PLEBA Misc News, Stories and Articles #9

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Edge,like a boss:up:
Why would Larry be a better choice if he's friends with Bono? Both Bono and Larry have a motorcycle license. But as far as I am aware Bono quit riding them after Greg Carroll died bringing Bono's bike back home.
Why would Larry be a better choice if he's friends with Bono? Both Bono and Larry have a motorcycle license. But as far as I am aware Bono quit riding them after Greg Carroll died bringing Bono's bike back home.

The thought of Bono driving anything still makes me giggle. :giggle:
Aren't there a number of Edge stories that tell how Bono can't/shouldn't drive? :lol:

(Although the boat-knicking incidents during Zoo are still favorites. :shh: )
I'm glad he doesn't drive. It would be too risky for him and the band anyway. And I don't mean that in a funny way. If anything, he should just sit behind George Clooney on the bike and hold onto him very tightly :drool:

Why would Larry be a better choice if he's friends with Bono? Both Bono and Larry have a motorcycle license. But as far as I am aware Bono quit riding them after Greg Carroll died bringing Bono's bike back home.

Because Larry is a better driver and Bono has a reputation for interesting driving. Plus, like you said, Bono most likely quit riding them and Larry still does ride. So if George wants to take a motorcycle tour, I think Larry would be better suited for it.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using U2 Interference mobile app
Does this mean that George Clooney is going to be zipping around with Bono clinging to the back of his ride?
The thought of Bono driving anything still makes me giggle. :giggle:
Aren't there a number of Edge stories that tell how Bono can't/shouldn't drive? :lol:

(Although the boat-knicking incidents during Zoo are still favorites. :shh: )

Have you ever seen THE ZooTv interview where Bono drives a female interviewer around?

That alone will convince ANYONE not to ever step into a car when Bono's driving.
Does this mean that George Clooney is going to be zipping around with Bono clinging to the back of his ride?

Omg someone write this? Please? :shifty:

Have you ever seen THE ZooTv interview where Bono drives a female interviewer around?

That alone will convince ANYONE not to ever step into a car when Bono's driving.

Bono Flirty Sexy Interview - ZooTv Part 1 - 60 Minutes Australia - YouTube

The fun starts at 5 minutes, but do yourself a favour and watch the whole thing(there's more parts too). :drool: Beardy flirty Bono is teh shitz. Favourite part? 6.27. "Oh, I'm on the wrong side of the street.... sorry!"

OH LORD. I'd forgotten this! :lmao:
When exactly will the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon with U2 be broadcast? Is it on Monday or Tuesday? I'm trying to figure out the schedule, but I'm pretty sure I can't stay up to watch since it will be in the early morning hours where I live.
I think because of the Olympics, it's on a little later than usual. I think normally it's on 11:30 pm (east coast and west coast time), but it actually is on at midnight or 12:30 Tuesday morning.

At least that's what my channel listing tells me!
I only posted the preview clip of the interview in the You Tube thread and have been searching for the full interview since yesterday, but couldn't find it. If someone can find it online, it would be nice to have a link. I missed it on CNN, but it sounded like a good interview.
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