The Official 2005 NFL Thread

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Chizip said:
game swung when the rams got screwed out of the fumble recovery. the first ref signaled rams ball 3 times. then for some reason they change it on "dual possession?" gimme a break.

one ref signaled that it was rams ball, and he was the ref that you could see on camera the most, but just to the left of the screen you can pick up another ref who was at the same time signaling colts ball. thus the dual posession. never seen that before, but that's where the call came from.

was pretty wacky... ya saw the one guy signal rams ball, then the other ref from the left side of the screen signals colts ball, and then the first ref signals rams ball again... it was like a scene out of some bad sports comedy.

and to get the baseball thread back onto baseball...

Hewson in the baseball thread said:
Well if Bulger doesn't get hurt, thats a much different game. The Rams may not win with the way their D performed in the second half, but its a lot closer. Bulger was leading the offense through the Colts D like a hot knife through butter before the injury.

actually, Bulger had just been intercepted by the Colts D on the very same play in which he got injured, and the momentum was clearly swinging back towards indianapolis.

but alas, we'll have to notch this one up as still yet another unporoven game for the questionable, over-rated indianapolis colts.

they could win every game by 50, it doesn't matter. patriot fans, much like yankee fans of old, won't give the colts, much like the red sox, any respect until they actually win in foxboro.

so alas... we wait.
Headache in a Suitcase said:

actually, Bulger had just been intercepted by the Colts D on the very same play in which he got injured, and the momentum was clearly swinging back towards indianapolis.

The Rams would still have been leading 17-7 at that point (after Indy scored). I think Bulger would have recovered just fine, although I don't know if the Rams still would have won the game. But it certainly would've been a hell of a lot closer and the Rams would have scored even more.
I give credit to the Colts Headache, they played a great 2nd half, the O clicked pretty well and the D caused some big turnovers in the 2nd half that changed the game.
However you even must admit that the vaunted Colts D looked quite pedestrian until the Rams were forced by injury to go to a scrub QB.
phanan said:

The Rams would still have been leading 17-7 at that point (after Indy scored). I think Bulger would have recovered just fine, although I don't know if the Rams still would have won the game. But it certainly would've been a hell of a lot closer and the Rams would have scored even more.

Originally posted by headache

actually, Bulger had just been intercepted by the Colts D on the very same play in which he got injured, and the momentum was clearly swinging back towards indianapolis.

Not many teams down 17-7 even end up winning, much less dominating as the Colts did. Usually it's the team DOWN 17-7 that ends up making all the mistakes and getting blown past. The Colts showed guts, character and skill to take that game back the way they did.

Overrated, huh, well then please tell me who is better right now?
Headache in a Suitcase said:

but alas, we'll have to notch this one up as still yet another unporoven game for the questionable, over-rated indianapolis colts.

they could win every game by 50, it doesn't matter. patriot fans, much like yankee fans of old, won't give the colts, much like the red sox, any respect until they actually win in foxboro.

so alas... we wait.

Give us Patriots fans some credit here.

It's easy to dismiss the other team if your team has won 7 straight division titles.

Now talking when your team is 3 games back...that takes some real cojones.
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U2Kitten said:

Overrated, huh, well then please tell me who is better right now?
The Colts are the best team in the league right now. They've also played an incredibly easy schedule thus far.
Whereas the AFC's other 3 division champs from 2004, the Pats, Steelers and Chargers have all had to play one another, each going 1-1. (strangely the road team won each contest)

We'll see come January/February.

Oh and welcome back to football discussions, haven't seen you since the Colts last loss.
at the moment the colts have the best record in football...

it will continue this week with the texans (the best 0-5 team in the league) :huh:

however, if their schedule hasn't been a factor, indy fans are kidding themselves.

they haven't even seen a team above .500 since week 2.

things get much more interesting after the bye...
the thing that pisses me off with the colt haters... which abound on this board, and elsewhere really... is that they talk about this team like they went 2-14 last year and all of a sudden are a good team because of a weak schedule.
hey headache, remember when i told ya bulger was gonna get hurt?

ive still got an extra qb if you wanna make a deal
You're missing the point Eli, we know the Colts are a good football team, but they've yet to prove themselves the best, but they and their fans love to declare that Peyton is the best, far superior to Brady and the Colts are the top team in the league. They have won nothing as yet, and their 6-0 start may well be inflated due to weak scheduling to start the season (please don't try and tell me the schedule to date hasn't been a factor), or do they hang "AFC South Division Champion" banners in the RCA dome?
Hewson said:
You're missing the point Eli, we know the Colts are a good football team, but they've yet to prove themselves the best, but they and their fans love to declare that Peyton is the best, far superior to Brady and the Colts are the top team in the league. They have won nothing as yet, and their 6-0 start may well be inflated due to weak scheduling to start the season (please don't try and tell me the schedule to date hasn't been a factor), or do they hang "AFC South Division Champion" banners in the RCA dome?

just like the red sox fans did with the yankees and that clean cut good lookin' winner derek jeter for all those years... ok... i got it now

Headache in a Suitcase said:
the thing that pisses me off with the colt haters... which abound on this board, and elsewhere really... is that they talk about this team like they went 2-14 last year and all of a sudden are a good team because of a weak schedule.

