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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Sep 25, 2004
You claim to be a liberal but you’re just as cold,
As a SS confessor who seeks forgiveness retold,
Through images of penance and perpetual light,
You’ll never believe until you’ve fought for your rights,

In the shadow of a gunman stood proud and tall,
Balaclava born ballets round bullet ridden walls,
Your ignorance and self worth leave little to the mind,
To discern as wit or the lack of such kind,

Words of encouragement your cross let down slow,
Marking valleys with symbols stole just to show,
That mothers and daughters, sisters of sons,
Fathers failing in faith of the only one,

Certainty I’m sure of and this I’ll let you know,
That hypocritical hypothesis hid from the law,
Never teach tolerance or gain much in trust,
But belittle man’s thirst for belief as a must,

At the end of the day or time as it is,
You’ll realise your folly no matter how great,
You consider your intellect,
Your star spangled soul,
You’ll realise that life is much more than you know.
Thanks FH, by the way you can just call me Will, being known as "ZD" may be providing me with some privacy but I'm beyond that so to speak.

I will, Will

:amazingly bad joke: :laugh:

I have a weird sense of privacy.... and I don't identify with my name much. It's all about how you say it that really matters to me......

People most commonly refer to me as Jesse, but that's not all ..... :yes:
:lol: :lol:

I'll refer to you as Jesse with an Australian accent then. :wink:

I think my name sounds better in accents, as opposed to the very monotonous American sound I hear most of the time.

:up: :up: Keep up the writing, it's always a good read.
Thanks man, I'm sorry I haven't been around that much recently but I'll make a comeback soon.:wink:

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