Unforgettable Fire w/ Almost Queen - December 20th - Canal Room

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I didn't want to deal with the traffic and parking. :( I should've started early. :doh: Hope you guys are having fun. :)

yes phail i know. oh well... next time!
Zoots you missed one hell of a show! :tsk: Almost Queen rocked out and had the only female Queen tribute band come on stage. They were pretty good :up: UF was on FIRE! :combust: Pulled out a lot of treats with their songs :drool: Thank you guys for everything it was so great seeing you again :hug: Oh and the extra entertainment on the catwalk was an added bonus :wink: :lmao:

HLB as always it was an absolute pleasure :flirt: :love: Can't wait to do this all over again soon! :hyper:

Will post pictures upon my return to home :wave:
Glad I could, afterall, make it! :) Mia, it was great to see you! Shannon, Cari, girls, Mick, george, guys! It was fun just for the sushi alone! Dazz, you're looking fantastic! Wish I could have stayed for the show!

Love you all! :hugs:

UF never fails to deliver. Thanks for a great time, per usge!

Shannon and Leif, thanks for coming all the way from Chi-town. I haven't seen either of you since the wedding, so it was great to hang out again. From now on letting that much time pass between visits is illegal!

Patti and Katy prob won't read this, but thanks so much for coming up. I'm so far away from you all in Buffalo, spending the weekend with you reminded me how much I miss my VA crew. I'm glad we got to create new adventures though.

Cari and Kelly, always a pleasure. Kelly let me know how that salsa worked out. I think it tastes kinda weird without peppers, but let me know if it is too sweet, garlicy, or whatever. I'll do some more experimenting based on your feedback.

Dazz & Mary, thanks for joining us for dinner!! It was great to see you again :)

It appears as though I was very Mick & Craig happy that night (mostly Mick.) Tony and George who?? By the way, Tony left without saying goodbye. He doesn't get a spanking though, he'd enjoy that too much.

Ok enough of the talk, on with the picture show!









Mickhappy is a gooood Happy :p

Thanks for coming up Patti, Katy, Kelly, Shannon, Leif!! it was great to see Dazz and Mary as well! :hyper:
Thank you Mia for posting such wonderful photos and keeping me sane while driving in. You ROCK!

Nice treat to hear Twilight and Helter Skelter too!

Had such a blast at dinner and the show!!! UF :heart: HLB :heart: Interference love :heart:
You were Mick-happy, weren't you, Mia?? :lol: I love it!

Tony looks more Bono-esque with the shaved head than even Bono does! :ohmy: And I hate the short haircut! Craig is mastering his Adam, and, heck, George is just a great drummer! He doesn't have to look like :larry: !!

Nice pics, Mia. Thank you. Oh, and BTW, how was your hearing after the night was over with anyhow?

Mick, if you open up this thread, sorry I couldn't come to the show. Maybe next time? Are you guys doing Saint Pat's somewhere? :pray:
I missed Leif and Shannon! :doh: Hope to see you guys at another gig!

We were really hoping that you would come. I plan on coming back soon so hope to see you then :). Not sure when Leif will be able to make it again.

Mary and Dazz it was really nice seeing you guys again :). Wish you could have stayed around for the show!

Mia it sure enough is criminal to go so long without seeing each other :tsk: Promise you will be seeing more of me in the coming months. Only put up with a bunch of flight drama at Newark airport for special people! lol.

A lot of my pictures are duplicate of what Mia has already posted. However here are some different ones.




So pretty :cute:

This guy was REALLY into Streets!

:wave: Hiiii everyone, it was a great night indeed!!!! It was funny how we took over the whole restaurant!!! :giggle:

Thank you "Cari Hostel" for having us all... :wink:

Mia, the salsa was delicious!!! :heart: The only thing i would add is loads of cilantro, i looooove cilantro!

Shannon so nice to see you as always! You need to move back to the East Coast asap! :flirt:

Mary and Dee it was nice that you got to come out for dinner at least. Next time you have to come to the show too.

Leif it was great meeting you! Come back to visit us soon, ok!?

PS: people, you need to learn to crop your pictures before posting them!!! :tsk:
Im already working on the husband to convince him to move back :sexywink:

Btw sorry about the not so flattering picture of you there! For some reason I didn't realize that only part of your face was in the pic lol. Helps any I just cropped that particular one :wink:
what picture are we talking about? is it one of mine? :uhoh:

did y'all see the pics on joonbug yet? there's a million. great photos of the bands. here are the hlb pics. it appears as though the camera man was a fan of cari

me rockin out, per usge.

leif and cari




me, kelly, and shannon



omg i'm drinking? what a surprise!

nope, diff boots this time. let's recap about the snow and slush outside.
Omg those pictures turned out really great! :love: The camera couldn't seem to take it's eyes off of Cari :sexywink:

Oh and Mia this is the picture that Im speaking of that doesn't look good. My camera looks a bit perverted :lol:


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