The Sweetest Thing: Happy Birthday, Ali !

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Jan 28, 2004

As we all know, 23 March is the birthday of Alison Stewart Hewson.

We all know of her longtime supportive relationship with Bono, of her nurturing nature for her four children and of her lifelong social concern for the future of our world.

So, on this MOST SPECIAL DAY, can we all COME TOGETHER AS ONE and wish Ali the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER - one spent with those who are the closest to her and to wish her another year full of everything good for her?


You have endeared yourself into our hearts with your concern for the children of the world, for our environment, for the loving way in which you raise your own children and for your continuous relationship with Bono, which helps to keep him firmly planted in Love.

For all this and so much more, Ali - you are THE SWEETEST THING!

:applaud: :love: :hi5:
Cool, I did not know her birthday is in March!:up: Happy birthday gracious, elegant and lovely Ali Hewson:heart:
:wave: Happy Birthday Ali!!!!

P.S.......I LOVE your husband!!!!!
BonoFox1 said:
:wave: Happy Birthday Ali!!!!

P.S.......I LOVE your husband!!!!!

These are ALL great so far, but I do love BonoFox's reminder of how much we "appreciate" her husband. :combust:

Let's keep the warm wishes for Ali coming - it is her birthday in Ireland.

There is nothing to hide about, LostAtMoon - PLEBA always has had special threads to remember the b-days of U2 and their family members, this one should be no different. :wink:

We should all be about LOVE, PEACE and TOGETHERNESS here - there really is no need for ego, bitterness or negativity.

Let's show U2 how much we have learned from their music - CoeXisT. :hug:
Wow, happy birthday! She's one remarkable woman.
Ali and Bono are living reminders of how great relationships can be after such a long time. They both really are an inspiration.

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