PGP......You Made Me Love You....

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Yes, when I hold the textbook it's very hard. :wink:

It's not so much that the material is really that difficult, it's just I can't get motivated to read it..and it's rather dry (ha ha..that's humerous b/c the chapter is on fluids). I read like 1 page and my mnd is already crying for distration.

le sigh
~BrightestStar~ said:

Why is reading textbooks so hard to do? :scream:

I know :scream: :shifty:

I have to read 100 pages tonight :sad:

AND I have to study for a math test tomorrow that I don't understand at all because my teacher wasn't here today or yesterday but she's still giving us a test tomorrow :| It's not fair!
how's everyone doin? bri, i know what you mean about motivation, and Sami, i have homework, too :sad: why oh why do i assign so much reading?

VP! :heart: :heart: :heart: how are you?

ok, did you guys buy the latest Rolling Stone in which Alli and I are famous? :lol:
VintagePunk said:
Ruff!! I posted last night that you're (sorta) in the current Rolling Stone - did you know?? :hyper:

Edit - apparently you do. :lol: Sarah read it to me, and we squealed. :lol:

Yeah, Alli and I are now famous (in our heads) for being total addicts. People probably read that and go: :rolleyes:

But I love that it was the two of us together that got quoted (sorta). I'll dig that out of box when I'm 80 as proof to give the other old spinsters in the nursing home.
~BrightestStar~ said:
I'm still here. :happy: Tryin to be a good lass and read.

Ruff!! :hug: :love:

100 pages? :sad: Poor sami :hug:

Me too. 10 down, 90 to go! :happy: Then study for math

And I have to do this all before 9:00 when the O.C. comes on :lmao:

I have my priorities in order :wink:
Oh! My friend is going to Nice this summer to visit her friend :drool: Watch, she'll meet Bono and she doesn't even really like U2 :lmao: Her friend has seen him in restaurants :ohmy:

VintagePunk said:
Ruff, any more news? How are things :shifty: going for you?

things are fine. a friend wanted me to travel for a visit this coming weekend and i couldn't because I have too many responsibilities and said friend threw a tantrum like a 2 year old. :rolleyes:

Wild, I know my schedule now for Ireland!
Sami, just do what I do when I have a lot of reading to do. Take about 15 minutes, let your eyes scan over the pages, and finish up really fast. You won't have a clue what you just read, but at least you can say you've done it. That's how I got through university. :drool: :wink:
~BrightestStar~ said:

Can I have your autograph? :flirt:
you get whatever you want, baby :flirt:

:wink: geez, owning up to the fact that it's me in that article is likely to get flamers posting threads about me... :madspit:

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