what do american's think of canada?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Originally posted by kobayashi:
i'm certain you've never done it, but what do you think of those american backpackers who sport the canadian flag instead of their own for a more 'peaceful' image?

Well, let's see here. If you're an American abroad at a time like this and you think that some random person might decide to unleash their anti-American sentiments against you for no reason other than your nationality...you might be tempted to prevent that from happening. If it meant the difference between life and death in a close situation? If someone with a grudge against your country wouldn't stop to ask you what your personal politics were? No, I've never done it, but I can certainly see why people might. What the ramifications are, I'm not sure. Does it bother you? And if so, why?

For myself, in Europe whenever I found myself in situations where I judged it might not be a good idea to be American, I just started speaking Indonesian. Not only do very few people in Europe speak it, but it's certainly not English.
Besides, everyone knows Americans can't speak multiple languages.

Originally posted by sulawesigirl4:
Does it bother you? And if so, why?

no, not at all. it's a compliment, imo, to canada's international reputation.
i was just wondering.

bottom line: U2 rules.
Originally posted by 80sU2isBest:
Excuse me, but how would you know what we get educated on? Did you go to any schools here?

Well, sorry, maybe "educated" was NOT the appropriate word to use...I just meant what you're exposed to in terms of radio, the telly, newsprint, etc...and er, YES, I would know that because we do receive it all up here...It just happens to be ethnocentric, that's all.

And Wanderer, you know what I mean....(who said something about repeating yourself 3 times to Americans???

p.s.: Hi Anitram!
Nice to see you again here!
Yes, London was way cool, EH???
Originally posted by ladywithspinninghead:

Well, sorry, maybe "educated" was NOT the appropriate word to use...I just meant what you're exposed to in terms of radio, the telly, newsprint, etc...and er, YES, I would know that because we do receive it all up here...It just happens to be ethnocentric, that's all.
Ah, I understand that, then.
Originally posted by sharky:
Bonochick-- You're a UPer? Wow, I didn't know they let you out.

Ha ha...*lol*

I've lived in the Lower Peninsula for almost a year and a half now, but I spent the previous 18 years in the U.P...born and raised!

"I don't know you,
But you don't know the half of it..."

I think the Canadian school do teach more about America then America does of Canada. I know this because in a social class i was in we watched a video about it. They gave a comparison of how children from canada in the grades 1-6 and 7-9 and 10-12 learn more about america.

I definitlly think Canadians know more about America then america does about us. I am not joking you, i can name 47 states. Sick isnt it. I tried it once. I had a bet with a buddy i could name more then he in 5 minutes. I won. He had 43.

I could name 10 presidents off the top of my head. And its not just me many canadians could. It has to do with the media as well. But i still think Canada is a state. Soon enough this country along with Mexico will join with the US with a American Dollar. Many 'experts' say it was 15 years but with our dollar so low it could be 7-10 yrs.

But i love canada.

And i love our I AM CANADIAN commercials. The best ever!!!

Running to Stand Still-"you gotta cry without weeping, talk without speaking, scream without raising your voice."

"we're not burning out we're burning up...we're the loudest folk band in the world!"-Bono
Bonochick-- I've come to realize the UP is good for some things. Its not polluted and you get days off school for the beginning of hunting season. I'm not sure about the hunting thing but the days off school thing rocks!

To give this thread a more light-hearted note, I would suggest downloading a song called "Canada is Really Big" from the Arrogant Worms. Its cool.

"We're the second largest country on the planet earth, and if Russia keeps on shrinking then soon we'll be first. As long as we keep Quebec."
Originally posted by kobayashi:
no, not at all. it's a compliment, imo, to canada's international reputation.
i was just wondering.

Yeah, I think you can take it as a compliment. Canadians are well-liked and if there are people that want to pretend to be one of you, then it speaks well of your reputation.

But to return to your original question, kobayashi. What does the typical American think of Canadians? Here's what I have found to be usual responses...
1. Cold (Ice, snow, north, etc)
2. Hockey
3. Beer
4. "Eh"
5. Quebec


Like you said, a lack of exposure to all things Canadian probably contributes to that. But it's no different for Americans. When I go overseas and talk to people about their perceptions of what life in the States is like, often I find that their ideas are based on what they've seen on movies or TV. And as we all know, that's not always (if ever) an accurate representation of "real life America" just as the impressions we receive of Canadians through the mass media are lacking. Wouldn't you agree?

