The Cure Tour Announced

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Blue Meth Addict
Aug 12, 2000




7/24 - West Palm Beach, FL
7/25 - Tampa, FL
7/28 - Nashville, TN
7/29 - Atlanta, GA
7/31 - New York, NY
8/1 - Camden, NJ
8/3 - Cincinnati, OH
8/4 - Cleveland, OH
8/7 - Boston, MA
8/11 - Detroit, MI
8/12 - Chicago, IL
8/14 - Dallas, TX
8/15 - Houston, TX
8/17 - Denver, CO
8/18 - Salt Lake City, UT
8/27 - Los Angeles, CA

More dates and countries to be added.

I'm a happy boy, as happy as my goth senses will allow.
Bunbury, it's The Cure's festival. Hence the name, Curiosa.

Pinballz Wizardo, you'd have to change your name to Wizard of Darkness to get on the list......or start wearing a lot more make up.
wait, what!?! Sure. As soon as I move, they schedule things in my area. Well, in my area THEN, NOT now. Grrr... Ok, more dates...I should read the whole post....maybe they'll schedule closer to me. As mean as mogwai are, I'd love to see them live...
the rapture suck.

i just wanted to say that.

it would rule to go to that...
DiGi said:
Jenn you could go to HFStival to see them, granted that would be no where as good as this
Hm, true! Yeah, looking at the lineup now though, I fear the sheer torture of most of the hfstival bands outweigh even the cure. Lallopalooza, on the other hand... elbow :heart: (and all the others)

TCTC, muse, and interpol would be pretty fun at this...what's it called..curiosa.

How fuckin' cool...

The Cure on August 4th and then Lolla on August 9th?

Shit, I needs me some more dough...
I'll be there.

Sadly, as a former Cure fan, I might be tempted to "beat the traffic."

The reviews from Coachella confirm my feelings. :shrug:

Now, what is this hfstival thing?
so...are they going to announce actual venues in those cities, or do we have to guess?
LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:
I'll be there, if I can find someone to go with.

*looks around

OK, guess not.
Last year I started going to concerts alone sometimes. It's actually a lot of fun. I mean, I'd prefer having others go with me, but if it's something you really want to see...I bet you'd be surprised.

sorry, random off-topicness...

fields, play fields!! :hyper:
yeah, nothing wrong with going to shows alone. well, maybe if you're worried about sketchy guys trying to pick you up.

but i'm one of those wierd people who insist on going to movies alone because i hate having to deal with other people when i'm trying to enjoy a movie, and same goes for concerts. all i've got to worry about is me enjoying the show, especially since all my friends are the types to stand around looking pissed off even if they're enjoying the show. i hate that. dance!! sing along!! wake up!!
I will go to a show solo once in a while, one huge advantage I've found is that one can score a real great single seat sometimes.
jkayet said:
Last year I started going to concerts alone sometimes. It's actually a lot of fun. I mean, I'd prefer having others go with me, but if it's something you really want to see...I bet you'd be surprised.

sorry, random off-topicness...

fields, play fields!! :hyper:

I love going to shows with friends, so I don't know how much I'd dig it going at it alone.... :shrug:

Maybe I can make it to Chi-town or Cleveland, we'll see. :)
I just love the Cure and sadly I have missed them the two times that they have come to Australia in the past ten years- I do hope that they make it here soon, as now that I have more money I will be sure to see them- I was such a little goth when I was about 15- died jet black hair, black clothes, and a healthy dose of cure, curve and suede music:wink:
I would imagine the Detroit show will be at DTE. I think Meadowbrook and/or Freedom Hill may be a tad to small. I wonder when onsale dates will be announced. I think I would be going purely for the Cure though. I dont really care all that much for the other bands listed.
I cant believe I havent done this yet, but it's time to brag :wink:

I scored a free ticket to see them play in Salt Lake City :up:

My friend bought a new car, and they gave him season tickets to the venue they're playing at here :up: Anyways, he offered me the second ticket the night he got back from the dealership. :up: Morrissey was so wrong when he said, "We All Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful". :wink:

On another Cure tangent, I've lucked upon the opening track to the upcoming album entitled, 'Lost'. It's just amazing....... Seriously, I'm impressed!!! It really has the same type of a feeling to it that 100 Years had as an opener to the Pornography album. Bleak, dark, and hopeless (but VERY rocky) :up: Anyways, anyone who wasnt sure what to think from the first single should REALLY not worry too much, 'Lost' makes up for every bit of poppiness 'End of the World' has. :up:

Edit: There are lots of thumbs up in this post :up:

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I found this also, NME has already reviewed the album. They loved it:

NME reviews 'The Cure':

The Cure - The Cure (8/10)

If this really is the end for The Cure, then it's some way to go out.

