing over and over you would say "for flips sake Annie, can't you be more careful?"

Hi Annie,

I am glad that your mom is "fit as a fiddle." And lucky for you. You share her DNA.

Back problems due run in my family. Scoliousis, not sure how to spell it. The bottom of the spine has a slight abnormal curve. Somewhat like a C shape. My grandmom, mom, and both sisters have this. My brother and I are fortunate. We do not.

Interesting point, about carnival rides. I can ride the ferris wheel with my grand daughter. But, any ride that would sling me around. Is off limits.

You have brought up another great point. Walking is excellent for your back. I cannot stress this enough. Your god father sounds amazing! God bless him for staying so active.

When, I mentioned arthritis. I meant stiffness and occasional pain. Not RA, which of course, is a very serious medical condition. My friend has it. And will be having knee replacement with in the next few weeks.

In regards to Bono. Sciatica can be tricky. I felt pain and some numbness in my right leg, down to my ankle. but not in the left. The pain only went to the mid-thigh.

I am very glad to see Bono getting some fresh air. No one wants to be flat on their back in gut wrenching pain. There is no simple cure for back problems. But, a few, easy, life style changes can help greatly. For example, I haven't worn heels over two inches high. in thirteen years. Pretty flats and sensible walking shoes.

Surgery was needed in Bono's case. PT, Proper Body Mechanics and making sure that you don't re-injure, is the usual course of treatment for others.

P.S. Benj pointed out that the injections Bono was receiving could have very well been masking his pain. Bono could have easily been unaware as to how serious his back problem really was. When you are not feeling pain. It is understandable to think that everything is okay.
My mum is 57 and she's never suffered from arthritis, and neither has anyone else I know over 40. For 10 years she's been working in a warehouse lifting heavy pallete's of refridgerated food which is like a giant fridge. My mum is as fit as a fiddle. My godfather is 85 and does not suffer from arthritis. He served as a fighter in the 2nd World War, walks 25 miles a day in London and up until the age of 70 he used to run in the Dublin, London and New York marathons. There is no reason why Bono should not as fit and healthy as my mum or my Godfather.

This is why I was confused because Jorg Tonn said that the herniated disc, torn ligament and compressed Sciatic nerve occurred in the lower leg/knee. The sciatic nerve runs from the back to the thigh and what I thought was that the nerve was compressed within the thigh area not the back. My mum and godfather do not have back problems and neither does Paul or the rest of the band. I can name you plenty of famous people who are older than Bono who do not have back problems. Besides Bono wants to go on all the rides at Disneyland Paris, but he can't if he has a poorly back.

I also thought that the MRI scan must have shown that there was a problem with his back, else they would have just operated on the knee.

I reckon he's having more fun in the bedroom compared to the rest of the band and a lot of other people his age, which is a good thing. Climbing on top of roofs at stadiums may have been amusing 25 years ago but I'm sure that even he knows that this joke has run thin now. Also I'd imagine he's more careful that he doesn't fall of the stage anymore. If I came round to yours and broke a cup you handed me you can forgive if it only happens the once. but if I kept doing the same thing over and over you would say "for flips sake Annie, can't you be more careful?"

Hi Annie,

I am glad that your mom is "fit as a fiddle." And lucky for you. You share her DNA.

Back problems due run in my family. Scoliousis, not sure how to spell it. The bottom of the spine has a slight abnormal curve. Somewhat like a C shape. My grandmom, mom, and both sisters have this. My brother and I are fortunate. We do not.

Interesting point, about carnival rides. I can ride the ferris wheel with my grand daughter. But, any ride that would sling me around. Is off limits.

You have brought up another great point. Walking is excellent for your back. I cannot stress this enough. Your god father sounds amazing! God bless him for staying so active.

When, I mentioned arthritis. I meant stiffness and occasional pain. Not RA, which of course, is a very serious medical condition. My friend has it. And will be having knee replacement with in the next few weeks.

In regards to Bono. Sciatica can be tricky. I felt pain and some numbness in my right leg, down to my ankle. but not in the left. The pain only went to the mid-thigh.

I am very glad to see Bono getting some fresh air. No one wants to be flat on their back in gut wrenching pain. There is no simple cure for back problems. But, a few, easy, life style changes can help greatly. For example, I haven't worn heels over two inches high. in thirteen years. Pretty flats and sensible walking shoes.

Surgery was needed in Bono's case. PT, Proper Body Mechanics and making sure that you don't re-injure, is the usual course of treatment for others.

P.S. Benj pointed out that the injections Bono was receiving could have very well been masking his pain. Bono could have easily been unaware as to how serious his back problem really was. When you are not feeling pain. It is understandable to think that everything is okay.

