Peter and the Wolf NYC

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War Child
Oct 30, 2003
Brooklyn NY

This is coming up in a few weeks and I was wondering if anyone was going to go, hang around, see if they let normal people in to see the murals. (Christie's is kinda snooty)

I have almost no info but if I knew I was not going to be wandering around solo I may be less likely to blow it off.:eyebrow: :hmm:

Ps these smilies are just SO much fun
wait what's goin' on in nyc in a few weeks? :scratch: besides my brithday on the 25th and the unforgettable fire playing at flannery's on the 28th (shamless plugs all around)... fill a brotha in
To summarize briefly the auctionof the peter and the wolf murals/pieces is going to take place on the 22nd i believe-this is not open to the public i am assuming (either that or you probbaly have to pay a lot of money to bid etc) Christies has a web site but as of now not many details. I am assuming (although perhaps incorrectly) that Bono will be showing up for this so what I was going to see if any NYC interference peeps were going to be going for when he does press orwhatever. I am sorry perhaps I am not articulating myself well-i will see if i can do some research and get back t y'all.
any news yet on if the b-man will actually be in attendance? i just checked christie's web page, and it says the auction will be friday the 21st at 8:00pm @ roc-center... hmmmm... it certainly sounds possiable that he'll be there... more news to come...
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I think he will be there because I read inanother thread in meetings and sightings that some people met bono and that people were going to NYC for it although he didn't tell them himselves. I feel pretty certain he will be there my current plan is to go ona fact finding mission Thursday during the day up to roc center and i will report back in the meantine my premium membership has not taken effect yet but if anyone wants to leave a message/comment for me in my journal it would be cool if we could get semi organized and meet up.
Okay some more info

Thursday 11/21 Gavin will be there by himself (not sure what time but I am assuming evening)
Friday 11/22 the exhibit will close to the general public at 5pm and the auction will be at 8pm so somewhere in between that I think Bono will arrive.
(thanks to U2higgy for this info)

So I am going to scope it out further and try and hatch some sort of plan for where I will be standing etc.

My premium membership has kicked so you can now PM me about this or just to say hi :wave:

Christie's is located at:
20 Rockefeller Plaza which is
49th St between 5th and 6th Ave

This is closest to the BDFV station that stops at the 47th-50th street

The 49th st W/R train is also not too far.

The buses M1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Q37 stop closeby.
hmmm... still undecided. i have to be in the city all day saturday... plus have to work out on the island friday till 5ish. might not be able to make it... but then again, if he's in town friday night, he's likely to be in town saturday as well... i'll have to do some investigating of my own... :hmm:
Update #5
So I went up to christies and as of now there is no info outside that it is going on I have a feeling they are going to shut down that part of the street (the south side) I guess I will check back tommorow and see what they say.

seajewel-you're so lucky you will have to give us a full report!
Thanks! I think we are looking at some sort of "I saw the top of Bono's head from across the street scenario" but since that would be closer than before. I will report back either way.
still hoping for a confirmation that he'll deffinetly be there or deffinetly won't be there. if he's deffinetly gonna be there, i'll go... if it's just "possiable," i'm gonna have to take a pass.
I have received several reports from some media types that he is definately going but I think there is going to be a huge wall of media people so it is not going to be like hey how'ya doing kind of thing. I'll be there though I am going to try and scope it out tommorow afternoona nd then return after 5pm.
I went to the auction. I have some photos - will post soon. Met Bono, he smelled incredible!! (still in a fog!!) Anyway, Baked Bean Boy went for $60,000. Gavin and Bono both signed my copy of the book, they were so nice!! Gavin is just as sweet and Bono!
argh... another blown opportunity... reeeeeally was considering hoping on the train out of work on friday and headin' in... but i was already gonna be in the city all day friday so i didn't... the reason of course why i didn't is because i'm an idiot. oh well... next time...
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