PGP:There's A PGP Wedding! Here Come The Brides!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Sorry to hear that people are being douchebags, Amy. :( :hug: People suck.

We love you, though! :hug:

Sometimes you need to go away from the site, even if just for a day or two, if the place is making you feel shitty. Or at least just be judicious of where you hang out for a while.

Sometimes this place makes me insane ... yet I can't stay away (although the feeling usually passes within a day).


Both of these. :hug:
I occasionally have one of those hormone rushes where I want to just stand in the middle of a croweded store and yell "SOMEONE COME IMPREGNATE ME!" Thankfully I've managed to control the urge thus far.

aaaaaawwwww :( :hug::hug:

and thank goodness for that ( your self-restraint!) !! :lol::wink:

:shifty: O hai, Edge. Nice pants. They would look great on the floor! It's ok, my roommate knows not to come in the hotel room if there's a black hat on the doorknob. Come along now!

BLAHAhahahahahahahaaa! :lmao:

And such a considerate roomie!!!
Had to watch the news tonight about the premier's resignation, and I'm loving all the people on the streets they've been talking to. Their reactions are priceless! :lol: :D One guy actually said "I hope the door hits him on the ass on the way out. Is he taking the HST with him?!" and he had a wicked grin on his face. :lol: People are awesome.
In political news that nobody but myself cares about, our premier just resigned. :hi5: Hell yes!! Our premier is an asshole idiot, and I'm glad he's finally gone. Hopefully whoever takes over will be able to fix the mistakes Campbell's made. So there's one good thing in politics happening today! :giggle:

oh!!! Your Country's news was drowned out by massive amount of wailing and sobbing south of you !!



"You're going to leave me here while you chase some middle-aged musician up and down the eastern seaboard!"

"You'd leave me for Bruce, wouldn't you?"

"Yes, but you'd get a great settlement, so it's a win-win."

That is hilarious! I posted it to fb..hope that is ok!

"You are going to stay with a bunch of people you don't know!" :shifty::lol:
Oh, I just stole it from the Bruce thread, and someone had stolen it from YouTube, so I think it should be spread far and wide!
Not too shabby.

I'm watching a Buffy rerun. I was going to turn off the TV and do something useful, but it is one of my FAVORITE episodes. :heart:
"You're going to leave me here while you chase some middle-aged musician up and down the eastern seaboard!"

"You'd leave me for Bruce, wouldn't you?"

"Yes, but you'd get a great settlement, so it's a win-win."


That was hilarious! Just had to say that

Hi Plebans :wave:

\random driveby

back to work :sigh:
:wave: you guys have been busy. Haven't caught up completely yet, but I see Amy could use one of these.


:shifty: oh I meant one of these... :hug:

Not too shabby.

I'm watching a Buffy rerun. I was going to turn off the TV and do something useful, but it is one of my FAVORITE episodes. :heart:

Do you mind if I ask which one?

:heart: Buffy
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