What's the worst thing you discovered about your mate?

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Worst thing I discovered about a past boyfriend...he sings in the shower and has THE WORST VOICE I HAVE EVER HEARD. I mean I'm no great singer, but he wailed like a banshee and sounded like a cross between a train grinding to a halt and a burglar alarm going off.

I considered investing in some ear plugs, but then I decided to break up with him instead. :p
haha zoner. you and my husband would get on well. he insists he does a fine job on the laundry (not saying you don't) but he is banished forever from the laundry. after he put the car zapper through the wash (and then stole mine to cover his mistake), and about 20 tissues from unemptied pockets, he has a life ban. he actually blamed me for his jeans not fitting. said it was me using the dryer. couldn't have been the beer at all...noooo. :rolleyes: i dont put his clothes through the dryer, but anyways.

i take inept laundry capabilities over the simpsons any day still.
The worst thing I discovered is that my wife has the sexual appetite of a rabbit. I mean give it a rest already. I have needs. Can't we just cuddle and spend time talking? What ever happened to just being together. But no, she just continues to use me for my body.

Whatever happened to the quiet shy girl I met at the Christian College, who would not kiss me until we were married?

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