Finally, I think that Canadians could go a long way by not constantly comparing themselves to Americans. Last night I was thinking about what I said earlier in this thread about an "inferiority complex." And I came to the conclusion that the reason it looks like Canadians have one is because sometimes they seem to measure their national identity by how they are UNLIKE Americans. Wouldn't it be much better to just forget about the U.S. and be proud Canadians on the basis of "this is what Canada stands for and is all about" rather than "Thank God I am Canadian, because we are so not like Americans"? Nine times out of ten, when I get into this discussion with my Canadian counterparts, the "good stuff" about being Canadian sounds more like "this is why Canada is BETTER THAN the States." Like there is something to be proved. I don't quite understand why Canadians have to prove their superiority by downing the States because imho Canada has a lot going for it solely on the basis of its merit alone. I like Canadians. I have found them to be kind and generous people, intelligent and knowledgeable about the world around them, and generally fun to be around. I like Canada. I have found it to be a beautiful country with its own character and quirks and sense of community.

So, I dunno. Be proud of your Canadian-ness. And we'll be proud of our American-ness. I see nothing wrong with celebrating both the similarities and the differences. It's not a crime if there are aspects of our cultures that intermesh. It doesn't mean we're taking over your country any more than it means you're taking over ours. We can share, right? After all, we can share a big continent like North America and not invade each other.

That's my $.02 (CAD)

i agree wholeheartedly, sula. as i said earlier, we as a country fail to realize what we really have here when our greatest sense of national pride comes from the molson beer company.
and you might wanna get rid of the two canadian pennies today cause pretty soon, they will only be worth one of your pennies. when that happens, and we are forced to use your currency we can have this discussion again.
anywho i think this thread has run it's course and in the end all that really matters is that our hockey team kicks yours and everyone else's ass in slc in a few months.

bottom line: U2 rules.
well I am kind of upset about you guys getting the better half of any natural wonders we share. Niagra Falls, the Rocky Mountains... the Canadian parts are better. *sigh* How did you pull that one off?

oh, I'm gonna save those pennies right along with the loonies.

Originally posted by sulawesigirl4:
well I am kind of upset about you guys getting the better half of any natural wonders we share. Niagra Falls, the Rocky Mountains... the Canadian parts are better. *sigh* How did you pull that one off?

oh, I'm gonna save those pennies right along with the loonies.


we agreed to bend over and take free trade for those mountains ya know.

wait that gives me an idea, lets start a free trade thread!!!!
bottom line: U2 rules.

[This message has been edited by kobayashi (edited 11-30-2001).]
Originally posted by kobayashi:
we agreed to bend over and take free trade for those mountains ya know.

wait that gives me an idea, lets start a free trade thread!!!!

*groan* Oh no...not free trade.

here look at the pretty mountain.




you are't trying to masquerade one of your beautiful iceland pictures as a beautiful canada picture are you?
and yes i am happy.

bottom line: U2 rules.
nope, that's a genuine 100% Canadian photo. Taken on my roadtrip this spring. Kootenai National Park, I think. Or Banff...it was hard to tell where one started and the other began.

See? Banff.

Now we're all happy.

Originally posted by bonoman:

But i love canada.

And i love our I AM CANADIAN commercials. The best ever!!!

i'm sorry, i really don't mean to drag this thread out but i remember reading this comment after mine about how for a fair majority of canada the largest single source of national pride is beer commercials. namely the molson canadian, 'i am canadian' ads bonoman refers to. also classic is the last of the series where a young canada goes on a pro-canada rant about how great the nation is(the tragically hip medallion is cool). well here's a link to the market research that went into that ad.
perhaps most interesting of all is the fact that peoples 9-24 years of age were invited to discuss canada!
what the hell is molson doing talking to 9 year olds?
hahaha, my best guess is it's a typo tho, it's pretty funny when you're reading it.
bottom line: U2 rules.

[This message has been edited by kobayashi (edited 12-01-2001).]
I just want to take this opportunity to thank Canada for Bob and Doug McKenzie, the band Rush, Kids In The Hall, and for most of the inspiration for South Park.

The world would be a dark and depressing place without them!

