Teen PLEBAn Party: Our favorite bass player once put himself in a toaster...

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I'm back! *ded* but I need to work today *ded-er* seriously , I will post all my experiences and photo's a bit later... When I'm less of a douche.
Hey everyone, how's up?:hyper:

Guess what.

I am going to see U2 in HANNOVER!!!!:hyper::hyper::hyper: I'm SO happy!:hyper:

that was the best U2 guig I ever bin tough.... AND I NEVER THOUGHT I WAS GONNA SAY THAT ABOUT GERMANY..... ever!:huh:
But wow, what a gig. We had lift off allright. Frankfurt was shite.
Domo! Have a fantastic time and take tons of pictures for us! :hug: :hug:

I'm keeping my avatar, but gosh darn I LOVE Adam's shoes :lol:

Val, I want to upgrade too :grumpy: I hate small avatars!

I have Faboulous pictures , I was FOS outer rail at Edge's side both night. (Well duhh !) He stayed in front on our catwalk , next to us on the bridge and kept comming back becuase the audience on right side of the stage was on FIRE. During UTEOTW he was on the bridge the whole time at the end, he was standing 5 foot away from me. I was loving every second of it , made eyecontact. He NAILED the solo perfectly. I was in heaven. only took one pic of that becuase I wanted to save the moment :love: Believe me I did.
Oh and Bono.... was like... Unbelievably happy to see us , according to his..... belt. Damn, he looks great. He converted an altime Adam fan into a Bonogirls once more. that leather is shiny.
I saw his ass-less ass :heart: up close I was just on the side of that bridge. And dear god, Bono Kissed Edge :love: , hugged Edge, hugged him again , and Edge hugged Bono back at the end, and they where al smiling , and I will post the best pics when I'm home... I came of the train esterday , was home at half past 11 in the evening.
And I'm at work sice 8 in the morning. I'm still hyper .... Hannover was so great @_@
Best.... Concert.... ever... I find Bono even cuter now that I found out he's as big as me. just 1 cm taller. and yeah , those new outfits.... no words.
I need to make a decent review of the show to. And post it in the tour forum... Make a new avi, print my Bedge photo's in a big size... I need to go trough all missed pleba pages... Someone has to do it :evil:
I need to make a decent review of the show to. And post it in the tour forum... Make a new avi, print my Bedge photo's in a big size... I need to go trough all missed pleba pages... Someone has to do it :evil:

:shifty: You rang?

that was the best U2 guig I ever bin tough.... AND I NEVER THOUGHT I WAS GONNA SAY THAT ABOUT GERMANY..... ever!:huh:
But wow, what a gig. We had lift off allright. Frankfurt was shite.
It was such an amazing gig.. and I was so lucky cause we we were almost against the gates, so close!.. Where were you standing? :D

Whaaat?!?! Why was Frankfurt shite? Because you couldn't see anything?:huh:
Maddy my dear, you better visit us tonight...

Hmm? :hmm: :giggle:

I have Faboulous pictures , I was FOS outer rail at Edge's side both night. (Well duhh !) He stayed in front on our catwalk , next to us on the bridge and kept comming back becuase the audience on right side of the stage was on FIRE. During UTEOTW he was on the bridge the whole time at the end, he was standing 5 foot away from me. I was loving every second of it , made eyecontact. He NAILED the solo perfectly. I was in heaven. only took one pic of that becuase I wanted to save the moment :love: Believe me I did.
Oh and Bono.... was like... Unbelievably happy to see us , according to his..... belt. Damn, he looks great. He converted an altime Adam fan into a Bonogirls once more. that leather is shiny.

