Put You Thought Down You Wonderful U2 Fans!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Cute Irish Bono

Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Jan 11, 2004
Put your opinions down on these U2 questions.

1. I totally love that U2 is a rock group but if U2 wasn't what type of band do you think they'll be?

A. Rap
B. Country
C. Heavy Medal

My opinion: country

2. If U2 wrestled who do you think would win?

A. The Edge
B. Bono
C. Larry
D. Adam

My opinion: The Edge or Larry

3. What will U2's next album be like?

A. Like U2's 80's style ans A.T.Y.CL.B
B. Like U2's 90's style
C. A mixture between the two

My opinion: A mixture

4. When did Bono look the cutest! {Even though he's cute all of the time!}

A. War period
B. Josusha Tree's period
C. Zoo TV period
D. Pop Tart period
E. A.T.C.L.B.

My opinion: Pop Tart period, then in second place is Bono's lloks now!

5. What about The Edge's looks!

A. 80's is better
B. 90's is better

My opinion: 90's

More questons coming soon! Please write down your reponse!:wink: :huh:
1) answer is B, I can see Bono with a cowbow hat and a belt the size of a toaster. 2) D, That base makes a great club. 3) I will say C because I don't want it too be new plus history shows that U2 arent usually doomed to repeat history. 4) Hmmm, cuteness factor I will have to take a random stab at this one and say the exact opposite of what I think looked cool hence uh, JT period so B. 5) Yeah 90's is better if it werent for that interesting facial hair would we have seen Pop?
1. I totally love that U2 is a rock group but if U2 wasn't what type of band do you think they'll be?

Hip Hop or Electronica

2. If U2 wrestled who do you think would win?

I heard Bono has a mean head butt.

3. What will U2's next album be like?

Like nothing we've heard from U2 before.

4. When did Bono look the cutest! {Even though he's cute all of the time!}

Bono's cute?

5. What about The Edge's looks!

Edge looks cool bald.
1. B. I don't like rap or heavy metal very much, so that just leaves country.

2. B. When asked this in an interview I read once, the band said that Bono could beat all three of them, and I wouldn't doubt it! He's a feisty little fireball.

3. C. I think (and hope) that it will be something familiar yet new.

4. B. He looks so cute in a cowboy hat! (Go watch Rattle and Hum and see what I mean!) If it weren't for that, I'd say the ZooTV era.

5. B. He looked like a train-hopping drifter in the 80s.
1. I once read The Cry/The Electric Co. described as heavy metal, so I'm going with that.

2. Adam would waste Bono and particularly Larry. Adam versus Edge would be pretty close, though. My money's on Adam.

3. It won't be anything we expect.

4 and 5. I listen to the music, I don't look at the band.
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