PGP: Countdown to last show of 360....sniffle....

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
What do people use to DL music these days now that Limewire got shut down? My sister wants a road trip CD and gave me a bunch of really random songs that I'm not finding torrents of. I'm about to give up and just make her a U2 mix CD and tell her to like it or shut up.

I'll do it. I cannot guarantee what profile pic I'll use.

I'm drinking white ale and making cupcakes for my daughter's birthday party. 11+ kids tomorrow. Bono help me.

I'll show up if there are cupcakes!
I have my own lazyness to attend to, young lady!


I'll do it. I cannot guarantee what profile pic I'll use.

I'm drinking white ale and making cupcakes for my daughter's birthday party. 11+ kids tomorrow. Bono help me.

I'm guessing you don't have any pictures of me, so it's all good. :lol:

Sarah chastised me at the show for having a fake smile in pictures, that ends up just looking really goofy. I told her I can't hold a smile much beyond 2 seconds, and if she'd hurry up and take the damn pic, it'd be fine. Oddly, the best picture of the night is when she told me to make an awful face, and took one of both of us. :lol: She said she was going to make it her FB profile pic. I told her to go ahead, I didn't care.

Drunken cupcakes! :hi5:
What do people use to DL music these days now that Limewire got shut down? My sister wants a road trip CD and gave me a bunch of really random songs that I'm not finding torrents of. I'm about to give up and just make her a U2 mix CD and tell her to like it or shut up.

I'll show up if there are cupcakes!

I use torrents now.

Other than that, a few years ago, Sarah used to find a lot of good music on music blogs. I think you can get to them by using the blog search on Google, but I'm not sure if it works for singles, or just whole albums.

Besides that, could you rip the audio from YouTube? I don't download music much these days.
What do people use to DL music these days now that Limewire got shut down? My sister wants a road trip CD and gave me a bunch of really random songs that I'm not finding torrents of. I'm about to give up and just make her a U2 mix CD and tell her to like it or shut up.

U2 mix cd, ftw! *made one last year, and it rocked*

Oh, but what songs are you looking for? I just use google if I can't find them in torrents or fansites.
:lol:I post as my fb status that I am craving a Kit Kat, and then come in here and see some of you are too!:up:
I hate my oven. We have a convection over and it is great for roasting chickens but craptastic for baked goods.
All this Kit Kat talk is reminding me of when I spent a semester in university over in Ireland. They had these Kit Kat Chunky's :)giggle:) that were so delicious, so I bought an enormous box of them to bring home with me, since we didn't have them here at that point. Plus, chocolate there is MUCH better than the chocolate we have here. :)
All this Kit Kat talk is reminding me of when I spent a semester in university over in Ireland. They had these Kit Kat Chunky's :)giggle:) that were so delicious, so I bought an enormous box of them to bring home with me, since we didn't have them here at that point. Plus, chocolate there is MUCH better than the chocolate we have here. :)

the chocolate is creamier :drool:
That's what I would be doing. For sure. :yikes:

...and what? :shifty:

Seriously? I know little about them, but had no idea they were bad for baked goods!

Yeah, they aren't great. I made myself a birthday cake once. It made the outside crispy and when I went to frost it - it was falling apart. I ended up taking fistfuls of frosting and slapping it on the sides.It looked like the ugliest mud pie ever.
has anyone ever had pizza with whole wheat crust? I used to make my own before I started working, but now I buy it. Stopped to pick some up after work, and all they had was whole wheat dough. I eat whole wheat/grain everything, but on pizza, that just seems wrong.
Yeah, they aren't great. I made myself a birthday cake once. It made the outside crispy and when I went to frost it - it was falling apart. I ended up taking fistfuls of frosting and slapping it on the sides.It looked like the ugliest mud pie ever.

Oh no! Hopefully most of the guests will be 3, and by virtue of their 3-ness won't notice?

And btw, unless you have my FB page set up by then, I'd like a pic of the birthday girl PMed to me, plz. :kiss:
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