Thanks for the eyewitness account, Bonovation! I know what you mean about the outside tip, GREAT view of Bono and Edge, but yes, there is the squishing, the noisy ones, and the idiotic couple who tries to force their way through, I may have had the same ones behind me in DC!
Every show I was at, the venue always said they were not obligated to honor the fans' numbering system but in the end they always did. I don't know if the band was responsible for that or not. Oh, but in Atlanta, a security guy came out as we were lining up to go in, and yelled loudly 'get in line according to your number. If you don't have a number, GET OUT OF THE LINE, these people have been here all day!' and the crowd cheered. The numbering usually worked out well. At one show, a lady I had met in line the day before cut the line to be with me, and she sat in line with me, even though I was #73 and she was #312. I liked her and didn't want to run her off, but I was afraid we'd both be thrown to the back of the line. As it turned out, the couple ahead of me had saved a place for a friend who showed up and said she couldn't get a ticket, so they gave that girls' #71 to her, everybody got in just fine, and nothing happened.
I think sometimes I got a better spot than some people who were in front of me in line, and once a worse spot than those behind me, because I got a faster or slower wristband line after going in. I ran faster too, despite calls of 'slow down, don't run' like an elementary school safety patrol. Yeah, right. Everyone was running. U2 was waiting.
"I DO go on, don't I?"-Bono, MCI Center, DC, June 14, 2001
Every show I was at, the venue always said they were not obligated to honor the fans' numbering system but in the end they always did. I don't know if the band was responsible for that or not. Oh, but in Atlanta, a security guy came out as we were lining up to go in, and yelled loudly 'get in line according to your number. If you don't have a number, GET OUT OF THE LINE, these people have been here all day!' and the crowd cheered. The numbering usually worked out well. At one show, a lady I had met in line the day before cut the line to be with me, and she sat in line with me, even though I was #73 and she was #312. I liked her and didn't want to run her off, but I was afraid we'd both be thrown to the back of the line. As it turned out, the couple ahead of me had saved a place for a friend who showed up and said she couldn't get a ticket, so they gave that girls' #71 to her, everybody got in just fine, and nothing happened.
I think sometimes I got a better spot than some people who were in front of me in line, and once a worse spot than those behind me, because I got a faster or slower wristband line after going in. I ran faster too, despite calls of 'slow down, don't run' like an elementary school safety patrol. Yeah, right. Everyone was running. U2 was waiting.
"I DO go on, don't I?"-Bono, MCI Center, DC, June 14, 2001