PGP: Bring me the head of Eno, real or fake..for tweeting shite!

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The dog hates the tree. She wont go anywhere near it. The kitten, however...we have a spray bottle filled with water and squirt her whenever she goes near it. And at night, both animals have crates so nobody is up and about unsupervised. Yes, we crate-trained the kitten. It works wonders and the dog doesn't have to be jealous. (The dog has been crate-trained since we got her since she was a puppy at the time and we didnt want a puppy loose at night.)

Yea, my mom won't do that... when we first got our youngest cat (the 3 yr old), she had to be in the bathroom all the time because she had fleas. HUGE fleas. Our dog and older cat have never cared about the tree, though the older cat likes to eat tinsel. :crack:


Speaking of that, I've got some reading to do this afternoon :hyper:

Reading? :hmm:

Car's ready to be picked up. Only $218. joy. :|
Okay, so...I'm more than 75% done with the baking. I've been baking since this weekend and my freezer is bursting at this point. I've made 5 dozen or so choc. chip cookies (a few got broken and those got eaten by us - oops ;) ), 2 dozen sugar cookies w/Christmas-colored sprinkles, and 2 dozen snickerdoodles. I still have to make a couple dozen 7-layer cookies (aka magic cookie bars but my grandma has always called them 7 layer cookies so yeah), and my homemade fudge that was my OTHER grandma's pride and joy. The fudge will be done Xmas Eve so it only has to sit in the fridge for one night. I might make the 7 layer cookies tomorrow, or I might wait until Lil CK is done w/school and have him "help" as a lot of it is stuff like crumbling graham crackers, smashing cashews, etc. :D

I finally cleaned up all the dishes AND cleaned the kitchen again as well. :crack:
So since I have just about 2 hrs until Lil' CK gets off the bus and Mr CK gets home from work, I do believe I'm going to swap Xmas tunes for some Green Day and go read some fics that I bookmarked on my LJ a couple yrs ago and haven't read in a while. :shifty:
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