Once again thank you! ........and for any Canadians that hold a grudge against us "United Staters" ....TAKE OFF, EH!
Originally posted by bonoman:
See this is very funny to read when talking about the differences of americans and canadians when canada. from provence to provence is very different from eachother. Quebec is the outcasts of canada. Many, and i mean many people in canada resent them. Then you have Ontario. They preety much run this country since they have the majority of population. Then you have Sask and Manitoba. Usually forgotten and brushed off. Manitoba is usually put in the same pile as Ontario. Then you you have NWT, Yukon ans Nunaviat. Either working camps where you can make over 100,000 a year, or Natives that still live in the artic. Then you have ALberta. The richest provence in the country. A real blue colar place to live. Never get heard by the men and women in Ottawa. Resents eastern canada. B.C., well the weed capitol of the world. Best marijuana in the world. 6 billion a year tax free industry. Also never a high priority in Ottawa.

Oh did i forget the maritimes. Ya that because everyone else does. Working class. Not rich. forgetable. according to polititions.

That is a over view of canada. But remeber thats from a hatefull albertan!

We are just another US state and if any canadian cant see that then they obviuoslly arnt looking at all. Our country is run by American companies. Much of the money we spend in canada goes right back to americans.
Alberta and the North are oil and diamonds rich. There are no Canadian companies mining these rich resourses. Its the biggest joke in Canada. We get robbed of BILLIONS AND BILLIONS every year.

If the US ever went to war and really was in a tight squeze for oil it could easily have the oil companies of america sell oil to the american gov;t at a lower cost. Pure robbery.

No, you're not hateful. You're bitter.
I can't believe how embarassing it is to read this, as an Albertan.

Good grief!

Oh yeah! Many people in Canada DO NOT resent Quebeckers! Speak for yourself! It's people like you that fuel the western protest/alienation/separatist fire!

All my life, I never learned,
My bridges raise, My bridges burn.

SlipStream Soul
Ok i'll give u that. I am not the fonest of Quebec. So.

Read the rest buddy. If you can sit there and honestly say that our country isnt run by America your lting or your extremely undereducated in that field.

Running to Stand Still-"you gotta cry without weeping, talk without speaking, scream without raising your voice."

"we're not burning out we're burning up...we're the loudest folk band in the world!"-Bono
Funny how we don't have this problem with Mexico?

I wonder how many Mexicans get asked if they are Americans...if they got the chance to travel to Europe? ...or how many Mex-Americans would be asked if they were Mexican? How many of them would get offended I wonder?

Of course that wouldn't happen...Europeans don't associate brown skinned people who happen to be bi-lingual as American. We all look just like them (th Europeans)...or Canadians...

Seriously....I honestly think we have more exposure to the culture of Mexico than we do of Canada. Some people here celebrate Cinquo de Mayo for goodness sakes...what Canadian holiday even gets a note of recognition here? Is it because it is different and exotic...or that we have more trouble with their immigrants...as in the legalities part (not saying legitimate Mexican aliens give us any more trouble than Canadian ones...you know what I mean)

I notice some Canadian commericials running here lately...its mostly boosting tourism and reminding people here of how much we have in common and what a great place Canada is etc etc...we really should see more of those.
Originally posted by bonoman:
If you can sit there and honestly say that our country isnt run by America

Well, the last time I checked, we had a Prime Minister, a working democracy, a fully functional (albiet slow) Parliament, and our soverignty is intact. We're a country. True, our foreign policy is heavily influenced by the United States but we certainly as hell are not run by them! It's arrogant, if not ignorant, for you to assume that. Canadian foreign policy is one which has been concerned with trying to offset the economic & global power of the United States with the lack of our own vis a vis economic ties with other nations. While we rely heavily on the United States for trade, (they're our biggest trading partner) I beg to differ that our trade relationship with the US makes us their lackey.

Originally posted by bonoman:
your extremely undereducated in that field.

I'm graduating with a degree in Political Science thank you very much.

Just go now?
You feel like love is gone?
Can you not holding out?
Can you not wait awhile?

SlipStream Soul

[This message has been edited by J-Tree (edited 12-05-2001).]
What's all this talk of Ottawa?

Actually, I have played this little game with a number of people over the last year or so. Ask any American: What is the capital city of Canada (you know, like Washington D.C.)?

There's a good chance they will stare at you, think about Toronto, and maybe Montreal, and then ask you for the answer.

In fact, I would bet money that someone out there will read this post and will not come up with the answer.

God Bless Canada!
Is it Atlanta?

I went to the U2 show there Friday night and they had a big Canadian flag hanging from the ceiling of Philips Arena, right next to the "United Statian" flag.

Originally posted by J-Tree:

True, our foreign policy is heavily influenced by the United States but we certainly as hell are not run by them!

While we rely heavily on the United States for trade, (they're our biggest trading partner) I beg to differ that our trade relationship with the US makes us their lackey.

