Where Can I Get the Japanese Version of HTDAAB?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Nov 6, 2000
Back in Buenos Aires
Hi, I normally prefer Japanese releases of U2 because of the bonus track and because that, in general, they come better equalized and processed (or, for some reason, my stereo reads them better). I have gone to several stores (e.g., Tower Records, Borders, etc.) but have not been able to find it yet. Has anyone in the U.S. seen it / got it?

Thanks a lot, any help would be very much appreciated.

I am also surprised that Amazon is charging $50 for it! When I bought previous Japanese editions I paid something like $30/$35 tops for a Japanese release... looks like a rip-off.
A Denon XR-309. I bought it a few years ago since I wanted something more premium. I find that the Japanese CDs have slightly lower basses than the American ones, which seems to help the player (even though I can play with the equalizer). I know, I know, I am a fanatic... but with U2 it's worth it (I do not do this for any other bands).
Ahh, ok. I had a theory going there about a japanese sound system would somehow play the japanese version better, but I realize now that we are talking about those differences that only (quote: my friend that is one) the Audiofil can notice...:wink:

EDIT: Don't know how well that word works in english, but it means a person sincerely interested in a theme. E.g. an Autofil is a person more than average interested in cars...=)
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U2@NYC said:
I am also surprised that Amazon is charging $50 for it! When I bought previous Japanese editions I paid something like $30/$35 tops for a Japanese release... looks like a rip-off.

I know. :| I had wanted to order it at one time but I just can't justify spending that much on it.
Hmmm, that is another interesting theory, but there are so many Japanese brands in the market that I do not whether it would make a difference.

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