*ultra deluxe bono shades thread*

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i dont need 20 pairs... i move to another place too... gonna cost much money.. i only keep my miklis and cutlergross. i give up collecting. please mail me badger i will tell you details/pictures there.
Here's my B-shade collection


Mikli 3214 Brown
Mikli 3214 Black
Black Flys No. 5 Clear
Bvlgari 519 Blue (black arms)
Black Flys No. 5 Black

Decided not to sell the 3214; I'd be crazy to let those go, everyone I know said they looked awesome (lot's of friends tried 'em on.....good times :eeklaugh: )
I still love the Bvlgaris the most... uhg, I just don't have the money to spend 170 euros on a pair of frickin' sunglasses!

I wish we could just buy the blue armanis, I would! or the current light purple ones!
danondorf said:
Here's my B-shade collection


Mikli 3214 Brown
Mikli 3214 Black
Black Flys No. 5 Clear
Bvlgari 519 Blue (black arms)
Black Flys No. 5 Black

Decided not to sell the 3214; I'd be crazy to let those go, everyone I know said they looked awesome (lot's of friends tried 'em on.....good times :eeklaugh: )

do the black flys look as black as beautiful day shades in daylight?

I heard that there are some bigger/darker versions of those sunglasses
Galeongirl said:
I still love the Bvlgaris the most... uhg, I just don't have the money to spend 170 euros on a pair of frickin' sunglasses!

I wish we could just buy the blue armanis, I would! or the current light purple ones!

I wish I could pm you about this so nobody else snags them but there is a blue 519 with blue arms on ebay right now only 129 usd........good luck ............ hint........bono sunglasses
:( I would've gotten there but I wasn't home in time, it was already gone!
thanks for the heads up and Badger for pming me, I tried searching but it didn't came up last night cause I searched for bvlgari 519 and the guy didn't have the number on the auction :banghead: stupid stupid stupid!
Galeongirl said:
:( I would've gotten there but I wasn't home in time, it was already gone!
thanks for the heads up and Badger for pming me, I tried searching but it didn't came up last night cause I searched for bvlgari 519 and the guy didn't have the number on the auction :banghead: stupid stupid stupid!

That's why I put "hint.....Bono sunglasses" because it didn't come up under Bvlgari 519. Oh well, I will keep my eye out for blue 519's for you.:)
im looking for mikli too...i have lots in my collection, maybe somebodys looking to trade something they want........hmmmmmmm
Hey another heads up re the Black Fly no5s...

TCB on eBay, the guy who does the Elvis replicas, is selling a whole range of different colored 'custom' lenses..for instance the blue, clear, yellow..they almost look real...however they are not, they are his lenses, not Black Flys.

Black Fly official, however, is able to do custom colors for you if you want however. Check their website. I'm thinking I'm going to get a certain color that I like alot - who cares if Bono wears it or not!! ;)
Got a new pair of shades.

Got a brand-new pair of propaganda "Fly" shades from '93 (ZooTV).

look like these:

Re: here

thebadger said:
grammy miu miu cheap! i love these-go get em!http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?MfcISAPICommand=ViewItem&item=200211240645
i feel bad for galeon, i should have just bought em...my fault, sorry-we gotta get you some shades girl

aw don't! it's ok, without you guys I wouldn't have even found out about them...
:) well if you see one next, let me know I'll start searching myself a bit too... anything around 200 dollars/100 euros I can afford...
i bought a pair of Miu Miu champagne from Mark, and i don't regret it, they are also THE most comfortable pair of sunglasses i own, i forget i'm wearing them sometimes haha:D :laugh:

my collection is looking dull, and that is becasue it lack 'new'.
so im looking to buy something new
anyone sellin?
I...will never thank Kevinwall enough.

Those emerald 519 are just...speechless I mean, I've been looking for them for years now... And now I have them... i'm really really happy, you have no idea !!!!
Moonwalker_13 said:
I...will never thank Kevinwall enough.

Those emerald 519 are just...speechless I mean, I've been looking for them for years now... And now I have them... i'm really really happy, you have no idea !!!!

Those are extremely righteous.

Almost - ALMOST - makes me want to offer my rose colored 610's for 'em:)
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