What a Holiday

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The Fly
Nov 28, 2006
Hey, its like 3:08AM and i couldnt sleep so i decided to write a story. I Hope you guys like it. By the way im a teenager so my spelling could be wrong but hope you guys like it. tell me what you think. =] If you guys like it i might write more.

Title: What a Holiday

Chapter One:

It was a cold Dublin night. Maddy had just arrived in Dublin to get away from all her worries at home. She was only 23 years old and had just finished Uni. Her Grandpa had died 3 months earlier and she was busting to get out Australia. Her hometown Melbourne, just brang back to many memories of him. The stories he had told her when she was a child and just the city itself was making her feel depressed. As soon as he died she knew she had to get away. Luckily her Uni course finished 3 months later or else, she wouldn’t know what she would have done.
But now she was here, in Dublin, Ireland. She was part Irish and had some cousins just out of Dublin. She knew that she shouldn’t have come by herself but all her friends were at uni still so unless she wanted to wait until next year she’d have to come alone. She wasn’t really sure where to go so she just followed the crowd.

She walked to the end of the airport, until she saw the taxi bay.
“That’s what I need.” she said to herself. She waited for about 5 minutes until a taxi pulled up. She hoped inside and the driver asked her where to.
“Umm, do you know of a hotel that I can stay at? I’m from Australia and kind of lost.” She said shyly.
“Of course” he said happily.
“Here are a few brochures of some places to check out.” The taxi driver said, handing her a few pieces of paper.
What seemed like a few minutes the taxi drove through the traffic and then pulled outside a building, right in the heart of the city.
“There you go” he said smiling.
“Thanks” she said giving him her money as she jumped out.
She looked up.
There was a big sign saying ‘The Clarence’.
The name sounded familiar. She wasn’t sure where from but she didn’t mind.
She went to the counter and checked in.
Once in her room she sat at the table. She started to think about her home and quickly pushed the thoughts out of her mind. She decided to go out. She was in a new city? Why waste her time by herself in a hotel room?

She walked down the street and came to a small pub. She went inside and ordered a drink. She sat there drinking for what seemed like hours. Drunk and tired she got up and left the pub. The nightlife in Dublin was very much like Melbourne. It was busy.
She went back to the Clarence and tried to open the lobby door. She didn’t have the strength to open it.
“Want some help there darlin” a man said with an irish accent.
“I’m fine, I can do this myself” she snapped.
She fell backwards and the man reacted quickly catching her before she fell.
“You know I’m quite alright” she said closing her eyes.
“I don’t think you are” the man said helping her stand on her own two feet.
“Let me help you. Are you staying here tonight? Do you have a room?” he said calmly.
“Yes, here’s the key” she said dangling them in his face.
She didn’t really take much notice of what he looked like. Nor did she care. She was to drunk to take notice of these things.
He helped her inside and up the stairs. After unlocking the door, he sat her on the couch. He turned on the lights and that’s when she looked at him. He had blacky brownish hair which was short. He was wearing a black shirt which was half unbuttoned and black jeans. She noticed his shoes had 2 inch soles on them and he wore red sunglasses.
“Sorry, but I didn’t get your name” said the man with his accent.
“Sorry, I’m Maddy” she said smiling.
“Well, Hello Maddy. I don’t suppose you know who I am?” he asked with a chuckle.
“Umm Am I Supposed to...Wait, I recognize you from somewhere...” she said trying to think.
“Well I own this hotel, but my name’s Bono” he said smiling.
It finally hit her. That’s why she knew this hotel. How could she be so stupid? She was obsessed with u2 when she was 14 but it had kind of weared off now and she didn’t remember much about it.
She felt embarrassed. She felt her cheeks turn red.
“No Need to be embarrassed Hun” he said giving her a big grin.
“I used to love U2 when I was younger. It kind of wore out though but I still love your music. I actually used to be...” she said drifting off.
“You used to be?” he asked.
“Well I used to be in love with you as a kid” she said shyly.
She got up off the couch and tried to make a break to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Before passing the table she fell over.
“Fuck! Are you okay?” said Bono quickly running at her side.
She looked up at him. She looked past his Red sunglasses and deep into his blue eyes.
She smiled at him and he smiled back. He moved her brown hair out of her left eye and kissed her cheek softly. She blushed but didn’t move. She wanted this moment to last forever. She felt as if his eyes were searching through her brain and reading all her thoughts. Seeing that inside she was melting. She pulled him closer and there lips touched. She just rested her lips on his waiting for him to either pull away or do something. But he didn’t. He then moved his bottom lip into her mouth. Before she knew it they were kissing. His tongue then explored her mouth. He helped her up as they moved towards the couch, not letting there mouths part. She couldn’t believe this was happening. The worst part was, she knew, she’d forget it in the morning.

Written by Lauren S
Nice story!

You can write quite well, that's a good skill ... Be proud that you are legible in this day and age - less and less people are, which is a sad reflection on the world.

Nevertheless, well done!
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