Rely heavily on them is an understatement. Come on without them what do we have. I do not know offical stats of how much of our trading is done with the US but i'd guess it would be a substantial amount.

I cant believe i am actually arguing with a Albertan about this. Albertans are the ones who she this first hand. We are a rich province because of oil. We should be a rich country because of it. My whole family(dad, two bros and uncle) was financialy supported by oil and it is Great money. But its not Canadian money its Americans. And where does all the profits go? Not into our pockets. Down south.

If we were to kick the Americans out of our oil we would have alot more to offer and our dollar wouldnt be so laughable.

And about the gov't. HA. PLease dont make me laugh. Someone should buy Jean a pair of knee pads.

Running to Stand Still-"you gotta cry without weeping, talk without speaking, scream without raising your voice."

"we're not burning out we're burning up...we're the loudest folk band in the world!"-Bono
bonoman approximately 90% of our foreign trade goes to the U.S. we are also their largest trade partner so it could be said, though not to the same degree, that they rely on us. it is this tremendous volume of trade that caused the border realignment earlier this week-the delays that were going on there were going to damage the economy, so the american's moved the armed guards in and everyone can drive through safely now.
american companies are everywhere in the world-so much so that they are not neccessarily american companies, many of them would now be called transnational or multinational corporations.
i don't know if you've ever visited ontario, based on experiences with other albertans and having lived in saskatchewan for a few years i would assume you dislike ontario, but there is a lot of money being made in the gta region for canadians. a lot of business in an industrial sector that is in the top 5 in north america.
our government differs from the americans in many ways. we are often much more cautious. there are several international agreements which we have signed against the american's will-kyoto, land mines, we were the first developed nation to fully back the drop the debt campaign.
have we hitched our wagon to the u.s. economy: i would say so, but they also rely heavily on us.
do they control us: read above.

bottom line: U2 rules.
Originally posted by zonelistener:
What's all this talk of Ottawa?

Actually, I have played this little game with a number of people over the last year or so. Ask any American: What is the capital city of Canada (you know, like Washington D.C.)?

There's a good chance they will stare at you, think about Toronto, and maybe Montreal, and then ask you for the answer.

In fact, I would bet money that someone out there will read this post and will not come up with the answer.

God Bless Canada!

it's funny you should mention lack of knowledge. i recently got the chance to talk to the former washington correspondent for the canadian national daily, the globe & mail(he is now a professor in our school of journalism). he was telling me how he would call the white house and the staff there wouldn't know his paper, some didn't even know where toronto is or what is is. to get interviews he would often tell people he was from 'the globe', meaning the boston globe.

bottom line: U2 rules.
Originally posted by bonoman:
I cant believe i am actually arguing with a Albertan about this.

Believe it! LOL

kobayashi - you've said what I've been meaning to say!

Just go now?
You feel like love is gone?
Can you not holding out?
Can you not wait awhile?

SlipStream Soul

[This message has been edited by J-Tree (edited 12-08-2001).]
kobayshi, Thank you for clearing the amount of trade we do with the US up.

I do agree that US depends on Canada. As much as we do of them, i dont think so. But thats not to say we dont make money off them.

The real problem i have is oil. Our bread and butter being taken from us.

Running to Stand Still-"you gotta cry without weeping, talk without speaking, scream without raising your voice."

"we're not burning out we're burning up...we're the loudest folk band in the world!"-Bono
I am American and I always knew the capital of Canada is Ottawa. :) As far as my schooling goes, I recall doing only one unit on Canada in school - and that was in the 5th grade.

Originally posted by zonelistener:
What's all this talk of Ottawa?

Actually, I have played this little game with a number of people over the last year or so. Ask any American: What is the capital city of Canada (you know, like Washington D.C.)?

There's a good chance they will stare at you, think about Toronto, and maybe Montreal, and then ask you for the answer.

In fact, I would bet money that someone out there will read this post and will not come up with the answer.

God Bless Canada!

Originally posted by senrab:
one unit on Canada in school - and that was in the 5th grade.

Enough said?

I remember doing at least a few weeks to 2 months on USA every year....

Running to Stand Still-"you gotta cry without weeping, talk without speaking, scream without raising your voice."

"we're not burning out we're burning up...we're the loudest folk band in the world!"-Bono
Originally posted by bonoman:
Enough said?

I remember doing at least a few weeks to 2 months on USA every year....

so it seems, in my opinion, US ignorance is at least, in part, systemic.
how much time do you think american's spend on australia or the EU?

against smileys

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