"I felt pain and some numbness in my right leg, down to my ankle. but not in the left. The pain only went to the mid-thigh. "

Most people will get the pain to mid thigh.It can be one side or the other depending on the " Lean" I have to link these video's. You can clearly see it on Bono. We saw it at both shows.

He has been dealing with problems for years . yes, a fall off the stage would contibute easily, but more telling is the "rough sex injury" he suffered in 2003. . There are interviews where the person said he was in much more severe pain than was said . He isn't going to say "I am 40 now and my back is going out". Rough sex would be a rock star comment.

I think this Dr didn't really tell him how bad it was. Did the Michael Jackson say how bad the drugs were? No. There is a enormous pressure to "please" these patients , and they can be quite demanding. They want you to tell them what they want to hear.

Also, the last thing this Dr wanted was for Bono to come to the conclusion it wasn't working . Not very good PR I would think. If Bono rejected him, others might take a harder look at what he was, or wasn't doing. Those shots could have been Lidocaine . Nobody knows.

The treatment obviously didn't help the problem over 7 years . I am strongly convinced they knew about this ( Had to ) and were trying to delay the inevitiable . He ran out of time. The Edge alludes to this in the Skype tape.

As far as a traumatic injury, it could have been a slip walking, or sex, or jumping around. At the point he was at high risk of this happening. Considering his body style and history of back problems.

Remember his body style. He is not tall, and he has a "stout" Irish man body, which has a lower center of Gravity. That puts more pressure on the lower back, and we see many who have chronic L-spine isssues at L4,L5 , which goes to S-1 in most cases.

Disk problems are more common than not as people age. He is 50

Here is a link to some very Good information on LBP. Look at the ages, the problems and who has them. This is a subject that has been studied a zillion times. The treatments are now very helpfull, and pretty much standard. JFK had horrible LBP, and was injecting himself with massive dosages of pain killers. Multiple times a day. It is one of the worst pains a person can suffer.

The more I find about this Dr, I am convinced that this wasn't good for Bono. Especially after rereading the Surgeons complete statement. He was dangerously close to having this be for good. you don't let a disk in that condition go that long. The consequence is too serious.

Lumbar Disk Problems in the Athlete: eMedicine Sports Medicine A good overview.

A walking Dad , doing 25 miles is awesome. That is part of the reason he doesn't have problems. Walking is one of the best exercises, and works as good as running, but with way less impact. It strengthens the LB muscles, and that goes a long way towards avoiding, or minimizing these disk emergencies.

Which is why I hope Bono is doing his PT ! There is a short window after surgery. Use it or lose it does apply.
Can we move these medical discussions somewhere else? As far as I see it's not about Bono or U2 anymore and I feel we should stop discussing private medical stuff in a U2 related forum. There are no updates about Bono's health so there's no news to discuss. It's really getting impossible to read through all these endless comments that mostly repeat what has already been said here.
This is why I was confused because Jorg Tonn said that the herniated disc, torn ligament and compressed Sciatic nerve occurred in the lower leg/knee. The sciatic nerve runs from the back to the thigh and what I thought was that the nerve was compressed within the thigh area not the back. My mum and godfather do not have back problems and neither does Paul or the rest of the band. I can name you plenty of famous people who are older than Bono who do not have back problems. Besides Bono wants to go on all the rides at Disneyland Paris, but he can't if he has a poorly back.

Firstly, we don't know whether Paul or any other band member has back problems. We know for sure that Larry does.

Secondly, a comprssed sciatic nerve does indeed cause pain and numbness in ALL areas of a leg, right down to the toes.

Thirdly, a bad back has nothing to do with age.
I have to jump in here. I agree with you LU, but you crack me up. :lol:
Why do feel it necessary to police the comments people make for being off topic and then commence to join the off topic discussion..after you comment about Paul and Larry.:scratch: like that justifies it. :lol: You are too funny!!
Firstly, we don't know whether Paul or any other band member has back problems. We know for sure that Larry does.

Secondly, a comprssed sciatic nerve does indeed cause pain and numbness in ALL areas of a leg, right down to the toes.

Thirdly, a bad back has nothing to do with age.

Really? Surely you jest !
Can we move these medical discussions somewhere else? As far as I see it's not about Bono or U2 anymore and I feel we should stop discussing private medical stuff in a U2 related forum. There are no updates about Bono's health so there's no news to discuss. It's really getting impossible to read through all these endless comments that mostly repeat what has already been said here.

And much of it is speculating, particularly the "medical jargon".
Can we move these medical discussions somewhere else? As far as I see it's not about Bono or U2 anymore and I feel we should stop discussing private medical stuff in a U2 related forum. There are no updates about Bono's health so there's no news to discuss. It's really getting impossible to read through all these endless comments that mostly repeat what has already been said here.

