MOOBDay - Captions . . .#2!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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:larry:: Oh, geez. Now they are discussing my hickey.

:lol: Damn right we are!
:larry:: Oh, geez. Now they are discussing my hickey.

sorry, I couldn't help myself

actually, when I first read this I was like :shocked: there's a pic of LMJ with a what?!?!?!

:larry:: Dammit! Bono has to be in EVERY photo, doesn't he?
:adam:: He can't help himself.


:edge:: So, are you coming over later to see my latest additions to my beanie collection?
:larry:: Now isn't really the time, Edge. . .


:Sharon Corr: Everyone please give a big hand for Adam Clayton!
:larry:: Oh, :censored:, not again!

well played - Abby you're on fire!

:larry:: Really, you've GOT to feel this! My heart rate is incredible!
:bodyguard:: (mumbles to self) This is the last time I agree to work for a vegetarian health nut.

a vegetarian health nut who smokes

Oh and I've never seen that pic before - of him with the bodyguard. Where'd you find it?

Abby... pretty much all for the win! On fire, girl!


:larry: "Dude... looks like you dropped a little black book of some sort."

TW: "Oh... thanks.:shifty:"


:larry:"Wuh Uh Oh Uh Uh Oh Uh Oh Oh Uh Uh Oh

If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
Don't be mad once you see that he want it
If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it"

Abby... pretty much all for the win! On fire, girl!


:larry: "Dude... looks like you dropped a little black book of some sort."

TW: "Oh... thanks.:shifty:"


:larry:"Wuh Uh Oh Uh Uh Oh Uh Oh Oh Uh Uh Oh

If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
Don't be mad once you see that he want it
If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it"

I'm going to post this because it needs to be posted as often as possible. Seriously.

And as soon as I stop drooling, I may even think of a mildly amusing caption!! :drool:


:larry:: So wait. . .you mean there's a U2 message board where fans get into fights about our measurements, haircuts, shoe choice, and clothing? You lie!
:woman: 'Fraid so
And now, Larry Mullen takes us on a journey around the ramp...

Here we go. Around the ramp again. Being sociable.

Stop. Pose for the fans. Hello, fans.

There's Bono, staring at me with that look on his face again. If only he knew that half of Adam's superglue traps are actually set by me, I'm the one that hides his shineys, pops his beachballs, and put the idea of an H Chord in his head to drive both him and Edge nuts. Go on, you can say it. I'm evil.

Adam. Crap. He had cabbage for lunch today.

Hold your breath. Hold your breath till you're clear of the blast zone.

Hello, The Edge. They say Edge has no butt. Well, let's test that theory.

Hmm. Mm-hmm. I see.

Yes. I can safely say that Edge has no butt. Also, nicked his BlackBerry. The Twitter feed's gonna get interesting later tonight.
And now, Larry Mullen takes us on a journey around the ramp...

Here we go. Around the ramp again. Being sociable.

Stop. Pose for the fans. Hello, fans.

There's Bono, staring at me with that look on his face again. If only he knew that half of Adam's superglue traps are actually set by me, I'm the one that hides his shineys, pops his beachballs, and put the idea of an H Chord in his head to drive both him and Edge nuts. Go on, you can say it. I'm evil.

Adam. Crap. He had cabbage for lunch today.

Hold your breath. Hold your breath till you're clear of the blast zone.

Hello, The Edge. They say Edge has no butt. Well, let's test that theory.

Hmm. Mm-hmm. I see.

Yes. I can safely say that Edge has no butt. Also, nicked his BlackBerry. The Twitter feed's gonna get interesting later tonight.

I did this for a "getting in shape" thread on another forum

Sounds like we're all having a bit of a slump. Time for a little motivation... I'm just warning you, Larry's feeling a little snarky today.

Maybe we're feeling like throwing in the towel


or like we just need someone to lean on


But if you've got hopes of looking anything like me...


You know what you need to do, right?


I'm getting a bit fed up with your excuses


Are those jeans a little tight?


Just shut yer cakehole and get yer arse to the gym or all of this goes away for good!
Here's another one for the same thread. They're not laugh out loud funny but looking at them usually encourages me to get my arse to work out.


Think you're done, honey? Not quite. Let's see you do 10 more minutes.
I thought of that too, Kristen, BELIEVE ME! Especially if you stop scrolling down about 3/4 inch before you reach the bottom of the pic! :macdevil:

I was actually thinking of laminating a couple of them and putting them on the machine as I'm working out - especially the bike - I get so bored on the indoor bike (when the weather's bad), some nice "scenery" might sweeten the ride a bit :giggle: ("ride")
I thought of that too, Kristen, BELIEVE ME! Especially if you stop scrolling down about 3/4 inch before you reach the bottom of the pic! :macdevil:

I was actually thinking of laminating a couple of them and putting them on the machine as I'm working out - especially the bike - I get so bored on the indoor bike (when the weather's bad), some nice "scenery" might sweeten the ride a bit :giggle: ("ride")

I just have to say if I were that girl......I would never stop :shifty:

Oooh good idea. My treadmill is downstairs right in front of my tv so I always pop in a U2 dvd when I'm working out. The player is connected to the stereo so I blast the volume :D
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