Scariest Movie Ev-ah!!

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Reggie Thee Dog

Blue Crack Addict
Aug 22, 2000
Hell Ain't A Bad Place To Be...
Is still the Exorcist....especially if you were raised in a Roman Catholic Family who attended church regularly.

I've seen this movie 6 or 7 times and everytime I see it I still can't sleep for 2 days...:yikes:

What movies have scared the pants off of you....:hmm:
Very few movies genuinely scare me anymore. The Ring gave me some frights when that first came out though.
The Exorcist is the only one that really scares me. Well that and Jesus Camp.

I laughed my ass off at The Ring. I found the audience reaction to be more entertaining than the movie itself.
unico said:
I laughed my ass off at The Ring. I found the audience reaction to be more entertaining than the movie itself.

:grumpy: Well, some of us are a bit more easily frightened than others. Gore doesn't do it for me, but the really atmospheric stuff does. :yikes:
Don't laugh, but when I saw Saw I didn't sleep a wink that night. :yikes:

I've been able to watch it since though without fear :up:

The Exorcist had a really creepy atmosphere to it, it was well done and has stood the test of time well.
I completely agree with Jacob's Ladder!!! Very scary.
The Ring and the Grudge were creepy and probably the scariest of the most recent movies.

The Exorcist was always terrifying, but after seeing it dozens of times, its wearing off.

I remember seeing Prince of Darkness in the theater when it first came out - very disturbing!

Salem's Lot- another creepy one.

Funny - there aren't many actual ghost movies out there that are scary. I love the TV documentaries though. :up: Very scary!
The best - A Haunting -
those nightmare on elm street movies used to scare me as a kid. now they're cheesy and funny. but yeah...i had some very lenient aunts who loved that kinda junk, which of course pissed off my parents to no end when i'd have nightmares for a week.
The Ring gave me a few good, creepy scares.

And when I wasn't nauseous from sitting too close, and when I didn't want to slap the chick with the camera, The Blair Witch Project completely creeped me out. All of the scenes at night were just super creepy. And the last five minutes freaked me right the hell out.
Mr. Green Eyes said:
Stanley Kubrick's The Shining.:yikes: I couldn't go to sleep after I watched it. I tried to watch The Exorcist, but got bored half way though and never finished it. 1408 was a creepy movie, it's one of those movies that get under your skin.

Redrum Redrum Redruuuuuuuuuum! :evil:

1408 was definitely creepy slasher movie ever...the one that got it started. Very little blood...lost of psychological stuff!!!

The Shining...watching a person slowly go murderously mad...that is scary...however I can still sleep after seeing that one

The Ring...the end was scary, but that was basically it...:sigh:

Jacob's Ladder...not scary...well psychologically scary...but not sitting on the edge of my seat scary...:no:


1408? I'll have to see that one

Evil Dead scared me at it's just :lol: kind of a fun scary movie...:shrug:

Anyone ever see a move called Suspiria? Italian film...frightenly gruesome movie...anyone...:eyebrow:
Halloween and The Exorcist are my faves. Watchng a Halloween fest today on AMC (skipped 3). Donald Pleasance as Dr Loomis :up:

I find Frailty disturbing :crack:
I will pretty much watch any horror flick that is on....:shrug: Some will scare me just about to death and others are just worth a laugh (The Exorcist 2)
The Thing
The Shining
The Exorcist

Basically the unholy trinity of awesome horror.
Anyone remember Intruders with Richard Crenna? That scarred the shit out of me. Especially the scene where the lady is having a flashback to her memory as a child. She follows this little blonde haired kid he stops at a lake she sees a UFO the kid turns around and it turns out he is a humanoid alien and she is taken by the aliens for experimentation.

And a scene from "Fire in the Sky"
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LemonMacPhisto said:
The Thing

Have you gone to this year's Halloween Horror Nights at Universal? My sister went through a "The Thing" haunted house.

The end of The Blair Witch Project freaked me out too. The first two Alien movies are scary to me.

I can't really name a favorite scary movie, because I don't like scarry movies :reject:.
I've still never seen "Poltergeist". I'd like to, though...

Let's see-well, of course there's "Psycho", with its damned shower scene...thanks, Hitchcock :|.

And "Halloween"-first time I saw this movie was after I'd come home from a haunted hayride in which I got the bejesus scared out of me by these chainsaw-wielding guys. After I saw the movie, that night I checked behind every single door, inside every single closet, and seriously thought about keeping my light on in my room (I didn't, though). And the next day I kept staring warily at this row of trees in my backyard whenever I'd be outside, just in case Michael popped out from behind them. Ever since then, I don't care how many times I see that movie, Michael, as well as the very last shots of the movie itself, never fail to creep me the hell out.

I know. I am a major wuss. I've come to terms with this. But those two movies definitely tie for my "scariest movie ever" pick. They both had multiple moments that truly frightened me.

Some other good mentions here, though, I have been creeped out by some of these movies as well. There's also "Misery", though actually, "Misery" was just more really, really unsettling than anything else. Especially for those of us who want to be writers :(.

"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" is disturbing, too, but I just felt more like I desperately needed to take a shower after watching it more than anything else.

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BonosBaby12 said:

Ooooh I saw the 1st one with Jennifer Aniston in it. About died when the leprechaun was driving a low rider :lol:

Shari I see you are doing the same thing as me all day :wink:
I think I have to see these leprechaun movies :hmm::lol:

I wonder why they did not show Halloween H20 :scratch: They have Halloween 5 listed as being on again in 2 1/2 hrs........
shari schultz said:

I think I have to see these leprechaun movies :hmm::lol:

I wonder why they did not show Halloween H20 :scratch: They have Halloween 5 listed as being on again in 2 1/2 hrs........

Just discovered that H20 is going to be playing on FX at 7pm (Central Time). Makes no sense at all to have skipped part 7 on AMC! In fact AMC isn't even showing part 8 but FX is :hmm:

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