What song has missed your orbit?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Jan 19, 2001
s p o r a t i c
I am curious.

What song have you wanted to see live, and have gone to multiple shows, but has just simply not been played to you?

It has to be a song that was actually being played on tour.

Here is my example:

Since the Sept 14th 1987 show I went to, I have been DYING to hear the band play and end a show with the full version of 40.

Now I have gone to multiple shows on the following tours:


And they did not do this at any single show I went to. now they did play it at a show the day after or a day before the ones I went to, but not on that date.

My example for instance is that I went to 3 MSG shows in 2005. I went on May 22, Oct 7 and Oct 14, but I did not hear that song at any of these.

Now this is not a complaint thread, just one in which a song has been played, but has not been in the same parallel universe as yours...
2 shows, the Vertigo to Bad ratio is 4:0, although at least I did get to see the one U2 song I prefer to it, Running To Stand Still, twice.
If they play Out of Control in Portland and I never get to see them in concert again, I will consider myself fulfilled.

Sad, but fulfilled. :wink:
I only went to one show so it's a long list! :angry:

But I think it's a tie between An Cat Dubh / Into the Heart and Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses (electric).
Well, out of all the songs played on the first leg, the only two I didn't hear are Stuck In A Moment and ISHFWILF, both of which I don't really care to hear anyway.

Talking about the tour as a whole, there's a few, with Crumbs From Your Table being the most glaring one (it's my second-favourite on HTDAAB). I'd also love to catch Fast Cars, Discotheque, and Miss Sarajevo.
I've been to four shows over the last two tours, and have never got to hear I Will Follow. It's not a particular favorite of mine, but it seems to be a highlight of the live sets for many...
I am a bit obsessed about seeing songs live that I have never seen before, and the four shows I saw gave me almost all on my wish-list (Gloria, An Cat Dubh, Electric Co., First Time, Fast Cars, The Ocean, Party Girl, Running to Stand Still, Miss Sarajevo, "40".) I never got Bad or Out of Control or All I Want is You but I'll live because I saw them all last tour. There were two which I missed and am kicking myself for are Crumbs, though it's not really a favorite, and Wild Horses, which has always been one of my favorites. I will pray to the U2 gods that one day I will see it live. :sad:
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Out of control, Gloria, The Ocean, An Cat Dubh, Bad, Original Of The Species, Fast Cars, 40, Crumbs, Electric Wild horses..
Discotheque! Why oh why did I choose to go to 9/21 instead of 9/20? One show off! :mad:

Oh well, I just consider myself lucky for being able to see them at 4 shows this tour, regardless of what they played.
One of my pals has been with me to see U2 three times, and they have yet to play his favourite song (All I Want Is You), despite it being in fairly frequent rotation for each tour. It's one of my favourites too, so I wish I'd been able to see it.

I'm glad I've been able to see just about all of my other favourite songs played live once, with the exception of real obscure stuff like A Celebration. I kind of count Discotheque in this list too, since while I saw the Elevation version, I'm mad at missing the apparently ultra-cool Vertigo tour version by one day at the Toronto shows.
New Year's Day, A Sort of Homecoming, Angel of Harlem, Running to Stand Still, and Wild Horses.

It would've been nice to hear Gloria too.
PopFly said:
One of my pals has been with me to see U2 three times, and they have yet to play his favourite song (All I Want Is You), despite it being in fairly frequent rotation for each tour. It's one of my favourites too, so I wish I'd been able to see it.

Well, this isn't terribly surprising. I've seen U2 12 times in my life and I've seen All I Want Is You performed exactly once, and it was the last night of a four night stand. Europe seems to get it more than NA, which is too bad because it's a great song.
Songs played on the last two tours that I haven't got to hear in concert and would like to hear......

"Out Of Control"
"Angel Of Harlem"
"All I Want Is You"
"Staring At The Sun"
"In A Little While" (Full)
"Walk On"
"Wild Honey"
"New York"

who's gonna ride your wild horses.

until the end of the world.

original of the species.

no philly love for these kids this go around.

I did see Zoo Station, The Fly, and Bad. I feel pretty lucky seeing those.
Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses
All I Want Is You
Angel Of Harlem
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I was hoping for Gloria, An Cat Dubh and Bad during Amsterdam 3, instead I got Who's gonna ride your wild horses, Miss Sarajevo and Original of the species. Nice, but I'd rather have the other ones.
I was expecting All I want is you in Munich, instead they cut it from the setlist. The dreaded U2 setlistcutter at work.
I'm so happy I got to see All I Want is You the only time they played it in the States! :happy: Don't know why they didn't play that more often.

All in all I'm pretty satisfied with what I've seen but it would've been nice to see Crumbs, New Year's Day, and Walk On.
From this tour I would say...

Zoo Station
Crumbs From Your Table
Running to Stand Still

I didn't get to see Bad or The Fly, so those would get added to the list, but I saw them last tour so its not as disappointing.
I'm almost positive I heard every single song played on this tour with the exception of Discoteque (and IALW only heard the snippet).

Of course, Popmart is my favorite album so I would have loved to have heard it.

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