PGP: Bring me the head of Eno, real or fake..for tweeting shite!

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Ugh, sorry JJ, but I think I'm incapable of listening to Nightwish now. I got Once, and am trying to listen to it, but there's just too many memories attached. :crack:

Yeah, I don't have nuts. I am nuts.
What are your memories attached to Once? I love that movie :love:

The Once I mean is an album by Finnish Metalband Nightwish. The memories attached aren't very great. Let's just say the band was introduced to me by an ex. We didn't split up well. And I just got a lovely mindview of all the memories, full force. Ugh, the power of music. Had to turn it off.
The Once I mean is an album by Finnish Metalband Nightwish. The memories attached aren't very great. Let's just say the band was introduced to me by an ex. We didn't split up well. And I just got a lovely mindview of all the memories, full force. Ugh, the power of music. Had to turn it off.

Sounds like Pearl Jam's Black for me.
Oh, I thought you meant the soundtrack to the movie with Greg Hansard since JJ posted that vid. Sorry.

I haven't packed yet. My son can't find his Nintendo DS. I feel like crap. :angry:
Sounds like Pearl Jam's Black for me.

Tattooed everything indeed. I wish I could use this photographic memory for something useful, like remembering schoolwork. Instead I remember every detail of every regret I've ever had and can play it like a movie in my head. :crack:
Oh, I thought you meant the soundtrack to the movie with Greg Hansard since JJ posted that vid. Sorry.

I haven't packed yet. My son can't find his Nintendo DS. I feel like crap. :angry:

When are you leaving? :uhoh: It's perfectly normal to pack the night before a trip, right?
Be careful not to put too much pressure on the beanbag, say, the weight of two people. It might pop. :shifty:


then........what we need is




OK, now.... ...I've suggested it and it'll come in all kinds of hot colors:
Rock&Rock Royalty Blue, Strobelight Red, Spotlight Magenta, The Lights Go Down Black, a few patterns: Zebra, Leopard, Tiger, Cheetah, some extra special Iridescent Blues & Violets ones (like tropical butterflies), and Pearlized White. Some of you invent it (I'll help, too) and we share the profits!

I'm telling ya.....

..... we'll make bazillions !!!! :yippie::yippie:
And then :shifty::hyper:

can save The Claw & The Screen! We'll have private U2 shows in all the cities of our choosings, of course flying everyone in to fancy hotels etc etc :drool: :D

:lmao: :wink:
Hi. My name is Loni N. I'm 26 and I still have a stuffed bear that I got when I was 1 day old. You wind the key in its stomach and it plays Brahm's Lullaby. :heart: Also still have my squeaky frog from that time. And my absolute favorite? A bear I got when I was 3.

:reject: Yep, totally an adult.

VERY Important Lyrics from a band who's name i can't remember at the moment:

"With ALL the things I've been through,
There's STILL one thing,
that sets me FREE,
It's good be an Adult and
STILL BELIEVE the Child in me!"

:heart: :yes::yes::yes: :heart:

There's a BIG difference in keeping the childlike wonder, fun, play, silliness, and that "endless summer" feeling as well :yes:.....

.....and being too childish too often: many tantrums, strumunddrang, and uber pettiness. :tsk:

Hi Daz. I like your idea of the eucalyptus drops boiling. My friend offered to loan me her steamer face mask thingy. I just tried to work out but it didn't go well. :shrug:

At least my son is all packed and we found the nintendo *phew* I can pack tonight, or even tomorrow morning - we only have a 7 hour drive and we're in no hurry to get there.
Hi Daz. I like your idea of the eucalyptus drops boiling. My friend offered to loan me her steamer face mask thingy. I just tried to work out but it didn't go well. :shrug:

At least my son is all packed and we found the nintendo *phew* I can pack tonight, or even tomorrow morning - we only have a 7 hour drive and we're in no hurry to get there.

sorry that didn't work, but the other thing might help!

gotta leave :(

SAFE Traveling and fabbity Christmas vacation time! :hyper: :hug:sssss

catch ya when you get back! :)

take care everyone! :heart::wave::wave::wave:
Worked late last night, and on the way home, started feeling super achy and sore and headachy. Got home and found out that Sarah had been really sick since the night before, and I was a little freaked out by her symptoms. She kept napping off and on all evening and would send me messages when she got up to let me know how she was. By the time I went to bed, I was still concerned but figured she would be okay. Kept waking up all night in pain, and probably because I was thinking about her, and checking for messages. Felt like complete crap this morning and would have called in sick, but of the three of us, one is off for the week, and I didn't want to leave my coworker to deal with everything alone, so I dragged my ass in. Told them at noon I might leave early, and my manager said that was totally fine. I ended up staying though.

Sarah missed an exam today and went to the doctor. Now we need to see what her prof says about the exam. I need her home on thursday to let someone in to inspect our furnace, and to be here so the cats don't freak out about the stranger, or get into the basement. Her note says she'll need today and tomorrow off. Fingers crossed he doesn't make her stay and write it Thursday. And I hope I feel halfway human tomorrow, I have too much to do to feel like this. :sigh: /vent
Yea, everything's good. She has a blood clot in her neck (from the surgery to install her port), but she went to the emergency room on Saturday and yesterday started taking shots (in her stomach :crack:) which are taking care of it. She's only done 3 shots and we can already tell the difference.
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