Question for MacPhisto Scoiety Participants: Bluey, Bona, etc.

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War Child
Oct 3, 2001
The Echosphere
I have an odd request: I'd like to edit the current MacPhisto Society thread, when it finishes, into a story. I think the material is FAAAAABULOUS, dahlings, but so hard to follow what with everyone posting in a non-linear way. I'm assuming that there's a lot of people who haven't witnessed the glory of the thread because they don't do the role-play thing. I want to enlighten them!

But before I do such a thing, I need the permission of all you glamorous people who participated. So just reply to this message and let me know if it's cool or not. I'm not going to go and make a million-dollar book deal off of it or anything. And I'll stay as true as possible to the original dialogue and direction.

If it's alright with everyone, then when I finish, I'll post it for everyone to read.


PS. Isn't the typo in the subject heading ADORABLE?
I'm usually such a stickler for those things....

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[This message has been edited by Echo (edited 10-29-2001).]
I'm all for it darling, but I think we should maybe wait and make this decision when we are done. If we decide to do this now, it might put our oh so glamourous posters under pressure to write to please everyone, and personally I am just there to have fun...which I am...MPS rules!

What does everyone else think?
I think it could be really cool though!
You are just full of good ideas Echo, I'm glad you joined us!
-Bluey of Doom (dude, I AM doomed in the MPS thread...yikes!)

[This message has been edited by blueeyes (edited 10-29-2001).]
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