U2 albums planned for 2009 remasters

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Blue Crack Addict
Sep 28, 2000
According to u2achtung:

Les rééditions suivantes seraient prévues en 2009 :
- The Unforgettable Fire,
- Wide Awake in America,
- Achtung Baby.

The Unforgettable Fire et Achtung Baby pourraient faire l'objet d'un packaging semblable ? celui de la remasterisation du Joshua Tree.

Les contenus sont encore inconnus, tout comme les dates de mise en vente, qui dépendent de l'avancement du nouvel opus.

UF and AB will get a package similar to JT. Exact contents aren't known yet.
:hyper: my two favorite U2 albums!!!!

considering there will be a tour during this time, there's a good chance that they might play some rare songs from these albums:

Unforgettable Fire
Sort Of Homecoming
Why would they bother remastering Wide Awake in America when Three Sunrises and Love comes tumbling should really go on the UFire bonus disc??
wide awake in america? lol, let's hope that one stays in the "rumours" category. since it'll get charged the price of an actual cd, i really don't want to shell out $20 for four remastered songs, unless they're going to include a ton of bonus tracks.
No Rattle & Hum love? They could expand the shit out of that (I'm thinking the movie, a bonus dvd or two, and at least 3 cds).

Maybe they're still ashamed of R&H and only have the will to keep it current with home-video standards?
Achtung Baby should better include a ZooTV show (Stockholm 1992 would be my choice) and plenty of documentaries. Maybe some of the infamous Berlin outtakes on the second disc (like Heaven and Hell or She's Gonna Blow Your House Down... come to think of it, that would be fantastic).

The Unforgettable Fire should get a JT-like treatment as well. All the B-sides from the era (including the Wide Awake in America ones - a remaster of that would be absurd). A full 1985 show on a DVD with a 15-minute Bad should satisfy a modest customer like me.
Achtung Baby should better include a ZooTV show (Stockholm 1992 would be my choice) and plenty of documentaries. Maybe some of the infamous Berlin outtakes on the second disc (like Heaven and Hell or She's Gonna Blow Your House Down... come to think of it, that would be fantastic).

The Unforgettable Fire should get a JT-like treatment as well. All the B-sides from the era (including the Wide Awake in America ones - a remaster of that would be absurd). A full 1985 show on a DVD with a 15-minute Bad should satisfy a modest customer like me.
I'm counting on U2's version of She's a mystery to me and Slow dancing. Hoping for a Lovetown DVD.
The only reason I want R&H remastered is for one of the Point Depot nights on DVD... and that's a hell of a reason.

If TUF and AB get the JT treatment... :drool: My two favorite albums, too. They'd better put Stockholm on DVD. As for TUF's DVD... I know that there is an incomplete pro-shot bootleg DVD of some German show (don't remember where at the moment)... maybe we could get the whole show?
Wouldn't Wide Awake in America appear as part of the bonus disc for Unforgettable Fire? That would make the most sense.
Remasters during a new album year? That doesn't make sense. I would think that they would want to focus on the new material and on the tour. They should wait a couple of years when there's nothing going on (like right now).
:hyper: my two favorite U2 albums!!!!

considering there will be a tour during this time, there's a good chance that they might play some rare songs from these albums:

Unforgettable Fire
Sort Of Homecoming

oh man, one could pray, hope and beg if this were to happen.. :pray:

I think I would flat die of glee, joy and or orgasm myself to death whichever comes first.. :D
If this is true, it's cool that Unforgettable Fire would get the same treatment as Joshua Tree and Achtung Baby. I would have assumed it's remaster would be simpler, like the first three albums.
The Unforgettable Fire + Wide Awake in America
Achtung Baby

would be what I'd say is most likely

But hopefully there'll be a Rattle and Hum remaster, maybe CD+DVD set?
Remasters during a new album year? That doesn't make sense. I would think that they would want to focus on the new material and on the tour. They should wait a couple of years when there's nothing going on (like right now).

I thought the same thing at first. BUT, the remasters barely make a drop in the ocean compared to a new album. I could see them releasing remasters in between legs of tour (that is, if they don't have another new studio album coming out in the midst of the tour :sexywink: )
I thought the same thing at first. BUT, the remasters barely make a drop in the ocean compared to a new album. I could see them releasing remasters in between legs of tour (that is, if they don't have another new studio album coming out in the midst of the tour :sexywink: )

No one cares about the Remasters anyway and they barely sell; so I don't see why they'd be the least bit concerned.
The shred of a possibility of a TJT-like release for TUF has made not just my day, but my entire week.
the funny thing is the sound quality of the rattle and hum dvd is pretty good to me

adam's bass, larry's drumming, sounds really good. mind you i heard them when i plugged the dvd into a super bass subwoofer. the good sound quality of adam and larry is something you wouldnt hear on one of those compact stereo systems or 'radio's :p
It might be a good idea for the band to figure out what exactly R&H is before proceeding to re-release it.
What will be on the TUF DVD, if there is one? I hope for the following, all glossy and good sounding:

- What we have of the Dortmund '84 concert, with even more unnecessary and experimental Eighties special effects in between/during songs.
- That documentary from 1985 where U2 play at Croke Park and Bono proposes to a little girl.
- The Making Of documentary, because I don't own a copy of Slane.
- An uncut video of "The Unforgettable Fire" with more pederastic undertones.
- A 36 minute compilation of introductions to Bad by Bono throughout the tour (either no visuals or mute public domain cartoons)
- Self Aid? Please?
- Commentary for all of the above.
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