Typical U2 Hater List (feel free to add)

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Aug 19, 2004
The typical U2 hater and what they say to justify why they HATE U2 or their new album. Yes, I am a U2 fan, so I am biased but the reasoning for their hatred is so damn frustrating. Here we go:

Bono- "Huge Ego", “thinks he is so great”, "Pals around with Bush and Blair", "Preaching all the time", "wants us to give money to causes but wont pay taxes in Ireland", "needs to stick to making music instead of trying to save the world"(well, sure, why would you want someone to try and make the world a better place?).

U2-"Too old", "just releasing albums to tour", "just releasing best of's to make money (ever see the Beatles or Rolling Stones Catalog? and who the hell is in any business not to make money??).

U2 Songs- "This song is them trying to sound too young", "this song is U2 by the numbers", "this song sounds like Pump it up", "they ripped off Echo and the Bunnymen” (yea, this one always makes me laugh).

So, they can't write a song that sounds like them (U2) and they can’t write a song that might sound (is just sung really not even close with the melody) like another song (Boots-Pump it Up). They can't write a song like Vertigo/Elevation because they sound like they are trying to be too young and if they manage to write a song that isn't U2 by the numbers or a 0.0001% rip-off of another song (in their opinion) and it doesn't sound too young then guess what...it doesn't matter because Echo and the Mother fuckin Bunnymen were better and U2 stole everything from them.

Okay, I think I summed up some frustration.... feel free to add to my “Typical U2 Hater List”. :doh:
my personal favourite is:
I love, love, love the band .... well, 3 albums .... and they've sucked for the last 10 years or so
but really love them!!!
Here's a few good ones from another band's forum that I inadvertently got myself involved in :doh:

"It seems that they are always looking to write a "hit" song rather than producing albums that are consistent to what people expect of U2. "

"Get on Your Boots" is an absolute joke of a song"

This one is funny:

'I think that WRONG is better than the whole new U2 album. ' :lmao: ok dude.

"Some of the songs remind me of some older songs but not the lyrics. They all sound random and disconnected....I especially hate Unknown Caller. Overall I am not impressed."

"U2 for me are not the same anymore! i more tend to listen to the older stuff, or a best of, but any recent albums I just ...don't know, not instant love....no, not at all...
And Im also fed up with all the huss and fuss and commercials and publicity they doing around U2....everywhere I look, every magazine I open, TV or radio .....U2, U2, U2......bullshit"
I forgot a few:

"I wish they would write songs like they did for Boy, that was the last time they were good"

"I wish they would write songs like they did for October, that was the last time they were good"

"I wish they would write songs like they did for War, that was the last time they were good"

"I wish they would write songs like they did for Unforgettable Fire, that was the last time they were good"

"I wish they would write songs like they did for Joshua Tree, that was the last time they were good" :doh:

and of course "I wont buy their album because they haven’t written anything good since <insert year/album>, but Ill see them when they tour"
If I hear 'I like their old stuff, but....' one more time, I'm probably going to kill someone. Or 'Don't mind their music, but Bono's such an idiot' etc. *sigh*
Bono is a cunt why doesnt he give all his money to africa instead of asking me to give money to africa hes a knobhead and he moved his business to holland so he didnt have to pay tax what a tight bastard hes so up his own arse he should shut up

I've been a fan since 1985, have seen every tour since Unforgetable Fire, but wow, Bono hasn't written a decent song since Pop.
Basically I can tell if someone hates U2 now if they say they really liked the War album.

Well that's just a load of crap, but honestly why do you people constantly get riled up when people put shit on U2? You like them, that should be enough.

And there's nothing wrong with saying "I like their older stuff." That applies in many, many situations and I would bet most people would feel that way about at least one band/artist.
The most common negativity about U2:

"They haven't release a good album since (***insert classic album here***)."

"I can't stand Bono. (***insert name-calling/request to make Bono disappear here***)." :crack:
Well that's just a load of crap, but honestly why do you people constantly get riled up when people put shit on U2? You like them, that should be enough.