The Cure have been together longer than most NME readers have been alive. Robert Smith, his hair, his lipstick, his band, his songs about claustrophobia, love, loneliness, love, huge spiders and love, they've always been there. Twenty-five years since their debut, the band's influence is all over the place, from Hot Hot Heat's fevered thrum to The Rapture's spectral dilation. But it's been close to 15 years since their last truly great album (the still stunning 'Disintegration'). Each new record comes with the veiled threat from Smith that he's about to pull the plug on this whole affair - seemingly much less veiled on this than many others. But he's been threatening that since 1982, so why worry? Because if this wilfully aggressive, powerfully dark record really is the final one, then it's a staggering way to go out. For the first time ever, Smith isn't in charge of production. Ross Robinson, who's worked with ********, Korn and At The Drive-In, drove the band to near-mutiny in his search for the ultimate performance. And it shows. No easy walk through a few moments and the odd glum one for the old skool, it is startling from the first listen. Opening with the brooding dirge of 'Lost', the band are heavier, more menacing, more rhythmic than ever. Smith recalls being "so happy and so young", but admits, "I got lost in someone else", perhaps his own myth. 'Labyrinth' barely lifts the mood, its deep blue psychedelic heart carrying Smith's tortured performance. "The day is done/The house is dark/It's not the same you", he cries, his voice rising to a scream. The Cure haven't sounded this malevolent since 'Pornography' and Robinson is intent on not allowing Smith's melodic side to throw easy pop bait over the side of his sleek, black destroyer. When the classic Cure moments come - and 'Taking Off', 'Before Three' and 'The End Of The World' are up there with the best - they're still focused on moving The Cure forward if, at the same time, Smith's lyrics are as unguarded and romantic as ever ("We were so in love/In the sea of gold", "Tonight I share with you/Tonight I'm so in love with you", "I'm trying to be the one for her/Trying to be I love"). Elsewhere, 'I Don't Know What's Going On' finds Smith scat-singing his way to a falsetto chorus that's so un-Cure it's like a tiny, pointed reinvention all of its own. 'Anniversary' has a Moroder-ish disco tint and an operatic chorus. 'Alt.end' rides a riff halfway between The Cure of 1980 and U2's 'New Year's Day' as Smith celebrates this "big, bright, beautiful world" while insisting, I want this to be the end/I want this to be the last thing we do", while 'Us Or Them' (a reaction to 9/11?) is the angriest Cure track since 'Shiver and Shake'. Smith has said of this record, "If you don't like this, you don't like us," and when you give your album the same name as your band, you need to be sure you can stand by every moment. They can, and they undoubtedly will. 'The Cure' is not an easy album to love. It's oppressive and relentless at times, it never, not once, lets you off the hook without a fight. But it shows a band on the verge of a whole new future. Whether they actually want it or not a lot less clear.

Rob Fitzpatrick

FIVE MUST-HAVE CURE ALBUMS... and one absolute stinker

'Disintegration' (1989) Definitive Cure. Dark, intense, miserable as a dead kitten. But also melodic, uplifting and defiant.

'Faith' (1981) The most depressing record ever made. And brilliant for it. 'The Funeral Party' is bleaker than hell.

'Seventeen Seconds' (1980) Drugs. Lots of them. Guitars get ditched for keyboards and amazing things happen.

'The Head On The Door' (1985) Brian Wilson, fucked on lager'n'shrooms and wearing a lunatic fright-wig, wouldn't have matched this pop masterpiece.

'Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me' (1987) Very long, but full of magical, astonishing hit singles. 'Just Like Heaven' is most perfect thing you'll ever hear.

RUN AWAY 'The Top' (1984) 'The Caterpillar' was nice, but 'Bananafishbones' and 'Wailing Wall' are painful. Avoid.
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