Glad you had a wonderful time! Can't wait to see your pics! :hyper:
It was such an amazing gig.. and I was so lucky cause we we were almost against the gates, so close!.. Where were you standing? :D

Whaaat?!?! Why was Frankfurt shite? Because you couldn't see anything?:huh:

Yes it was amazing, it was on FIIIIIIIREEEE like Kasabian would sing! Ow I actually met the singer of Kasabian in the Irish Pub, He was really nice , and he signed my Q magazine with them in it :heart: Also had my moment with the guitarist of their band, I was singing with them, and I was like , the only one who knew them... (It really felt like that) but I was just enjoying their music so very much, I actually made eyecontact (but he had sunglasses on) and he started singing with me , and he just gave me a nod and smiled. I tought he was doing it to someone else. (thats just the way I think) but then , he saw that I missed it , and wayed a bit with his arm while playing , and nodded again , and repeated it another time , to make me feel sure he really ment me. It was a really cool moment for me. I have been loving Kasabian since West Pauper Ryder Lunatic Asylum came out..
And now this :heart: I was at the rail of the catwalk on edges side, but in the inner circle. I swear Edge is so cool , he went over to us 3/4th of the show. :love: I saw Bono kissing Edge with my own eyes, not to be a typical pleban ... but you could just poke me and I would collapse at that moment. Bono was constantly trying to get his attention. (went on to adam if Edge wasn't budging :giggle:) Hannover was the best. I had a great view , and everyone around us was very friendly. Wich helped us allot.

Frankfurt was shite becuase of multiple reasons.
The GA line's where crap, 3 different one's. One run from the line to the pit was shorter , so they had allot of people already fill up the FOS.. The security was so tense , they where like scard to hell. And where acting ennoying, NONE of them spoke a word English, and when you try to tell them you understand German , they are gone....
The wristband/stamps system to get out of the pit, trogh the field - to the toilet or merchandising guys, was very chaotic and not working , becuase people where confuzed as hell.
The Fos was just about half filled, we had so much space Galeongirl actually slept in there :lol: We were wrecked.
Then when the show began the sound of Kasabian was terrible, I couldn't even make up when they started a new song.. Echo was terrible , the people around us where like..... Dead... The sound during U2 was better but not anything near perfect, Amsterdam was even better.
boring, stupid , not moving AARGGH.. The bridge was above us for a bout 4 songs , and we couldn't move becuase then people would be pusing all sides. I have heard pretty shitty first GA experiences, but this one adds up to the list I think...

But like I said to many people : Hannover made everything right.

Glad you had a blast Domo!
:hug: Thankyou very much! I have allot of Larry pics especcially for you :shifty: and myself:wink:
Glad you had a wonderful time! Can't wait to see your pics! :hyper:

Finally have them on my comp. I had problems getting them off my memory card , since I pretty much wrecked it in hannover. Shite. But uploading.
I refused to sleep untill they where uploaded. its 4:30 in the morning :wink:
I'm sorry about the shitty experience in Frankfurt, but I'm glad Hannover was spectacular!! :love: :hug: Loved your little story about the Kasabian singer! :up: So glad you had a fantastic time and it only makes me more excited for June! :hyper:
Oh and Bono... was like... Unbelievably happy to see us , according to his..... belt.

Sorry I zeroed in on this but...tis in my nature. :lmao:

Glad all you guys had such a great time and everything...:hug: x a zillion to you!!

Domo, you're also going to Brussels, right?
I'm sorry about the shitty experience in Frankfurt, but I'm glad Hannover was spectacular!! :love: :hug: Loved your little story about the Kasabian singer! :up: So glad you had a fantastic time and it only makes me more excited for June! :hyper:

No need to be sorry! It was just things that you couldn't get in hand.
Shit happens I guess. YEah , I walked out a bigger Kasabian and U2 fan than ever. Your going to have something special in June for sure. Bono is on fire, seriously , you don't even notice any back problems. He's healthy as a fish

Sorry I zeroed in on this but...tis in my nature. :lmao:

Glad all you guys had such a great time and everything...:hug: x a zillion to you!!

Domo, you're also going to Brussels, right?

:angry: Why did you have to get that comment out. We had lots of fun about his belt I tell you, even Carlos (not redrocks, browneyedboy) noticed... his belt.
I tell you , Bono was exited to see us, the whole Hanover show , front to back. The pics I took prove it. They are in the tour thread.
You are being to nice , :hug: When do you start bitching me ;)

Yes , Are you coming ? I wan't you to come meet us in Brussels!
Its a pretty city.
You got pictures showcasing Bono's happiness...bitching at you starts NOW!

