PGP- Corupting the innocent by Wild's Request

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Aw, I missed my stalker, well the general stalker for the PGP.

My boss passed out in her office today and was taken away in an ambulance. I'm really worried about her.
I have my first graphic design job! :hyper: Not that I went to school for it or anything (although I might. They make bank and I'm pretty decent at photoshop, I think) but my friend wants me to design his business logo after seeing my U2 stuff :lol:

Are all my clients going to be as picky as him?

Congrats! I hope you are very sucessfull at your job :hug: :hug:
two shelves in our new den/music room


all my Rolling Stone mags, some other clippings and my license

That is a really cool (yet clean and neat) collection you have going for you :up: :D
I have my first graphic design job! :hyper: Not that I went to school for it or anything (although I might. They make bank and I'm pretty decent at photoshop, I think) but my friend wants me to design his business logo after seeing my U2 stuff :lol:

Are all my clients going to be as picky as him?

:applaud: reggo! :applaud:

been there.... :D

some clients are "pickier" than others. :D
but it's their $$. :shrug::sigh:

and I know as an artist & Sculptor/ former GD'r/ hopeful illustrator (again)/ artisan jewelry designer-maker <for myself> ---
---here are certain things that have to be "just so" for me.
Other times I feel more latittude in my approach to my work (which ever I am doing).
Hey Weldy Happy Birthday!:loveshower:

Hey Laura and Dazzed :wave:

I'm here was filling out a job application its getting to a point where I might as while say screw it and be unemployed all my life been unemployed for 6months now and Im going insane so many places not hiring or I dont quilafy for I really need to get a job:angry: Its great I get money for school every semester but it doesnt last long and it varies how much I get depending on how much aid I get how much I speed on books and what not.

I can;t get Last Name by Carrie Underwood out of my head it was one of the audition song chosen for me to sing when I tried out for American Idol hard song to sing but the lyrics are awesome it killed my vocals though singing it even though I got a high range if I push myself but not my type of song to sing lol
Thanks guys its just hard my Dad gets retirement money but it verily gets us by and I kind of feel bad I used the money I did have to see U2 even though my Dad says its fine and its time for one for me to get and have a good time but Im starting to feel a little guilty since he wants around like a chicken without his head trying to provide for us :sigh:
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