PGP: Off with the yellow pants, Bono! (On with the leather...)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Yeah, I haven't been on because family life got gross. I can send a PM but i'll just say that the last 20 hours have been not fun.
I'm sorry I haven't been on the forum that much. My dad is piling on stuff for me to do this week so I don't have anything to do on my birthday weekend (My birthday is on Saturday).


Happy early birthday :D

Yeah, I haven't been on because family life got gross. I can send a PM but i'll just say that the last 20 hours have been not fun.

:up: Ahhh it's good to be back! :hyper: So much catching up to do....

It's actually been pretty quiet around here lately. Shouldn't take you too long to catch up, at least not with U2 related things. Bono and Edge are partying together in the south of France (ok Larry was with them once but other than that he has been non-existant.) Oh he made a movie, you knew that right? :hmm: But yes, Bono and Edge vacationing together and partying, and Adam completely disappeared to be a new dad. I think that's it.

Now you can catch up on the Interferencers. :D
:hug: to Grace. That sucks, I'm sorry to hear that. You know we're here if/when you want to vent.


I think I'm finally over my inability to join in on all the 'claw' fun and ready to play with my girls again - if they'll have me of course!

Of course we will! I don't know that I've talked to you much, if ever, but regardless, hello :wave:! Feel free to join in on the fun!
:hug: to Grace. That sucks, I'm sorry to hear that. You know we're here if/when you want to vent.

Of course we will! I don't know that I've talked to you much, if ever, but regardless, hello :wave:! Feel free to join in on the fun!

Angela I remember you - I was hardcore here during Vertigo but in recent years I've been raising a baby alone, and between time and not having money to follow the tour like I wanted... I sort of lost touch with many of the plebans here. except a few really good friends who I have kept up with on Facebook.

I have however kept uo with the band and their comings and goings :)hmm::sexywink:) - though not nearly enough with the pictures. I can remedy that here! Wow!


don't have my PT out-patient yet. have walked w walking boot opened-only layover fabric,velcro $ velcroed webbing straps on foot part in place AT Home <only>. has strengthened ankle more. I bought new sneakers just before i saw doctor last week. an walk in them pretty comfortably in apt. By next week will try outside s-l-o-w-l-y!
He says i can go cane free if i want now. But w so many hills, walking down them w/o cane is too tricky yet.
i'd tend to rush not good . in my apt i'm cane free.:hyper:

put my other little posts in wrong thread no time to change

at ssis's have to leave :wave::hug:sss everyone!
As if this week can't get anymore bizarre, my dad called me to tell me that my grandmother died. She was 99 and her name was Iris.
Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that.

Also sorry to hear stuff is being weird overall this week. Hope it's more on the bizarre side than the horrible side.
Hey, Dazz :wave:! Good to hear you're moving along well enough with your recovery.

Angela I remember you - I was hardcore here during Vertigo but in recent years I've been raising a baby alone, and between time and not having money to follow the tour like I wanted... I sort of lost touch with many of the plebans here. except a few really good friends who I have kept up with on Facebook.

I have however kept uo with the band and their comings and goings :)hmm::sexywink:) - though not nearly enough with the pictures. I can remedy that here! Wow!

Okay, cool :). I've been in and out of here in recent years, too, so it's hard sometimes to remember whom all I've talked to when. And now I feel bad for blanking :p.

Cool to hear about the baby (though raising it alone would definitely be quite the situation, no doubt). I know what you mean about lack of funds as well :sigh:. At least you've been able to keep up on the band, though, so hooray for that! Enjoy catching up around here, good to have you back around more.

Also, I'll have to add you on Facebook at some point (and I need to start getting back on there more often. I've been really bad at keeping up on that site).

To Grace...more :hug:s. My condolances on your loss.
Did (or will) Larry get married this weekend?! :ohmy:

He waited to date her 40 years before finally getting married???

Larry: But Bono, how do I know she's the right one?

Bono slaps the back of Larry's head: You're a dumbass, like Dave Mustaine.

He finally figured out that I'm not going to leave my husband.

Hey guys, I'm back :wave:

well, sort of... busy as hell, but back in the US, back home.
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