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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Nov 10, 2000
this lady cut my hair wierd earlier this morning. not the way i wanted. its a fucking bobcut. it can't be fixed. and im too ashamed to go back and demand my money back. im such a wuss because she is so nice. she's done my hair before several times. i even showed her a picture of what i wanted. i'd like to be numb. i'd like to forget this day happened. even hugh jackman couldnt save the day for me.

im going to get drunk.
:( I'm sorry. I'm sure its not as bad as you say. I just cut my hair today too. About 3 inches. A little shorter than normal but I guess its ok.

Hair will grow back! :yes:
i got my hair cut tuesday. it's a lot shorter than normal too. howevah, i asked for her to take a lot of length off so i knew it would be this short.

it looks cute. :happy:

don't worry icelle, like sicy said, it'll grow back before you know it. :hug:
according to the guy who last cut my hair (much shorter than i wanted), it takes 23 days for a person who loses a limb to really come to terms with apparently, give it a few weeks and you'll be fine... :huh:

*fyi: he was psycho and ignored everything i asked him to do - just started cutting

But everyone is right, it will grow back!! :D
jkayet said:
according to the guy who last cut my hair (much shorter than i wanted), it takes 23 days for a person who loses a limb to really come to terms with it...

what an ass. you should have punched that guy in the grill for such a dumb arse comment.
i'm not going to tell you that it will be ok and that it will grow back.
i'm going to try to make you feel better by telling you a secret.

two days ago, i became a brunette :flirt:
You'd have to be suspicious of a guy who starts talking about coming to terms with losing a limb once he starts cutting your hair! :lol: Hairdressers are weird.
I went to one last week and got my hair chopped off and permed and 2 days later it was straight. Its kinda my fault cos I stated about 38 times I didn't want a poodle perm and just kinda wavey instead, so I wasn't really surprised. But then I thought...well, after spending all that money I should go back. I walked in and they took one look at it and said 'what on earth did you DO to it!' I just said 'well, it IS really straight, and I kinda said it'd be hard to perm....'. Needless to say they fixed it for free and gave me lots of 'stuff' to put in it, also for free.

I'm a real wuss about complaining too Icelle. I dreaded going back as I had no idea what I was going to say, and thankfully they realised. But you should definately go back there and take the approach that they haven't actually stuffed up, but the cut didn't work. Like "Hi, I was in here the other day for this cut, but as you can see, the style has not worked as it was intended, I'm wondering if you can do anything to cut it to how I had hoped?" That puts the onus back on them to fix it without sounding like you're in there to whinge. They also shouldn't charge you as you clearly didn't get the cut you asked for. Also ask if someone else might have a go at doing your hair as that will say crystal clear to them you are unhappy with the girl who did the bob. I worked at a hairdressers once, and know it means a lot to them when they know you want someone esle to cut it instead. Nothing says 'you didn't give what I asked' like asking for a new stylist lol.
bonosgirl84 said:
two days ago, i became a brunette :flirt:
you're gorgeous as a blonde so i can only imagine you as a brunette. so post pics! :hyper:

something hair-related, i actually got my husband to finally admit he likes my hair now, colour and all. he's always been saying he likes me better as a redhead. this means i can stay blonde forever now! :happy:

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