I have to jump in here. I agree with you LU

I agree with LU, I want to read about Bono's recovery not medical jargon.

I've enjoyed the medical info and personally find discussing typical back problems involving the type of injury Bono had to be interesting and informative. Because most of the discussion is about what would usually happen with a injury/surgery of this type, it allows me to get a feel for it without actually invading his privacy, because it's more about the medical condition and less about Bono in particular. I realise that "less about Bono in particular" might not sit well with some, but I personally find it better.

As for what section of the board this thread is in, I don't really care. I click on New Posts and then pick whatever threads look interesting, so I'll see it wherever it is.

I do suggest those who find post from particular posters annoying should employ the ignore feature or should become skilled at the scroll and skim method. Either is better than the bitch and moan method -- unless bitching and moaning is what floats your boat. And if that's the case...well, go for it! :wink:
Can we move these medical discussions somewhere else? As far as I see it's not about Bono or U2 anymore and I feel we should stop discussing private medical stuff in a U2 related forum. There are no updates about Bono's health so there's no news to discuss. It's really getting impossible to read through all these endless comments that mostly repeat what has already been said here.

oh god how i agree.

this thread already was warned to stay on topic, but hey whatever. apparently this one is still on topic, but asking about something a moderator brought up in the boston dvd thread and suddenly we're required to always be on topic. looks like we're lucky enough to have a bet both ways.
this thread already was warned to stay on topic, but hey whatever. apparently this one is still on topic, but asking about something a moderator brought up in the boston dvd thread and suddenly we're required to always be on topic. looks like we're lucky enough to have a bet both ways.

If you have a problem with a moderator or something a moderator has done, you need to take it up with them in private. You are well aware of the rules.

Complaints about a moderator's decision regarding a particular post are not be made in posts; instead send a private message to a moderator.
I've enjoyed the medical info and personally find discussing typical back problems involving the type of injury Bono had to be interesting and informative. Because most of the discussion is about what would usually happen with a injury/surgery of this type, it allows me to get a feel for it without actually invading his privacy, because it's more about the medical condition and less about Bono in particular. I realise that "less about Bono in particular" might not sit well with some, but I personally find it better.

As for what section of the board this thread is in, I don't really care. I click on New Posts and then pick whatever threads look interesting, so I'll see it wherever it is.

I do suggest those who find post from particular posters annoying should employ the ignore feature or should become skilled at the scroll and skim method. Either is better than the bitch and moan method -- unless bitching and moaning is what floats your boat. And if that's the case...well, go for it! :wink:

Same here. I enjoyed reading all of the post. I learned quite a bit.

I want to thank Benj. For the medical advice, expertise and research. It took quite a bit of time for Benj to do so. And share it with us.
"I felt pain and some numbness in my right leg, down to my ankle. but not in the left. The pain only went to the mid-thigh. "

Most people will get the pain to mid thigh.It can be one side or the other depending on the " Lean" I have to link these video's. You can clearly see it on Bono. We saw it at both shows.


The reason I had so much pain and problem with in my dominant leg. Well to be honest, was because of my own stupidity. I didn't listen.

I was the only female, who could easily throw men down onto mats and had the best round house kicks, in my black belt classes. Getting to a higher dan/degree was all too important.

My childish ego.

My DR. did warn me with my first bouts of Sciatica. Two years prior, in fact. To give up Martial Arts for good. But, I continued to train. Against, his advice. And it caught up with me.

Bono......Do the PT. I know, it hurts. But, it's worth it. Disc problems effect the surrounding soft tissue.
Same here. I enjoyed reading all of the post. I learned quite a bit.

I want to thank Benj. For the medical advice, expertise and research. It took quite a bit of time for Benj to do so. And share it with us.

Not medical advice. Just some facts in regard to what the usual circumstances are with this type of injury. In General, they usually follow a couple of distinct "roads" . The German Surgeon's brief gave a lot of clues, and I know what I saw at shows.

Glad to share it. If anything, I really want to give hope for the return. It was the right thing for him to do. He really didn't have any choice, and although he may not feel it right now , it will change the pain he went thru over the last few years . That is a good thing in my opinion.

Yes, throwing men around the mats will do it. You went a long way, but long term health is most important I think. Be very proud of the level you achieved. I know how difficult the "arts" can be. It is an art.

Other lesson, is don't let a Dr inject you with something that nobody has, ever, examined as to long term consequences. That is as dangerous as dangerous can be. It is not worth it.
^yeap, i remember one interview he did, where he was cruising round dublin, and the interviewer said he was in the passenger seat and feared for his life
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