:laugh: Your pics are great, and I'm going to rightclicksave some when I get on my computer tomorrow :shifty: If that's okay with you :)

Hah, I wish I was going to Brussels! Or any show this year. No I was only asking because I was pretty sure that you weren't done yet with shows. :hyper:
Yes it was amazing, it was on FIIIIIIIREEEE like Kasabian would sing! Ow I actually met the singer of Kasabian in the Irish Pub, He was really nice , and he signed my Q magazine with them in it Also had my moment with the guitarist of their band, I was singing with them, and I was like , the only one who knew them... (It really felt like that) but I was just enjoying their music so very much, I actually made eyecontact (but he had sunglasses on) and he started singing with me , and he just gave me a nod and smiled. I tought he was doing it to someone else. (thats just the way I think) but then , he saw that I missed it , and wayed a bit with his arm while playing , and nodded again , and repeated it another time , to make me feel sure he really ment me. It was a really cool moment for me. I have been loving Kasabian since West Pauper Ryder Lunatic Asylum came out..
And now this I was at the rail of the catwalk on edges side, but in the inner circle. I swear Edge is so cool , he went over to us 3/4th of the show. I saw Bono kissing Edge with my own eyes, not to be a typical pleban ... but you could just poke me and I would collapse at that moment. Bono was constantly trying to get his attention. (went on to adam if Edge wasn't budging ) Hannover was the best. I had a great view , and everyone around us was very friendly. Wich helped us allot.

Frankfurt was shite becuase of multiple reasons.
The GA line's where crap, 3 different one's. One run from the line to the pit was shorter , so they had allot of people already fill up the FOS.. The security was so tense , they where like scard to hell. And where acting ennoying, NONE of them spoke a word English, and when you try to tell them you understand German , they are gone....
The wristband/stamps system to get out of the pit, trogh the field - to the toilet or merchandising guys, was very chaotic and not working , becuase people where confuzed as hell.
The Fos was just about half filled, we had so much space Galeongirl actually slept in there We were wrecked.
Then when the show began the sound of Kasabian was terrible, I couldn't even make up when they started a new song.. Echo was terrible , the people around us where like..... Dead... The sound during U2 was better but not anything near perfect, Amsterdam was even better.
boring, stupid , not moving AARGGH.. The bridge was above us for a bout 4 songs , and we couldn't move becuase then people would be pusing all sides. I have heard pretty shitty first GA experiences, but this one adds up to the list I think...

Whow SRSLY? That's so cool! I didn't really know the songs, just like everyone around me so I felt kinda sorry for them.:heart: But it's so awesome he saw you knew it! :D
Yea.. Hannover was so great.. Only the less great part was that me and my friend were sitting behind 2 unbelievable annoying women. Apparently I was sitting on one of the women's place. And I thought: "Wth, you don't have your own spot here", but I just wanted to be nice so I shifted a bit. But she said, out of the blue, that I had to f-ck up.:|:|:| They were bothering us the whole concert. XD Sad people, rlly.:wink:

I read you're also going to Brussels? I want too..:sad: But I got no tickets and f-cking SCHOOL!:doh: So I'll wait till their next tour.. like 4 years later.:|

Aw I feel bad for you that Frankfurt wasn't what you expected..!:heart:
You got pictures showcasing Bono's happiness...bitching at you starts NOW!

:laugh: Your pics are great, and I'm going to rightclicksave some when I get on my computer tomorrow :shifty: If that's okay with you :)

Hah, I wish I was going to Brussels! Or any show this year. No I was only asking because I was pretty sure that you weren't done yet with shows. :hyper:

If i had the money I would fly you in.:angry:
I swear , Bono was ehm... happy for the whole night, especially in Hanover. I don't mind that at all , you can have everything!
Especially notified good in my band shot :faint: He was happy to see Edge allot to :combust: I swear , Bono kissing Edge was to much for me! He kissed Adam as well
Yeah right :wink: exited. He was like a kid running out of school at the end of the day.
He is cute :cute: He really is just as tall as me, that made me want to scream OMG HES SO SMALL I LOVE HIM!
EXACTLY! I'm like.. 8 cm shorter than him but I didn't stop growing yet. But I'll never get taller than him and I have to admit that I like that haha.:cute: Reason 1 why I think Bono is cute: HIS SHORTNESS!:heart:
So Jorinde's what-I-Like-the-most-about-the-B-man-list

1. He's fucking short
2. He's a attention whore
3. Leather
4. ?
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