One of the Girls in "Girls Gone Wild: Doggystyle" Commercial...

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Yeah.....for a brief moment I'm in the "Hindus Gone Wild" video....zoney got me drunk and took advantage of me.
Arun V said:
Yeah.....for a brief moment I'm in the "Hindus Gone Wild" video....zoney got me drunk and took advantage of me.


I'm not kidding you on this one....this sounds like it's straight out of the stripper scene from "Varsity Blues", but some of my dad's former collegues (high school teachers) liked to go out to a local strip club every once in a while. Well, they were in there one night and lo and behold one of the girls that got up to dance was one of their former students! After her show, she went down and talked to them about life. She also made it onto a calender that my dad saw at a mechanic's once....seems like she's made a career for herself!
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