PGP: Countdown to last show of 360....sniffle....

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It's times like this I miss Sami, my David Gilmour bud. :)

For your edification, this is what he used to look like:




and he's very dashing now.


(although it's mostly the guitar thing that gets me)
has anyone ever had pizza with whole wheat crust? I used to make my own before I started working, but now I buy it. Stopped to pick some up after work, and all they had was whole wheat dough. I eat whole wheat/grain everything, but on pizza, that just seems wrong.

Oh no! Hopefully most of the guests will be 3, and by virtue of their 3-ness won't notice?

And btw, unless you have my FB page set up by then, I'd like a pic of the birthday girl PMed to me, plz. :kiss:

I like whole wheat dough/crust better than regular. It has more flavor.

We have a Dora cake as well. She said she wanted both so I attempted to get all Betty Crocker up in my kitchen. I made HUGE cupcakes. The batter said 24. I made 13. :huh: Tomorrow, I attempt frosting from scratch. AHAHAHAHA.

I will send pictures for you. :hug:

ETA: Dora cake was ordered from a store. No hells way I was attempting that.
The one that was flirting big time!:lol:

After bugging me for a while, he intorduced himself as "asshole." I said "Nice to meet you, I'm bitch!" Everyone at the bar laughed!
I'm off to bed. I hope these sadz go away soon. Good night everyone! It will happen again, right?? :sigh:
I like whole wheat dough/crust better than regular. It has more flavor.

We have a Dora cake as well. She said she wanted both so I attempted to get all Betty Crocker up in my kitchen. I made HUGE cupcakes. The batter said 24. I made 13. :huh: Tomorrow, I attempt frosting from scratch. AHAHAHAHA.

I will send pictures for you. :hug:

ETA: Dora cake was ordered from a store. No hells way I was attempting that.

Awesome, I look forward to the pics! :)

Okay, one of the most amazing things I have ever seen live, other than U2, is when I saw David Gilmour and Dick Parry was playing baritone sax (heh, typed sex first, figures) during Shine On You Crazy Diamond, with a tenor sax on his back. Mid song when he had to switch, he did this hip-kind of move, where he flipped the bari (a HUGE one) to his back, and the tenor magically swung around to his front. It was so amazing and cool, and Sarah and I being spellbound by it has absolutely nothing to do with us both being sax players. ;) But holy shit, how did he do that???

Night those of you going to bed. :wave: And don't forget my pics, Grace!
The one that was flirting big time!:lol:

After bugging me for a while, he intorduced himself as "asshole." I said "Nice to meet you, I'm bitch!" Everyone at the bar laughed!

:lol: That's awesome! Was this at the Irish pub, by any chance? :shifty: I flirted with a good looking bartender there. :giggle:

Goodnight to those going! :hug:
Are you back to normal, crazy girl, with your concert the night you got back?

So sorry I didn't get to see you! :hug:

Getting there, yes. This week has been really tough for me. I've been overly exhausted (naturally) and emotional (thanks, womanly troubles :fist: ), plus the weather's been shitty, so I've been feeling more blue than usual. A few friends are taking me out on an adventure tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to that.

3 concerts in 3 days is fucking insane. If we hadn't had seats for the show we went to here in Vancouver, I definitely would have passed out. :lol: :uhoh:

And yes, I'm sorry I didn't get to see you either, but I'm glad you did get to go to the TO show! :hug:
Speaking of passing out, I'm gonna go lay down and watch "The Three Musketeers" on HBO.

Kiefer Sutherland, Charlie Sheen (before he went batshit insane), Oliver Platt, Chris O'Donell, Tim Curry, and a small role for Paul McGann, FTW!
I had cheese for dinner. :reject: I really wanted enchiladas, but they were repaving my road and getting out was too much of a pain.

What kind of cheese? :hmm:

I was going to make panzarotti/calzones, but realized after I got home I didn't have enough cheese, so just made a small pizza. That sadly only has minimal cheese.

Getting there, yes. This week has been really tough for me. I've been overly exhausted (naturally) and emotional (thanks, womanly troubles :fist: ), plus the weather's been shitty, so I've been feeling more blue than usual. A few friends are taking me out on an adventure tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to that.

3 concerts in 3 days is fucking insane. If we hadn't had seats for the show we went to here in Vancouver, I definitely would have passed out. :lol: :uhoh:

And yes, I'm sorry I didn't get to see you either, but I'm glad you did get to go to the TO show! :hug:

Thanks. :hug: Me too. But in a way, it was just a terrible teaser of all the time I missed. I suppose it could have been worse, though.

Was this the NKOTB/BSB show??
What kind of cheese? :hmm:

I was going to make panzarotti/calzones, but realized after I got home I didn't have enough cheese, so just made a small pizza. That sadly only has minimal cheese.

You know those gross new KFC sandwiches? My ideal one would be melted cheese on the outside that's starting to harden slightly, with melted cheese and pepperoni inside. And I would eat those suckers daily.
Thanks. :hug: Me too. But in a way, it was just a terrible teaser of all the time I missed. I suppose it could have been worse, though.

Was this the NKOTB/BSB show??

Yes. :lol: :reject: I'm gonna upload 2 of the videos I took whenever I'm home tomorrow. :lol: It was a lot of fun. I can't believe I'm saying that. There were crazy shrieky girls, but it was a great night out. Obviously you can't compare them to U2, but they're campy fun. :D
Yes. :lol: :reject: I'm gonna upload 2 of the videos I took whenever I'm home tomorrow. :lol: It was a lot of fun. I can't believe I'm saying that. There were crazy shrieky girls, but it was a great night out. Obviously you can't compare them to U2, but they're campy fun. :D

Of course! I've heard those shows are a ton of fun! :)
How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have you found? The same old fears.
Wish you were here.


Of course! I've heard those shows are a ton of fun! :)

They really are. I was SO entertained. :up: I mean, NKOTB had the nostalgia factor, and I was too old to be into BSB, but I was surprised at how many songs I remembered, just from off of the radio. And it doesn't hurt that most of them are smokin' hot. :lol:

How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have you found? The same old fears.
Wish you were here.



:heart: That song wrecks me. :heart:
This is why Edge and I would be terrible together. We'd both get all wrapped up in our individual projects, forget to eat for days at a time, and die of exhaustion from too much sex with no nourishment.

It sounds AWESOME. :cute:
They really are. I was SO entertained. :up: I mean, NKOTB had the nostalgia factor, and I was too old to be into BSB, but I was surprised at how many songs I remembered, just from off of the radio. And it doesn't hurt that most of them are smokin' hot. :lol:

:heart: That song wrecks me. :heart:

Yeah, I think Sarah liked NKOTB for about 10 minutes when she was just starting school, or something. :lol: But still, those kind of shows are fun!

That song is evil. :angry:

This is why Edge and I would be terrible together. We'd both get all wrapped up in our individual projects, forget to eat for days at a time, and die of exhaustion from too much sex with no nourishment.

It sounds AWESOME. :cute:

IT DOES! : driftsoff:
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