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Blue Crack Supplier
Dec 4, 2003
the West Coast
prevent Republican adoption!

[q]Plan would bar Ohio adoptions by GOP
By Carl Chancellor
Beacon Journal staff writer

If a Youngstown lawmaker's proposal becomes Ohio law, Republicans would be barred from being adoptive parents.

State Sen. Robert Hagan sent out e-mails to fellow lawmakers late Wednesday night, stating that he intends to ``introduce legislation in the near future that would ban households with one or more Republican voters from adopting children or acting as foster parents.'' The e-mail ended with a request for co-sponsorship.

On Thursday, the Democrat said he had not yet found a co-sponsor.

Hagan said his ``tongue was planted firmly in cheek'' when he drafted the proposed legislation.

However, Hagan said that the point he is trying to make is nonetheless very serious.

Hagan said his legislation was written in response to a bill introduced in the Ohio House this month by Rep. Ron Hood, R-Ashville, that is aimed at prohibiting gay adoption.

``We need to see what we are doing,'' said Hagan, who called Hood's proposed bill blatantly discriminatory and extremely divisive. Hagan called Hood and the eight other conservative House Republicans who backed the anti-gay adoption bill ``homophobic.''

Hood's bill, which does not have support of House leadership, seeks to ban children from being placed for adoption or foster care in homes where the prospective parent or a roommate is homosexual, bisexual or transgender.

To further lampoon Hood's bill, Hagan wrote in his mock proposal that ``credible research'' shows that adopted children raised in Republican households are more at risk for developing ``emotional problems, social stigmas, inflated egos, and alarming lack of tolerance for others they deem different than themselves and an air of overconfidence to mask their insecurities.''

However, Hagan admitted that he has no scientific evidence to support the above claims. Just as ``Hood had no scientific evidence'' to back his assertion that having gay parents was detrimental to children, Hagan said.

``It flies in the face of reason when we need to reform our education system, address health care and environmental issues that we put energy and wasted time (into) legislation (Hood's) like this,'' continued Hagan, who has been in the Ohio Senate nine years. Before the Senate, he served 19 years in the Ohio House.

Well, you said you didn't miss Ohio and I thought about that and I could see how you would be more comfortable in Orange County, that's all I'm saying. I used to live there too so I should know.
ah, orange county is some kind of orange actually makes sense. i used to live in orange county and i think the place tries to shelter itself from anything it deems as abnormal.
Perhaps Ohio, a place I've never lived, is an exception to this cliche, but I have come to hold a certain grudging respect for the much-vaunted "Midwestern common sense" since we moved out here. The small-town Midwest is a conservative and often xenophobic place, no two ways about that, but I do find the general suspicion of grand-vision ideologues of whatever stripe refreshing.

Not sure it really holds true in the case of gay rights though.

Ohio is over run with a corrupt Republican Party

and the Orange Curtain is commonly used to describe O C
as it is very Conservative
deep said:

Ohio is over run with a corrupt Republican Party

And Kenneth Blackwell, current Secretary of State and gubernatorial hopeful, is one of the "Focus on the Fascism" test candidates in a handful of states. If Dobson wins these matches, he will then presume he can try to take over the rest of America. He really is the "Ayatollah Khomeini" of the U.S. Even Khomeini believed in democracy; and, like Dobson, he believed that the majority would always elect a theocracy.

Oh yes, Ohio has a huge share of miscreants. I live in the midst of rural awshucks bigoted Ohio.

Blackwell is trying to pull a Katherine Harris and get some bang for his heist of the election. We've got a crazy preacher in Toledo helping him, the lovely Congressman wrapped up with Abramohoff, Coingate, and a Govenor convicted on ethics charges.

The author of the bill was on MSNBC last night. It's meant to be joke showing the idiocy of the other bill. But it has merit:hmm:
Irvine511 said:
is a "yeah, but it could be worse" defense of the current state of things really much of a defense at all?

Not really a defense, but it does give perspective to the kinds of things Americans face and complain about vs. the kinds of things others face in the world.

If finding food was a daily priority or if we were refugees in our own country - we'd have less time to discuss policy nuances on the internet.
nbcrusader said:

Not really a defense, but it does give perspective to the kinds of things Americans face and complain about vs. the kinds of things others face in the world.

If finding food was a daily priority or if we were refugees in our own country - we'd have less time to discuss policy nuances on the internet.

i hear in Massachusettes they want to pass an amendment preventing Christians from adopting children.

but don't despair! if you were in Iran, you might be hanged for being a Christian. count your blessings!

how does that feel?
nbcrusader said:
Can I adopt children vs. will I eat today?

You tell me

realizing that one is lucky to live in the US is quite different from the majority withholding rights from you and then saying, "come on now, it's not so bad, i know i'm not personally affected by your struggle, but i know it's worse somewhere else."

would you say that to a sharecropper? hey, at least you're not on a plantation anymore! sorry about all that, here's your 40 acres and a muel -- think of how good you've got it, not being in chains and getting beaten and all.
If it was me who desperately wanted kids someday and knew there were significant forces out there working to cast me and my kind as unworthy of parenting kids who need love and a home, I don't think I'd be inclined to dismiss it as "policy nuances."
You missed the point of my interjection - that of perspective. On a global scale, it is a complete luxury that we get to sit in comfortable office and have discussions withe people around the world through a nicely run web site.
^ Exactly.

I'm sorry, but perhaps we should define terms like "fascist" before we start labelling people who disagree with us as such. Or spend time in countries like North Korea.
nathan1977 said:
^ Exactly.

I'm sorry, but perhaps we should define terms like "fascist" before we start labelling people who disagree with us as such. Or spend time in countries like North Korea.

or, what if you weren't labeling an entire society fascist, but were aware of fascist impulses within the society you live?

i don't think anyone is calling the US fascist.

but i do think there are fascist impulses within American politics, many of which are easy to dismiss when they don't affect you directly.
North Korea is not a "fascist" state--I'll leave it to melon to explain why Blackwell and Dobson warrant the label, since no one else has explicitly made that argument. I must say, I don't recall anyone raising a comparable fuss when iron horse called the Baby Boomers "Gestapo" a few days back.

I still fail to see why the fact that most Americans live in relative material comfort should have any bearing at all on whether opposition to gay adoption is a serious political issue.
yolland said:
I still fail to see why the fact that most Americans live in relative material comfort should have any bearing at all on whether opposition to gay adoption is a serious political issue.

i suppose it's upsetting when faggots get all uppity and in your face.
yolland said:
I still fail to see why the fact that most Americans live in relative material comfort should have any bearing at all on whether opposition to gay adoption is a serious political issue.

That was not the point being discussed. But, I guess issues can only be framed one way....
nbcrusader said:

That was not the point being discussed. But, I guess issues can only be framed one way....

it strikes me as precisely the issue being discussed.

simply because i am grateful for the fact that i have plenty to eat does not mean that i shouldn't be upset at powerful politicians who insinuate that i am by definition a child molestor and unfit to be around children.
nathan1977 said:
Have you ever actually lived in a fascist state?

Have you ever studied any? Because fascist states, contrary to what some here might think, aren't suffering from famine and malnutrition.

In fact, the majority usually love fascist/nationalist regimes. It's the scapegoated minorities who usually don't like it.

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