Random facts and confessions: Part 4

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It's over.
Sooner than I thought, but it's for the best.
He picked a fight, and said some really hurtful and unnessescary things, that just can't be taken back.
He personally attacked me and went too far.
It was all I could do to not say some hurtful things back, but I don't hate him, so I just let him get it all out.

:uhoh: Get a cat?

Id love to, but Ive got a rabbit and guinea pig, plus my brothers allergic, and I am to a certain extent. :( There are loads of neighbours with cats, so all the mice they would potentially have are probably coming to us. ¬_¬

Was the mouse watching you bathe? :scratch:

Well it saw me nude in the bath...

Pervert mouse. :tsk:
Well can't you temporarily borrow one of the neighbours cats then? :p Just drag it down your house, let it chase out the mice and return it?

Yuck, you got perverted mice. That's odd.
Id love to, but Ive got a rabbit and guinea pig, plus my brothers allergic, and I am to a certain extent. :( There are loads of neighbours with cats, so all the mice they would potentially have are probably coming to us. ¬_¬

Well it saw me nude in the bath...

Pervert mouse. :tsk:

:lol: my cat sits on the sink and watches me. . . . . it's a bit odd really.
My cat is scared of running water or maybe its the loud noise the water makes when I start to fill the bathtub.
Lol COBL, many times, many times. They've taken the same from me as I've taken from them time wise tho, so no hard feelings or regrets for the late nights ^_^

And I dont know how this confession thing works really, but I guess I apologise to that dude up in Aberdeen who was gifted a black eye from me when I was hammered on Friday, when I thought he was hitting on my bird. Apologies mate, hope it heals, or else you get the other one punched to match or whatnot. Whatever floats your sheep filled boat.
Lol COBL, many times, many times. They've taken the same from me as I've taken from them time wise tho, so no hard feelings or regrets for the late nights ^_^

And I dont know how this confession thing works really, but I guess I apologise to that dude up in Aberdeen who was gifted a black eye from me when I was hammered on Friday, when I thought he was hitting on my bird. Apologies mate, hope it heals, or else you get the other one punched to match or whatnot. Whatever floats your sheep filled boat.

I thought I stayed a bit too late, but from the sounds of it he and the girl that stayed there ended up having a night to remember.

That second part of your post sounds very Quadrophenic.
I thought I stayed a bit too late, but from the sounds of it he and the girl that stayed there ended up having a night to remember.

That second part of your post sounds very Quadrophenic.

Hehe, no harm done then eh? XD

And may I enquire as to what Quadropehnic is?
:lol: i just saw your post in "last thing said/spoke" too..

i confess that all the boys from down the cricket club are in geelong tonight.. and want me to come down! but ive only got one way of getting there really, and i dont want to go, headache and i've already been drinking, plus i go down there and see them tomorrow and i'm meant to be saving for a car. but then this guilt overcomes me, because i'm 18, and i should be out :huh:
:lol: i just saw your post in "last thing said/spoke" too..

i confess that all the boys from down the cricket club are in geelong tonight.. and want me to come down! but ive only got one way of getting there really, and i dont want to go, headache and i've already been drinking, plus i go down there and see them tomorrow and i'm meant to be saving for a car. but then this guilt overcomes me, because i'm 18, and i should be out :huh:

Why should you be out?

You don't have to do anything you don't want to. Nobody can force you to go out.
I would go for it. If they were over them completely then they wouldn't have a problem with it.
i have had two people calling all night and knocking on the door but i didn't want visitors so i've ignored them :lol:



i confess that all the boys from down the cricket club are in geelong tonight.. and want me to come down! but ive only got one way of getting there really, and i dont want to go, headache and i've already been drinking, plus i go down there and see them tomorrow and i'm meant to be saving for a car. but then this guilt overcomes me, because i'm 18, and i should be out :huh:

It's okay to spend a night in. I don't think they take away your 'hip young person' card for just one night in.

Why should you be out?

You don't have to do anything you don't want to. Nobody can force you to go out.

Well, maybe I can. GET THE F*CK OUT!!!!!!

What? Still in? :shrug: Guess you're right, GG. Can't say I didn't try.
I married my good friends ex fiance. . . and a year before we were together I went out with his best friend. :shifty:

just go for it. :up:

same. :up: everyone who was once involved in our melrose melodrama is now happily married and living very grown up lives. oh, to be 18 again. or not.

I would go for it. If they were over them completely then they wouldn't have a problem with it.

Yeah this is very true. I don't believe that anyone should have a hold on anyone at the best of times, but once a relationship is done, you must move on and freely wish them luck with their future whatevers. Over is over is over.
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