On a pre-new album Bono Binge

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The Fly
Nov 5, 2002
As I have told my friends, I am currently on a "Bono Binge." All this new album talk has made me dig up all my old U2 videos and cds. I just got done watching the ZooTV Sydney concert - it's so amazing! My new roommate is just now starting to understand that I am very very obsessed... I went to a pizza place the other day and this girl that works there played 11 o'clock tick tock over the speaker system and it just made my day :) I love it when the whole universe is enveloped in U2 :)
I was actually only just getting over the Bono-Bender from the release of 'Electrical Storm' when all the hype about the new single/album started. It's been a prolonged thing for about 2 years now!
Unfortunatley we have no control over the MUZAK plaer at my day job. They play a mix of Shania Twain India Arie and Norah Jones and other current "soft" rock, and also "Beautiful Day" on heavy rotation. Last yr, I heard "Electrical Storm" a lot. I am now daily cursing whoever programs this, and saying, "Uh, U2 have a new song out?!?! Play "Vertigo" please???

At the local Barnes and Noble, where my night job is, I have placed :U2 Show" on the Staff Recommends display near the cafe, right next to a Sinatra coffee table book. I tolf my manager: "I WANT it near the Sinatra book"--it was apoint of pride with me. After readng my blurb for the book, he asked me how thealbum sounded. "Well, excpet for some very rough stuff which was poor quailty, I haven'theard the MP3's yet, but they say it is going to be like UF. And VERY good."

Oh, I can't stand it anymore!!!
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