And there's nothing wrong with saying "I like their older stuff." That applies in many, many situations and I would bet most people would feel that way about at least one band/artist.

nah... I dont get mad, I just think of it as their loss. and i agree, I like many bands "older stuff" too, for instance the band LIVE, I love the older stuff but the new stuff really doesnt grab me
The thing is about haters, is that you can ask them what their favorite artists are, and most of us could throw back those exact same comments.

REM, INXS, Costello, Springsteen: haven't heard anything new in years, all sounds the same

Madonna: trying to be hip by pairing up with artists in their 20's. Tries to look too young.

Coldplay (and other clones): nothing original - only copying what was done by other bands.

And we can say the whole "trying to act cool" or "act young" or makes "crappy music" about tons of other artists.

So I let the haters hate. With the type of album sales U2 have enjoyed, and the type of tour numbers they've put up, and the types of awards they've won, U2 don't have to prove anything to anyone. Plus, no one artist will appeal to everyone. There are plenty of people who don't like The Beatles, for example.

Still, if I'm going to add to this list:

"Their music doesn't appeal to me - but I like Coldplay". :doh:
Well that's just a load of crap, but honestly why do you people constantly get riled up when people put shit on U2? You like them, that should be enough.

And there's nothing wrong with saying "I like their older stuff." That applies in many, many situations and I would bet most people would feel that way about at least one band/artist.

You are right, I myself do get riled up and really I shouldn’t because I like them and that’s all that should matter. But at the same time, it pisses me off when people call Bono a "self-righteous dick" when this guy has done a lot of good in the world when its not a cool thing to do. Turn on the news or any "news/entertainment related show" (TMZ, Entertainment tonight, ect.) its all Britney, Lindsey and Paris go out to a club and do drugs (like its this cool thing). Then you get a guy like Bono, who does the uncool thing and goes to Africa, meets with President Bush (who pledged a lot of money towards AIDS mind you)...but that’s not on these programs. In the end, it’s all about what the people want and they want the dirt…so be it!
The thing I get most often is things like "I just hate them."

And usually when you get right down to it, it's about Bono. So many people are so uninformed about what Bono does in his charity work that they make these judgments about him.

So many people hate Bono for no rational reason.

One person said to me the other day, "No, Bono. You can't have my money."

And my response is always "Oh. Ok. So you hate Africans?
yep! Ive gotten that one. its the absolute worst

btw, kind of off topic this just came to mind- but doesnt this smiley look like Thom Yorke: :crack: lol. Had to get that off my chest...

LOL...LOL it does look like it has sort of a lazy eye......whats up with that
"Their music doesn't appeal to me - but I like Coldplay". :doh:[/QUOTE]

Don't even get me started on that one. I'm not sure there is anyone on this forum that hates Coldplay as much as me, but any opportunity to slag them off and I will take it.
I think we shouldn't pay too much attention to people that dislike the band and ACTUALLY take the time to write about it.

I personally don't care who likes what, because I'm pretty sure other people don't give a rat's ass what I like.

And besides, how would the world be if we all like the same exact thing? Where would the fun of reading why a certain band sucks or rulezzzz!!111 be... LOL

ehh not to turn this into a coldplay discussion (we have enough of those around here), and I actually love coldplay, but I think of them kind of as the poor man's U2. Like each member of their band is trying to be the U2 counterpart, except they are not as good.

most people need to learn to stop defining U2 as Bono. I think of U2 as a whole not Bono, and I am glad when more than just Bono are vocal during interviews. Not that I want bono to neccesarily take a back seat, but I think its important that people realize that its not the bono band- its U2

(actually its the larry mullen band, but thats a different story)

and I must once again end this post with Thom Yorke: :crack:
omfg!!!11 i hait da u2 cuz i can heer there music blasting by all teh soccermomz in they're minivans!!1111
ehh not to turn this into a coldplay discussion (we have enough of those around here), and I actually love coldplay, but I think of them kind of as the poor man's U2. Like each member of their band is trying to be the U2 counterpart, except they are not as good.


But this will not be a Coldplay discussion.

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