The thing that I continue to question is the defense. I know the Colts are a good team, but with their schedule so far, it is hard to guage correctly just how good they really are. Sure, they are one of the better teams no matter what, but I don't think they stand out above the rest with that 6-0 record as much as others do.
Hewson said:
I'm sensing a bit of an attraction there Headache.
Something you want to tell us?:ohmy:

he's so dreamy... but then again, he dated mariah... yayyy yayyyy i'm hardcore and ghetto despite the fact that i grew up in the lillywhite suburb of greenlawn, long island... skank.
if you don't believe the colts are the best team in football then you're a colt-hater?

with logic like that, then everybody must really be down on the bengals...

5-1 with no love at all....

are we now comparing the colts - pats rivalry to the rsox- 'ankees?

does that make the colts the sox? or is peyton derick? :hmm:

if the colts are the best team in football (hoisting the lombardi after sb40 will be proof enough) then they will get the praise some people feel they already deserve.

until then i say, "at the moment the colts have the best record in football..."
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zumanity42 said:
if you don't believe the colts are the best team in football then you're a colt-hater?

with logic like that, then everybody must really be down on the bengals...

5-1 with no love at all....

are we now comparing the colts - pats rivalry to the rsox- 'ankees?

does that make the colts the sox? or peyton derick?

if the colts are the best team in football (hoisting the lombardi after sb40 will be proof enough) then they will get the praise some people feel they already deserve.

until then i say, "at the moment the colts have the best record in football..."

thanks chief.

there's been an ongoing anti-colts/peyton manning movement on these boards for a few years now. and because i have nothing better to do and love a good argument, i try to argue on teh side of the cotls. try to keep up.:wink:

and in my red sox-yankees/colts-pats comparison, the underdog pre-2004 red sox who get no respect and always choke when they play the big bad yankees shall be played by the indianapolis colts... while the perenial champions, toast of the league with the clean cut poster boy doing credit card commercials and dating hot chicks, i.e. the pre-2004 yankees, shall be played by the new england patriots... with tom brady playing the role of derek jeter.
Headache in a Suitcase said:

thanks chief.

there's been an ongoing anti-colts/peyton manning movement on these boards for a few years now. and because i have nothing better to do and love a good argument, i try to argue on teh side of the cotls. try to keep up.:wink:

and in my red sox-yankees/colts-pats comparison, the underdog pre-2004 red sox who get no respect and always choke when they play the big bad yankees shall be played by the indianapolis colts... while the perenial champions, toast of the league with the clean cut poster boy doing credit card commercials and dating hot chicks, i.e. the pre-2004 yankees, shall be played by the new england patriots... with tom brady playing the role of derek jeter.

so let me get this straight, despite the fact the colts haven't actually won a sb since way before they snuck out of, excuse me departed, baltimore they are unfairly hated because....

a: they can't close the deal
b: nobody likes their uniforms
c: people think peyton is overrated
d: they play in the midwest
e: pick any two of the above

peyton manning, to this point in his career, has shown himself to be the dan marino of his generation....
maybe he'll turn out to be john elway :shrug:

yes he is a great qb, one of the finest to ever play the game, a shoe-in for canton... :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

not a bad credit card pitchman either...

it's the trophy, the ring, earning the right to be recognized as the champions....

at least play in the damn game. :|

as for the whinning, er commentary, well this is my first season around.
i'll stay on top of it, ace :wink:

there is no point in me hating indy, ny or any other team. they have never hurt me personally.
i do support my teams... that's what fans do.
as any (insert team) fan knows, even winning the championship will not earn the respect of a true hater...
Kelly Holcomb, don't do it. He was a third stringer for the Colts years ago, he sucked.

Bengals? Now THERE'S a team that needs to prove itself. I want to think they're for real because I LOVE Cinderella stories, but I am not sure yet.

Brady is not that great a quarterback, many guys could have done what he did in that system. The reasons they won so much was, a, the defense, b, the brilliant coaching plans, and c, nobody else did. I do not and will not ever consider the Pats one of the greatest teams ever like the 49ers, Packers and Steelers. I admire the 49ers so much because they did it all without ever trash talking or becoming arrogant. As much as I HATE DALLAS :mad: and always have, I have to admit they were a good team and deserved to win 2 of the 3 Super Bowls they got in the 90's.

nobody likes their uniforms

Huh? They are some of the most classic and least tacky in the league today. Royal blue is a lovely color, and they don't make it clash with hideous shiny metallic color pants.
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