Positive Vibes please

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Pretty weird shit going on. She's going back to the husband this week despite my suggestions to the contrary. I'll fly out in a couple weeks to see if she's okay. Wish I could do more.
My half-sister is back in the hospital. She's been diagnosed with emphysema (a month or so ago). One of her lungs doesn't work at all. They thought she had pneumonia again but no fluid in the lungs. So now they think there's a mass (cancer) in there but she's not strong enough for a scan. They're hoping to do a scan tomorrow.She is on a ventilator, but her heart is working on its own. They say that one lung on 100% pure oxygen can't survive without some serious damage. So from what I hear 2nd hand (from my cousin who is there) there are three options.

1) a miracle happens and she recovers
2) she dies fairly soon
3) she lives the rest of her life on a ventilator

Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated.
Shit, Zooey. I hope a miracle happens... Inexplicable things do happen in medicine.

I'll be thinking of you and your half-sister and hoping for the best.

OMG :hug: Zooey :hug: I'm so sorry to hear this about your sister. Know that we're all here thinking of you, and sending all our strength and love. :hug:
Well, her vitals improved enough last night to do a scan, and it turns out, big shock, she has lung cancer - stage 4 - untreatable. They don't know if she'll regain consciousness and they give her 4-6 weeks. Time to make my peace. Thanks for the well wishes, people, it really means a lot to me. :hug:
I hope you're able to say goodbye to her... I wish you both peace, and sending strength to you. :hug:

And there's always room for a miracle, too...
I hope
2) at least she regains consciousness at least long enough so you can say a proper good-bye to her.......

day-um :sigh:

me too.

Again, thanks everyone for your good vibes. I'd like to say goodbye but I think (who knows???) I'd be okay if she just... passes on...

Who am I kidding? I'm a wreck.
:hug: :hug: :hug:

Be a wreck, be whatever you need to be to get through this Zooey, and know that we're all here to help you get through all of this

:hug: :hug: :hug:
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