South Sandwich Islands Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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I wish I'd kept my big mouth shut in late 2004.

I once ranked it second after UF. :reject:

Now it's in my bottom three. Talk about no staying power. Plus I think my tastes expanded and matured a lot around 2005-06.

Wow. You oughta stay in that box. Boy recently passed up AB (displacing AB to 5th), and War is 3rd.
same here, i remember it being pretty high (though not top three) for me at first. i think it was fourth or fifth for me.

in retrospect, it's not a bad album. you just have to turn the volume down and reorder the tracks. i still like cobl.

You also need to replace Vertigo with Native Son, bring in alternate ABOY's lyrics, include Smile and Fast Cars, and turf out SYCMIOYO and Yahweh.

It still doesn't solve the problem of shithouse lyrics, though. WE NEEDZ SUM LUV N PEAS.
I hate the shitty soap opera theme music piano at the beginning of COBL. And how there isn't a sweet guitar solo which goes back into the chorus of LAPOE. And how the lyrics are bad on everything. And how no matter what Peterrrrr says, Bono's voice is gone.

Agreed mostly. God, Bono's voice is just so disappointing. It's hoarse and completely lacks the impact it once had. I wish he'd let Edge take on more vocal duties. But since he's a talentless hack, he'd have nothing to do, and his huge ego compels him to be in the limelight.

Too bad the lyrics are going to suck. Seriously, from what I've heard, you have nothing to be optimistic about. Unless you've heard something different. If Bono from 1987 got into a time machine and went 20 years into the future to record about 12, and you knew about it, you'd tell me, right?

:lol: I wish. I'm convinced eighties Bono would kick today's Bono in the head for all the stupid things he's done post-Pop.
Yes, yes it is. Here's another Melbourne sign:

ugh! but omg...mass transit!! :love:
You also need to replace Vertigo with Native Son, bring in alternate ABOY's lyrics, include Smile and Fast Cars, and turf out SYCMIOYO and Yahweh.

It still doesn't solve the problem of shithouse lyrics, though. WE NEEDZ SUM LUV N PEAS.

Bono needs to read poetry again.
Is there a European contingent on this site?

Yeah, GG2 who's a semi-regular in the Superthreads is Dutch. JanuaryStar's popped in occasionally and she's Dutch too. We used to have some Danish people around, but U2Man's banned and I've no idea what happened to yimou.

And of course there are plenty of Brits.
:lol: I wish. I'm convinced eighties Bono would kick today's Bono in the head for all the stupid things he's done post-1995.

Yeah. If 80s Bono went into the future and saw current Bono, he'd probably kill himself then so current Bono wouldn't have a chance to exist.
You also need to replace Vertigo with Native Son, bring in alternate ABOY's lyrics, include Smile and Fast Cars, and turf out SYCMIOYO and Yahweh.

It still doesn't solve the problem of shithouse lyrics, though. WE NEEDZ SUM LUV N PEAS.
YES. for me, fast cars is on my disc so i tend to think of it as being on the album, but still. i approve of these changes :up:

yeah, exactly. plus pretty much every song on the album was loads better live. they're the kind of band who would benefit from touring a bit to test out the new songs. then, mid-tour, they go to a studio and lay down the tracks. they're a huge band, it's not like they still couldn't sell out stadiums if they were playing a bunch of unknown songs.
Wow. You oughta stay in that box. Boy recently passed up AB (displacing AB to 5th), and War is 3rd.

Today's Axver rankings:

1. UF
2. JT
3. Passengers
4. Boy
5. October
6. Pop
7. War
8. Zooropa
9. RAH
10. Achtung

Much better than whatever crap I thought in 2004.
Yeah, GG2 who's a semi-regular in the Superthreads is Dutch. JanuaryStar's popped in occasionally and she's Dutch too. We used to have some Danish people around, but U2Man's banned and I've no idea what happened to yimou.

And of course there are plenty of Brits.

For some reason, I don't consider Brits to be European. I suppose I should.
Today's Axver rankings:

1. UF
2. JT
3. Passengers
4. Boy
5. October
6. Pop
7. War
8. Zooropa
9. RAH
10. Achtung

Much better than whatever crap I thought in 2004.

