Random Music Talk XXXVIII: robin-hood-brings-a-rainbow.gif

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So I watched the first four episodes of Arrested Development on friggin' Netflix streaming. It took three episodes for me to get it. Now I do. I haven't wet my pants laughing yet, but I like it.

I did not ever see Tears for Fears live. They've never done it for me.
No spoken words said:

I was going to guess Pale Shelter. If Interference ever gets a name change, I'm nominating that.

joyfulgirl said:
I used to have it on vinyl. It was a long time ago. I can't remember stuff. :reject:

We picked this up at Reckless the other day for a couple of bucks. It has a shitty alternate cover of Roland and Curt emoting at a duck pond.
martha said:
So I watched the first four episodes of Arrested Development on friggin' Netflix streaming. It took three episodes for me to get it. Now I do. I haven't wet my pants laughing yet, but I like it.

I noticed it was up on there, and I wound up watching six episodes from the second season before I realized what was going on. Watching another right now, in fact. This makes little sense given the fact that the DVDs are within arms reach of the couch.

Anyway, do enjoy.
:reject: I was a bad girl today. I played hooky from work because I started resenting the people who were calling in and came too dangerously close to telling this one guy to shove his remote up his ass.

Let's just say mental health day = good :up:
Spending it at the ex-boyfriend's = bad :down:

Really? After that post, you're going to click on the spoiler.
More than three spoilers? What could I possibly be hiding down there?
Go ahead. Click it. You know you want to. It's THERE, taunting you.
Five spoilers down and you're still clicking?
Laz is the only one who has clicked this deep. Or maybe it's
Friggin' Cobbler.
We have to go deeper.
You're sick, you know that? Alright, I'll reward your patience with a reference only one of us would recognize:
After the things we did, I may have to name my first son Lance.
Bros, I'm going to my friend's wedding in a couple weeks and don't know what to do about her registry. Is one $10 thing from it too little? Not trying to sound cheap, but I honestly don't know having never been to a wedding before. And I don't know if I want the guilt of knowing I spent markedly less on their wedding gift than I did on a new tie I really wanted for the occasion.

This Arrested Development talk is making me happy. Let's all go celebrate at Burger King. It's a great restaurant!

That's actually the one I was watching while writing that last post. Get out of my head.
Is that song "Psycho Killer" by Tears For Fears?
Bros, I'm going to my friend's wedding in a couple weeks and don't know what to do about her registry. Is one $10 thing from it too little? Not trying to sound cheap, but I honestly don't know having never been to a wedding before. And I don't know if I want the guilt of knowing I spent markedly less on their wedding gift than I did on a new tie I really wanted for the occasion.
A friend once told me a wedding gift's cost depends on the reception: if there's a dinner and drinks involved, the gift should at least equal that. TBH the guy who told me that is a total douche, but it does make sense to me.

That being said, I think people generally pick their registries to have gifts that accommodate all price ranges, from cheapass can opener to OMFG new china set, so I doubt they'll be keeping track of who bought what.
Just me, but I would've been just fine with a $10 gift at our wedding if it meant such a fine lad as yourself was in attendance ;).

No, but seriously, you're fine, personally, I shoot for $20 fwiw.
Bros, I'm going to my friend's wedding in a couple weeks and don't know what to do about her registry. Is one $10 thing from it too little? Not trying to sound cheap, but I honestly don't know having never been to a wedding before. And I don't know if I want the guilt of knowing I spent markedly less on their wedding gift than I did on a new tie I really wanted for the occasion.

That's actually the one I was watching while writing that last post. Get out of my head.

$10 is a tad low.
I think the idea is that he is surprised a man of your Jewish persuasion would be willing to spend MORE than $10 on a gift. But tbh, I'm not positive myself, I rarely am.
Bros, I'm going to my friend's wedding in a couple weeks and don't know what to do about her registry. Is one $10 thing from it too little? Not trying to sound cheap, but I honestly don't know having never been to a wedding before. And I don't know if I want the guilt of knowing I spent markedly less on their wedding gift than I did on a new tie I really wanted for the occasion.

That's actually the one I was watching while writing that last post. Get out of my head.
Throw yourself in for $20 and then have a lot of fun at the wedding. Everyone just wants everyone else to have a good time.

I've been known for my timing.
Reggo said:
Yeah, I just figured it'd be BoMac or Impy who did it. :lol:

Talking Heads. I wasn't even close.

The album from which that song comes, Talking Heads '77, is excellent, by the way.
The album from which that song comes, Talking Heads '77, is excellent, by the way.

I'll have to check it out sometime between Mini Island and prepping for DI IX. I may have bitten off more than I can chew with Punk Island... :uhoh:
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