PGP-Style OLYMPICS: Racing To Snog Our U2 Guys!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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we FINALLY are having a preview of early-mid spring with SUn-shine, low 50F's :love::drool: today nd the next 2 days as well! :yippie:

Same here. Yay for summer! :hyper: Glad you're having nice weather too.

or around that 'ellipse' when Bono finally pulls me on stage :lol:

K, I'm a little ashamed to admit that I re-read it every once in awhile too. :reject: Glad to hear you're having a nice day. It started out sunny/cloudy and just warm enough to be nice but now the wind has picked up. Supposed to rain tomorrow so I better do my bike/run early. :yawn:

Bring that sign of yours!

How can you not wanna re-read it. I was watching OIA today and everytime Larry came on the screen I had this big grin (like that actually all happened) :sexywink:
You sure know how to put every girl's fantasy to words :applaud:

oooo what's embossing powder ( beyond the general idea)

how does it work??

You use it with either pigment ink pad or special embossing liquid. You put the ink or liquid on a stamp, stamp the image, put the embossing powder over the wet ink/liquid and then heat it with a heat gun and it raises the image and makes it all shiny. It's really cool. I have gold, silver and bronze but you can also get clear and use it with colored ink pads.
Glad your time trial went well, zu!

Hooray for awesome seats, and awesome concerts, DG!

I've spent the afternoon sleeping in front of the TV. :drool: Relaxation, ftw! Now dinner is on the stove, and since there's nothing good on the boob tube any longer, I'm going to watch a movie, I think. Now just which movie to watch... :hmm:
i was going to rent a movie from the "red box" (do you guys have them? They're like DVD vending machines in grocery stores) but it was being serviced - Mr. Z and I will have to find something else to do :shifty:
Nope, never heard of anything like that before. It doesn't seem like something Canada would have, but I could be totally wrong. :)

Oooh - that could be fun! :flirt:
i was going to rent a movie from the "red box" (do you guys have them? They're like DVD vending machines in grocery stores) but it was being serviced - Mr. Z and I will have to find something else to do :shifty:

I've seen something like that at the supermarket near our house... it seems a bit of a baffling concept. What's to stop people making off with the DVDs and never returning them?
Ali, you're here!!!! :hyper: How are you doing? Other than the hair thing. :bow: So awesome of you! :)

Zooey is a published author, it's me who is flailing and needs help. :lol: I seriously need an honest assessment of where I'm flailing, and where I need help.

It was the Rotterdam show I was watching. It's on, but if you need help getting it, let me know! :)
Gaah... I didn't think anyone was around so I went and had dinner. Sorry! :reject:

Zooey got published?! Did I know this? :ohmy: :applaud:
I can't seem to write anything publishable to save my life... I dunno how good I am at constructive criticism, but I've done a lot of proofreading... let me know if you want another pair of eyes.

I'm scared of torrents *L* What's the quality like?

This is crazy. On an historic level, I'm sorry I missed all of their tours....especially Zoo and Popmart. But when I'm watching boots, the one that REALLY gets me is Elevation. Sigh. And the thing is, I WAS into them at that point, and they played like 20 or 30 minutes from me!! SIGH. There's something about Elevation that gets me on a gut level, where the others don't.

I was a huge fan during that era... but sadly they didn't see fit to visit this part of the world on that tour.

The story is 'Lost In Translation', the one I wrote a couple years ago. I'll send it to you VP. And I thought Wild and Ali had read I'll send it along anyway.

Off for another insanely busy Saturday - I'll be around later this afternoon - after my time trial :yikes: Send me fast vibes, 'k?

I think I have read that, yes... and enjoyed it very much too. :up:

Hope it went well!
I feel EXACTLY the same way. :sigh: Like, it truly bums me out.

The story is 'Lost In Translation', the one I wrote a couple years ago. I'll send it to you VP. And I thought Wild and Ali had read I'll send it along anyway.

Off for another insanely busy Saturday - I'll be around later this afternoon - after my time trial :yikes: Send me fast vibes, 'k?

Ohh *runs to check mail*


Seat is fucking AMAZING!!!!!

Wow are Seat a new band :wink:

i was going to rent a movie from the "red box" (do you guys have them? They're like DVD vending machines in grocery stores) but it was being serviced - Mr. Z and I will have to find something else to do :shifty:

We have something like that here in TO, I've seen them at some Loblaws stores.
We have something like that here in TO, I've seen them at some Loblaws stores.

I'm sorry, but I loled when I saw the Loblaw. Watch season 3 of Arrested Development and you'll know why. :lol:

And ohmigod Muse was amazing!!!!!!!!!! :faint: :combust: I have no voice. :lol:

Iris is awesome. :heart: I can't wait to see her again in Toronto.
Alma and Jules are wonderful too. :lol: It was so awesome to see them again, especially Jules since we didn't get to hang out much back in 2005. But it was my first time meeting Iris, so that's why I singled her out.
I've a feeling someone's using my emailadres on the web. :huh: I keep getting random requests from female emailadresses for msn contacts. Uh, reject!
:sexywink: can't sleep. went to a music festival today and kinda wishing i'd gone out with the boys afterwards. :lol:

and how are you, you owner of frozen goods section at the supermarket?
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