Santorum: liberals responsible for Catholic sex abuse scandal

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Blue Crack Supplier
Dec 4, 2003
the West Coast
money quote:

"It is startling that those in the media and academia appear most disturbed by this aberrant behavior, since they have zealously promoted moral relativism by sanctioning "private" moral matters such as alternative lifestyles. Priests, like all of us, are affected by culture. When the culture is sick, every element in it becomes infected. While it is no excuse for this scandal, it is no surprise that Boston, a seat of academic, political and cultural liberalism in America, lies at the center of the storm."

read the rest:

this might even do Karl Rove one better.
This guy Santorum should take a trip to Ireland. A friend of mine knows of two people from his home town who killed themselves after being abused by a notorious paedo cleric.
keep close watch on Massachusetts.

the anti-gay forces are looking for *anything* that might resemble the moral decay they think gay marriage is going to bring on the nation. take, for example, their hugely false representation of a pamphlet mistakenly brought by GLSEN to a workshop.

people of Massachusetts: don't let others define your state.
and this guy is on the list of possible GOP 08 presidential candidates

the party has sold it's soul to the extreemists
deep said:
and this guy is on the list of possible GOP 08 presidential candidates

the party has sold it's soul to the extreemists

As scary as that thought is, I've got an even scarier one.

Santorum does not have the support of the extreme right, because of a) his support of Arlen Spector against Pat Toomey in the 2004 PA Senate primary, which many feel to be a betrayal of the base, and b) his vocal support for raising the minimum wage.

In other words, for a large part of the GOP, he's not extreme enough.
I know of many priests who have been accused of abusing children back in the so-called moral golden age of the 1940s and 1950s. But hey, why blame the people in positions of authority in the church who knew about it for years and years but just kept transferring these priests to different parishes without saying one word about the abuse when you can just blame liberals?
Santorum is merely regurgitating the sick logic of the Vatican. That is, the Vatican is only "sorry" that it got caught, and it actually more angry that the "liberal media" brought it out in the open.

And why is Boston the "center" of this? Could it be it's the most "Catholic" of the U.S.? Catholic priests can't molest children where there is no Catholicism. And just to let people know, in very "Catholic" SE Michigan, there's been our own sex scandals.

I'm sorry, but, frankly, Santorum and the Vatican can go fuck themselves.

Maggie1 said:
Im thinking about moving to Canada. :|

Priests have probably been molesting people in Canada too. The "liberal media" just hasn't exposed it yet.

oh christ, this is ridiculous. it is extremely frightening to me that we tolerate and elect people that spew this bile.

did he ever consider that perhaps Boston was the center of the scandal because its one of (if not the) most catholic cities in the country?

what an idiot
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