Shuttlecock! Part XVII - No Broken Cocks, Just A Swing!

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Hard to explain, essentially it's for an event at school tonight. I'm also playing "Kite" for the show, so there's that.

Supposedly, this event will be filmed. If that's the case, you'll all get to see it.
It opens with me and the others in tuxedos (there are eight of us) doing a ridiculous dance to Hall & Oates' "You Make My Dreams," which is fun.
It opens with me and the others in tuxedos (there are eight of us) doing a ridiculous dance to Hall & Oates' "You Make My Dreams," which is fun.

Wow. That's some quality entertainment, right there!

sweet, I saw you talking about what to perform for the show, Kite is a good choice, make sure you include the Cate Blanchett shout-out just to totally confuse people even more :up:

I still can't believe I liked that movie as much as I did.

I love that movie. I kind of want to ask a girl to prom by shining a light on her face till she comes over to my garage, where I'll be in a sleeveless shirt banging on a car engine with a hammer.
Is this like a Mr. (Whatever)HS thing? I was in mine senior year. Great fun.

Runner up FTW.
Yeah, he won. I don't know what he did for his talent portion though.

I think I only got so far in it due to making people laugh during Q&A and doing a ridiculous interpretive dance for my talent section. I was going to play a song as well, but I figured I'd rather dance to "Rock Me Amadeus."
I think he said his was a speech, not a talent.

We'll each get one question, a random question chosen from a hat. I have no idea what to expect.
Well, this was our format: The 15 or so of us came out and did a choreographed dance in the beginning. Then personal introductions where two of the girls on student council read off our questionnaire answers (favorite color, food, etc). Then talent. Then the judges cut it down to five. Then the five lined up and got one question out of a hat. Mine was about what one birthday wish do I wish came true and I came up with some shit about a unicorn named Douglas.
Ours is: 8 of us do a choreographed dance. Then we "model" our tuxedos individually while the host (last year's winner) reads our biographies. Then we change and do our talents. Then we "model" our casual wear, this time as a group, and each asked a question from a hat.

The casual wear section is ridiculous: one guy is wearing a see-through mesh shirt, another is wearing a space suit. I am personally wearing sunglasses, a camo bandanna, and a really small old basketball jersey.
I've never heard of that kind of contest - that's pretty awesome. I want to see a picture of the guy wearing the space suit for "casual wear"!
My thing starts off with, "Dan (last name withheld) was born on the streets of Upper Darby in 1991, and has been training ever since." I do not at any point reference what I am training for.
Having been in and out of the tour forum the past 24+ hours, it's apparent to me that everywhere but the Shuttlecock thread is a sunshine pumping factory.
Having been in and out of the tour forum the past 24+ hours, it's apparent to me that everywhere but the Shuttlecock thread is a sunshine pumping factory.


i feel like The Other Place is the real pit of vipers.

everyone actually generally respects everyone in here.

except for Dalton.

i feel like The Other Place is the real pit of vipers.

everyone actually generally respects everyone in here.

except for Dalton.

It doubles as both. You're either crazy in love with the band and automatically look for the greatness of anything they do, or you're bitter and longing for the "glory days" of U2 and getting angry over anything remotely praising the band.

There's no in between, aside from Doctor Who.
clingy and needy.

Cuddle up and cling to me. :hug:

It doubles as both. You're either crazy in love with the band and automatically look for the greatness of anything they do, or you're bitter and longing for the "glory days" of U2 and getting angry over anything remotely praising the band.

I've mostly been ignoring the threads in EYKIW and the new album forum, but spending more time killing time browsing in the tour forum.

Looks like the UNLV site is crashing hard for the poor Boots folks. Oh dear.



Did you have trouble getting through the site? Looks like some people are having success now, although there are reports of GA possibly being gone already.

There must be a lot of Boots members.
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