So Canadians, has Harper been everything we've hoped for?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Jan 17, 2001
Boy, he is really predictable so far, right up to his attack of the ethics commissoner ( don't discuss the issue, attack the critic and shift the focus, brilliant politics) and don't debate Afghanistan, it might endanger the troops ( who already in danger btw) and we must support our troops. Yeah, discussing our mission in Afghanistan and the parameters of it isn't supporting the troops, Canadians want our soldiers to die, what a ridiculous thing to suggest. We already heard this argument from the Republicans. Toss in his controversial appointments where he basically told his caucus they weren't good enough for the positions filled by Emerson and Fortier despite being loyal to the party for over 10 years, he is pretty much behaving just like I expected.

We got Bush lite. Lucky us. Can't wait for Parliament to open.

He looks like Data from Star Trek and someday he hopes to be human too.:wink:
Geez, he really looks like hes cleaning up Ottawa, now doesnt he! I day good enough for the idiots that voted him in!

They were naive to think that he'd just walk into Ottawa and be something different. He is just like all the rest, after power and as much as he can get his lego hands on!

Ya you could name off the fuck ups he;s already made like emerson, fortier and the utter distaste he has put in my mouth over how a discussion on our troops and their role on the WOT. What does he think because we talk about something that half the nation has concerns about its going to make our troops demoralized! Maybe it will remind them what they are fighting for, DEMOCRACY!!!
guys, harper is standing up for canada.

he says he doesn't love this country, but admits it's "great".

now THAT'S prime minister material!

How come it wasn't such an issue when Stronach and Brison switched?

Harper, getting Emerson to switch was superb move for the party. They quieted down one of the strongest liberal supporters in a strong liberal core.
trevster2k said:
We already heard this argument from the Republicans.

That's because Harper has used U.S. Republican strategists for his last two elections. I often have a Machiavellian admiration for Republican strategists, because they know just how to take advantage of the fears of voters to get elected.

I agree the Republican strategists are geniuses when it comes to herding the sheep.:wink:

Stronach switching was also political opportunism but she was uncomfortable with the Conservative position regarding same sex marriage. Brison's party changed so he left. Emerson and Harper have destroyed the whole point of elections by having an elected MP switch parties not based on anything but purely on opportunism. Emerson was one of Harper's biggest critics during his campaign, he was elected in a region which has only voted PC, or Conservative once ever. The people in that riding didn't want a Conservative MP yet Emerson just switched over within days of being elected as a Liberal. The strategic voting has nothing to do with it because they would have voted in a Liberal or NDP candidate regardless. The Conservatives received only 18% of the vote. Basically, Harper has told the voters, it doesn't matter how you voted, the elected members can do whatever they want. I'm sure this will disenfranchise an already growing cynical public.

Harper has alienated some of his caucus with these moves since it suggests he doesn't feel anyone in the 110 plus membership is qualified for those cabinets. Nice slap in the face. Also, he said he believed cabinet ministers should be elected not appointed, and he wanted to have an elected senate. So what does he do, appoint Michael Fortier to the Senate and make him a cabinet minister. His reasoning for these appointments, Vancouver and Montreal need representation in the cabinet, well, if they wanted representation in a Conservative government, the people would probably have voted Conservative.

Harper has proven himself to be just another politician despite his claims to the contrary.
I'm a bit intrigued at Harper's interest in engaging Quebec...boldly breaking appointment rules and especially in bringing Charest to the table in international trade talks at the federal level.

My spidey senses are tingling...not sure if it's good or bad yet.
Too early...some of the MPs are still unpacking their underwear and care packages from Mom, let alone getting a grip on their portfolios.

With Afghanistan, my thoughts are with the peacekeepers rather than policy. If you walk by a burning house, I think it's courageous (and very Canadian) to help the victims, and not dwell too much on who started the fire.
Man, Rick is ripping the buyer off, $16,000,000 for the Liberal leadership. The payoffs are up there but not that much.:wink:
"A Conservative government will:

Prevent the Prime Minister from overruling the Ethics Commissoner on whether the Prime Minister, a minister or an official is in violation of the Conflict of Interest Code"

-Conservative Party platform

Stephen Harper has stated that it is the Prime Minister's right to appoint whomever he feels to cabinet. He is correct however it is not his right to not cooperate with an investigation by the Ethics Commissoner. The PMO is not above the law and he is setting a horrible example considering his party ran on a platform of restoring integrity to politics. Cooperating with such a probe does not mean they will be found in a conflict of interest. If anything, he should welcome such an investigation to clear up any misconceptions as to how it came to be that David Emerson was convinced to leave the Liberals and join the Conservatives. Pure rubbish, and frankly, considering Harper has yet to do anything in office, I am astounded at how many blunders he has committed and his arrogance. This man is not my Prime Minister.

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