The Temple Bar - The Week of the Leak1!! Who Cares!??11! UYMFA!

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That's not a bad idea. I can try. I did tear up the box pretty bad though. But it doesn't hurt to at least try! If they do take it back I think I'll try for a shorter bookcase this time. And a different brand. Perhaps at a different store.

Yeah, I kinda know it's not true, but I kinda don't. When I'm here all alone my insecurities tend to get the best of me. When I'm with my friends and telling them about what I'm doing I feel affirmed and encouraged. I don't really have that community here yet. So, until I do, I just feel out of place.

You'll find your niche soon enough. Do you like your new roommates? Are they people you'd hang out with, or is it just a living arrangement?
You'll find your niche soon enough. Do you like your new roommates? Are they people you'd hang out with, or is it just a living arrangement?

They seem cool. Perhaps when I'm finally settled we could hang out. The one yesterday decided to give me his family history. Haha that was weird, but I guess he was just trying to make conversation.
They seem cool. Perhaps when I'm finally settled we could hang out. The one yesterday decided to give me his family history. Haha that was weird, but I guess he was just trying to make conversation.

That is kind of bizarre, lol. Anything interesting?

Sarah got a place with friends, so she has built-in socialization right there. One of the girls just started a co-op term, so they subletted her room, and so far they really seem to like the new roomie.
Gotta move some more songs over to my new laptop. A lot more songs (1200 or so).
that's a solid album, lila. i was listening to it on my drive home the other day.

:yes: I may have to play it again :D The UPS man showed up at my door during MLK :grumpy: But he did bring me the work stuff I've needed, and a new jacket I bought on sale online at The Gap. WIN! :hi5:
No holidays for those of us in BC until Easter. :angry: Obviously we don't believe in families around here. :laugh:

I will probably take a long weekend later on this month, or in February. We'll see. I just can't wait until whenever Easter is for a long weekend. :sigh:
I have no idea but I took the damn day off, I'll tell you that! :hi5:

Lol, yeah, I just remember thinking it was weird. It fell during UW's reading week last year, but they didn't get an extra day off in lieu of. Profs and support staff generally have pretty sweet contracts including things like that, so I was kind of surprised.
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