Pleban Girls Party - We like the green M&M's

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Bye Molly...

Hi Sami :hug:

Aww, I have nothing for bribery. so am keeping all dodgy pics of me to myself ;)

sounds as if you had fun VP!
No, you were already going to Chicago, I convinced you to come to Toronto. And it wasn't all that difficult. :wink: But I'm sooo happy you did! :love:

Nevermind. Missed the "via Toronto" part. :reject: :lol:

Hi Sarah! :hug:
WildHoney said:


Next tour we're going to have to be more co-ordinated :lol:

I'll be seeing Jem & Ruff soon :drool: :drool:

We will be. :yes:

You must be SO excited!! Wish I could be there. I'll need every detail, of course. :drool: I got a PM from Ruff today and she said she just arrived in Italy for the week.
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