Today's Tourism rankings:

Passengers (don't hate me :reject: )
Shit. Actually, U2 should stop doing songs from before 1995 as Bono can't sing them.
I'm glad you guys have kicked up the posting and I have to try to keep up now. :lol:

ewwww, same here! i tried to like pumpkin, i really did. i made homemade pumpkin pie (which is the exact same thing as frozen pie, so don't waste the effort) and i don't like it. i can stomach like half a slice, and that's it. and i doubt i'd like it in savoury dishes either, like pumpkin rotini or whatever the hell that dish is.

it was. but the good thing is, having worked there for four years, i'm still cool going there to eat. i never saw people spit in drinks or cook food that was dropped on the floor. and besides, i wouldn't want to bite into a chunk of fat on a grilled sandwich (that's what the fat was trimmed for, it wasn't for the fried stuff).

i know! i really want to. i need to see about financial aid. how does that stuff work over there? here, you fill out a form every year (called a fafsa) and send the results to whatever colleges you specify. from there, you find out about scholarships, grants, and loans.

I find pumpkin intolerable. It's easily one of my least favourite foods. But bizarrely, I enjoy my mother's pumpkin soup! It's the only possible way I'll touch the stuff.

Hah. I've always wondered about some of the fast food places around here, some seem fairly dodgy ... not to mention stupidly overpriced!

Well, I'm in a Commonwealth Supported Place at uni, but you need to be an Aussie or Kiwi citizen to get that. Most people at uni are in a CSP. Basically, the government covers most of your fees, then the couple of thousand dollars a semester left, you can either pay up-front and get a discount, or defer it (and if you don't earn above a certain amount, you don't have to pay it back!). But I really don't know how things work for non-citizens.
Shit. Actually, U2 should stop doing songs from before 1995 as Bono can't sing them.

Judging by the Vertigo Tour versions of TEC actually being fairly definitive versions of the song, he can actually pull it off sometimes.
Judging by the Vertigo Tour versions of TEC actually being fairly definitive versions of the song, he can actually pull it off sometimes.

Well sure, the music is better than ever before as The Edge is better technically than he's ever been (except for, of course, Lovetown). But Bono's voice? :doh:
I just want them to ditch Pride and One.

Absolutely. Bullet and SBS too - Bullet can still sound good, but it's way over-played, and SBS just feels so pedestrian now. Oh, and WOWY should have never been performed live since the end of 1992. Especially not without Shine Like Stars. The U2 3D version is so unsatisfying.

FFS, U2, you really don't need to play EVERY DAMN HIT in concert. A casual fan's still going to be very happy if you just play ten radio hits, five new songs, and eight uncommon tracks.
Bono needs to read poetry again.

Agreed entirely. I'd identify that as a huge problem nowadays. What he's reading has always been reflected in his lyrics, and now I'm not sure he's even reading at all. Or if he is, it's just bland pop economics and notes on meeting Bush. Fuck off.

Yeah. If 80s Bono went into the future and saw current Bono, he'd probably kill himself then so current Bono wouldn't have a chance to exist.


I've said before that I truly would not be upset if U2 had broken up after Lovetown.
Absolutely. Bullet and SBS too - Bullet can still sound good, but it's way over-played, and SBS just feels so pedestrian now. Oh, and WOWY should have never been performed live since the end of 1992. Especially not without Shine Like Stars. The U2 3D version is so unsatisfying.

FFS, U2, you really don't need to play EVERY DAMN HIT in concert. A casual fan's still going to be very happy if you just play ten radio hits, five new songs, and eight uncommon tracks.

U2 should have just pulled a Beatles in 1993 and quit touring. Bono's voice was still decent. Popmart did it in, though. And hanging out with Oasis. But yeah--U2 should play the hits off the last couple albums and then deeper album cuts.
I've said before that I truly would not be upset if U2 had broken up after Lovetown.

I wish they just would've followed Lovetown further into the next album and not Dream It All Up Again. And just play little short tours so as not to kill Bono's voice.
YES. for me, fast cars is on my disc so i tend to think of it as being on the album, but still. i approve of these changes :up:

yeah, exactly. plus pretty much every song on the album was loads better live. they're the kind of band who would benefit from touring a bit to test out the new songs. then, mid-tour, they go to a studio and lay down the tracks. they're a huge band, it's not like they still couldn't sell out stadiums if they were playing a bunch of unknown songs.

Fast Cars should actually be worked into the album properly. It's a good track. The lyrics aren't moronic and the music's fun. (Also, I prefer it over Xanax And Wine.)

I've never understood why U2 don't road-test songs live any more. It clearly worked for them in the early eighties. Their songs always grow and evolve and they'd benefit so much from the procedure. They've never been a studio band! And, hell, I think heaps of people would be buying tickets on the prospect of "U2 play unreleased new material exclusively live!" But McGuinne$$ is probably scared bootleggers will eat into his precious profits or some stupid shit like that.

This pretty much sums up Bono from 1996 on:


:lmao: SuperWinFail.
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