Scorsese's Next Movie, The Departed

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Blue Crack Addict
Nov 30, 2002
Edge's beanie closet
It's out on October 6th- stars DiCaprio, Matt Damon, and Nicholson. Filmed on location in Boston


Undercover cop Billy Costigan (Leonardo DiCaprio) is assigned to bust the syndicate run by mob boss Costello (Jack Nicholson). Colin Sullivan (Matt Damon) is a criminal who has infiltrated the police department as an informer. When the two are in danger of being exposed, each must race to uncover the identity of the other man in time to save himself.

You can watch the trailer here;_ylt=Arx5Hp4SW8KHrx7je0uUiLBfVXcA
Scorsese's Annual Oscar Snub, this one looks great though :up:

Jack Nicholson is one of my all-time favorite actors.
i hate all three of those actors, but scorsese is the man.

plus there was dropkick murphys in that trailer.
IWasBored said:
i hate all three of those actors, but scorsese is the man.

plus there was dropkick murphys in that trailer.

Kimmie, I had to think of you when I saw this movie tonight. I already thought it was the Dropkick Murphys playing a couple of times in the movie.
I can't think of any other movie this year that is more worthy of the Oscar, or certainly best adaptation. Fantastic acting, directing, camera work. And as a local, I can say that you don't even know how many things they got right. (Except the damn girl's accent. That was painful. But all in all only one bad Boston accent is impressive.)
Did anyone buy the DVD yet? I'm wondering if the extras are any good, there is a limited edition as well. Maybe I'll just rent rather than buy :wink:

There are rumors of a sequel already :hyper:
Yeah, there were apparently sequels to the original movie this was a remake of, "Infernal Affairs."

Glad to hear the name Dropkick Murphys - I was wondering who that was during the movie. Good stuff.

I rented this last night. Great movie. I hated the end though.:( I really wanted Leonardo's character to live and I really wanted to see Matt Damon's character go down, but not that fast and easy. I was waiting for them to show what was in the envelope that Leo gave that girl when he said "only open this if anything ever happens to me" and they never did.
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