PGP..In and and out.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
sami0201 said:

interesting :hmm: but what do you think it says on the album version? says

Everywhere you go you shout it
You don’t have to be shy about it, no
And you'll never be alone :scratch:
Come on now show your soul
You’ve been keeping your love under control

Everywhere you go you shout it
You don’t have to be shy about it

I guess I'll change it to "come on now, show your soul"

:hmm: I don't know. As much as I like the song, I'm being lazy and don't feel like digging the CD out :reject:

And I don't have any MP3's on my hard drive except for the one's I'm just downloading now. I'm trying to clean it up a little. I got all my Group U2 pics saved onto CDs and Erased, and all the Adam ones. Now I just have three more groups to sort through. that shouldn't be more than, say, 2,500 jpgs :crack:
Hey weldy:wave:

I'm off to my dads for thanksgiving you guys to the turkey and the whole sheeebang
Dis :hug: Thanksgiving on wednesday night? :eyebrow: they do things weird up there in Vermont :wink:

We won't eat until tomorrow afternoon.

Of course, we aren't going anywhere. No one is at the moment, at least not very fast in this weather!
Sad_Girl said:
Dis :hug: Thanksgiving on wednesday night? :eyebrow: they do things weird up there in Vermont :wink:

We won't eat until tomorrow afternoon.

Of course, we aren't going anywhere. No one is at the moment, at least not very fast in this weather!

That's why I'm staying home with my parents....traffic and I don't have too many realtives left....much I don't know and I still don't know if my Aunt Ruth is still alive or not :sigh:
Sad_Girl said:
Dis :hug: Thanksgiving on wednesday night? :eyebrow: they do things weird up there in Vermont :wink:

We won't eat until tomorrow afternoon.

Of course, we aren't going anywhere. No one is at the moment, at least not very fast in this weather!

us is coming tomorrow at like 4ish :hyper: my aunt and her fiancee are coming! (the ones who love U2 :drool: )

my aunt just baked an apple pie :drool: the house smells so good
My mom did all the baking today :drool: I've been SOO hungry all day
Hi all :hug:

Sami, you're right, it's "sugar c'mon, show your've been keeping your love under control."

I know because that's been going through my head for the past few days, and I was going to change my sig to that, but you beat me. :angry:


Oh, and is the worst place in the world to find accurate lyrics. Try
hi VP! :hug: I was just thinking about you

after seeing you in the setlist party yesterday :shifty:

:lol: I figured wouldn't be too accurate :laugh: thanks for the other site! :)

I'm sorry I beat you :(

:tongue: :wink:

we can have the same sig :sexywink:
sami0201 said:
hi VP! :hug: I was just thinking about you

after seeing you in the setlist party yesterday :shifty

:lol I figured wouldn't be too accurate :laugh: thanks for the other site!

I'm sorry I beat you :(

:tongue :wink

we can have the same sig :sexywink

I don't go to other threads. :shifty: Much. :reject:


I was just checking to see what they played, I didn't get there till the show was pretty much over, then I was intrigued by the great mystery of the ending of the show. So, I was watching tv but kept checking back. Then I saw that MTEdge and his sister got in the ellipse and I had to congratulate him. :heart: What a great guy...

No, that's okay, I'll think of a new sig. :angry:

I'm crushed. VP was on last night and didn't even say hello? After all the effort I put into being entertaining last night, too. :sigh:

:hmm: I wish I could think of a way to go back and erase my cap now.

No Bono smut for lurkers :madspit:

:wink: :lol:
hi girls, Kat moved in today, shes just gone to meet her brother at the pub :wink:

im exhausted, not even done much, i took calls all this morning on the phone , then this afternoon i was on our text phone and i made a display of our pictures from children in need when we dressed up at work and me and Dave dressed up Murray The Moose, the soft toy i bought in Toronto dave :love:s him :cute: , we put daves Guinness hat on him

HIIIIIII I'm back again for about 40 mins.............

********Happy Thanksgiving******** to all my PGP Pleaban gals!!!!

you've made my days happier, more hopeful, funnier & more drooly [ :laugh: ] ~ not too much more a gal could ask for from her friends! :D :D
:hug: :hug: :hug: :heart:
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