New vid on!

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its fake!!! look at the way Danny looks at the camera at the end. they have so just gotten someone to go and play something so we all go crazy about it, and its just a ver y basic glokenspiel riff. haha wily foxes!
It'll just be a layer on a track... a fly on the camel's back (if it's not fake). Ther were some interesting comments:

- "it might just be a ghost"
- The comment by Bono about motorcycles... didn't the shoot in Cadiz contain a motorcycle journey or something?
- "I'm getting excited"
oh wow, I think this clip is great cause it lets us in to their studio moreso than other clips....if that makes sense

with other clips, we get bono staring at a laptop, brian staring at a keyboard, adam bouncing his head to a bass line....but no personality in that's what I take out of this clip....

anyway...I was wondering, how old do you think these clips are? So if we got this clip today, do you think it was actually from today? or yesterday? or when?!

Anyway, it's getting exciting :D
its fake!!! look at the way Danny looks at the camera at the end. they have so just gotten someone to go and play something so we all go crazy about it, and its just a ver y basic glokenspiel riff. haha wily foxes!

Ha, that's the same impression I got. Look at Bono while it's playing, it's like he's cracking up.

anyway...I was wondering, how old do you think these clips are? So if we got this clip today, do you think it was actually from today? or yesterday? or when?!

I don't think these clips are recent. Bono hasn't been in Dublin in at least a month.
:hmm: Are those bells the intro to the first single (sounds like a nice riff for Edge) and are they pre-viewing the video ?

They should have titled this last video "the hyperactive Daniel Lanois".
cool video - not much you can get out of it except maybe some intro to one of the songs (or endings). i'm hoping this album is not going to be all cute and stuff. give me dark, with plenty of attitude thanks.:mad:
I still say all these clips are the band deliberately yanking our chain. I'll bet someone is watching the boards, reading all the discussion shit and they are thinking to themselves what can we do to really get up their noses. :lol:

Look at the sly grin on Bono's face when he mentions motorcycles. Like they don't know we are going crazy speculating on the motorcycle photo shoot. And before someone gets all hot and bothered about the idea that U2 might be playing tricks on us, stop and consider that it is for them a way of inviting you into the family. Humor is a very important factor in their relationships and if you read a lot of stories about U2 you will see that they often play jokes on people when they are getting to know them as a way of initiating them. To me the idea that they are playing with us is very exciting and in a way is a kind of intimacy.

its fake!!! look at the way Danny looks at the camera at the end. they have so just gotten someone to go and play something so we all go crazy about it, and its just a ver y basic glokenspiel riff. haha wily foxes!

I subscribe to your theory.
cool video - not much you can get out of it except maybe some intro to one of the songs (or endings). i'm hoping this album is not going to be all cute and stuff. give me dark, with plenty of attitude thanks.:mad:

He's supposed to have attitude, attitude! ....SUNGLASSES!

Well, maybe not sunglasses.
I still say all these clips are the band deliberately yanking our chain. I'll bet someone is watching the boards, reading all the discussion shit and they are thinking to themselves what can we do to really get up their noses. :lol:

Look at the sly grin on Bono's face when he mentions motorcycles. Like they don't know we are going crazy speculating on the motorcycle photo shoot. And before someone gets all hot and bothered about the idea that U2 might be playing tricks on us, stop and consider that it is for them a way of inviting you into the family. Humor is a very important factor in their relationships and if you read a lot of stories about U2 you will see that they often play jokes on people when they are getting to know them as a way of initiating them. To me the idea that they are playing with us is very exciting and in a way is a kind of intimacy.


I would agree if U2 had a history of fooling their fans in the wake of a new album, and using internet in the process. If anything they tend to be very secretive about their new material. The "motorcycle" bit seems to suggest they're talking about the new video that was said to include a guy riding a bike.

My theory is the clips are aimed at keeping the excitment going, and keeping the fans on their toes. A little guitar here, a little drums and some bass there...I'm thinking we'll get some vocals soon.
We've been waiting for vocals for a while now. Bono's talked twice on his clips so we'll hear Edge probably next.

I like the one called Larry in the studio. It gives a nice vibe. I love it when U2 get atmospheric. I hope they are putting lots of layers into this music.
I hope we're going to see these clips - and a lot more we haven't seen by then - on a bonus DVD with the new record.
Whoever was playing that (Eno?) screwed up at 52 seconds.
That's why Dan and Bono smiled at the same time.

I don't think it's an indication they are fucking with us.
But they could be fucking with us, nonetheless.
speaking of, he's wearing the same clothes in the edgeback clip.

perhaps they were all filmed on the same day? maybe its only 2 songs and different parts, or perhaps all totally fake!

But it does seem like it was all on the same day (i tihnk edge is in the same clothes every time we see him too)

Probly why we arent getting any vocal, they may not have recorded vocals on that day
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