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Given the long term effects on the brain of playing football, they need more padding.

No disrespect to rugby, it's a great tough sport (and rugby players are hot), but it's the padding that enables football players to hot each other much harder and more full-on than in sports without padding.

It's a big issue here in the US:

So while I understand the ribbing from rugby players, the reality is that football is already far too violent.
Interesting. No mention of NASCAR. I thought that was a big deal in the US too. I've never been much of a racing fan (I used to watch F1 on and off), but the couple of times I tried watching a NASCAR race, it came off as the most sinfully boring sport ever created.
Given the long term effects on the brain of playing football, they need more padding.

No disrespect to rugby, it's a great tough sport (and rugby players are hot), but it's the padding that enables football players to hot each other much harder and more full-on than in sports without padding.

I played (American) football in high school and rugby in college. In rugby, you don't leave your feet when tackling and obviously don't lead with your head.

The helmets and other pads have allowed football to become more violent, but the players brains are still accelerating, decelerating, and absorbing the force of impacts inside those plastic shells.
Given the long term effects on the brain of playing football, they need more padding.

No disrespect to rugby, it's a great tough sport (and rugby players are hot), but it's the padding that enables football players to hot each other much harder and more full-on than in sports without padding.

It's a big issue here in the US:

PBS's 'League of Denial' NFL Concussion Documentary Is Chilling But Will Anything Change? - US News and World Report

So while I understand the ribbing from rugby players, the reality is that football is already far too violent.

Someone needs to research the effect the helmets are actually having on the brain injuries. I've read this stuff, and it is shocking, but I don't understand why it happens there, and not in (I won't say Rugby - let's not add too much kindling to the fire, but Rugby means Rugby Union, not League) Rugby League?

I think if NFL was played with NO padding at all, you'd see more twisting, ligament and bone break injuries, but far less long-term, life-threatening injuries.

And sorry, the point about hitting harder is just plain wrong. I watch both a fair bit, and that just isn't true. Also, what is the use of hitting harder when no-one can feel it?

NRL Brute Big hits - YouTube
That's kind of what I was getting at. With no helmets, there would be fewer heat-to-head collisions and probably fewer brain injuries.

Helmets also allow players to accumulate repetitive minor head traumas over many years without realizing they are getting injured.
Either way, both NFL football and association football are girls sports.

By this you must mean that they are wussy sports, because they wear padding?

Football is the most popular sport in the US as far as media attention goes by quite a long shot. Broadcasters talk about other stuff when they have to but really they are mostly interested in the NFL. It's a higher status sport than others too, so if a boy has ability in it and another one, usually he'll end up focusing on the football. Girls don't play football, by and large. There are no girls football teams, unlike baseball, basketball, soccer or even hockey and girls on the regular team are quite rare. Plenty of women love football (and other pro sports) but the fan culture is very male-oriented.

Interesting. No mention of NASCAR. I thought that was a big deal in the US too. I've never been much of a racing fan (I used to watch F1 on and off), but the couple of times I tried watching a NASCAR race, it came off as the most sinfully boring sport ever created.
Nascar is a very working class sport here. There may not be tons of cultural overlap between Nascar and U2 that would lead a Nascar fan to interference. It's actually dropped quite a lot in popularity recently, and the median age of fans is quite old.

Someone needs to research the effect the helmets are actually having on the brain injuries. I've read this stuff, and it is shocking, but I don't understand why it happens there, and not in Rugby League?

I think the size of players may make a difference here, too. I gather than all rugby players have to be able to run. Is that right? It's not the case at all in US football. Some guys' job is to line up, run 10 feet and hit somebody as hard as they can over and over, and those guys are huge. Well over 300 pounds is not unusual for a defensive player, so you get an incredible amount of force in the hits.
Yeah, American football is far more violent than rugby. The players are bigger, stronger, and faster. The game play allows for more powerful collisions, as does the equipment.

So is hockey for that matter.

And soccer sucks. Any game that frequently ends in a tie sucks.
I think it's adorable the Europeans think they can "out violence" the Americans.

We Americans eat, sleep, drink violence.
Interesting. No mention of NASCAR. I thought that was a big deal in the US too. I've never been much of a racing fan (I used to watch F1 on and off), but the couple of times I tried watching a NASCAR race, it came off as the most sinfully boring sport ever created.

Nascar is more of a niche sport, much more popular in certain pockets of the country (south mainly) than other regions, similar to how ice hockey is more popular in certain markets (mainly northeast/midwest, not as popular in the south).
Nacar racing can be rather dull or quite exciting depending on which track the race is at. The tracks are different lengths and a couple (notably Daytona and Talladega) known as "super speedways" provide some very intense racing with usually major multi car crashes (one of the things some viewers enjoy).

NFL football is the most popular sport in terms of television viewing in the US by a wide margin which leads to big money TV contracts which filters back to the Super Bowl being a near holiday here and the reason a commercial during the game will be seen by so many.
That's what I thought. :) So, who were you before? And why were you banned? (pretty sure I know the answer to both questions). PS...Nice edit, but too late. ;)
No that's me ! An album in April? Hope it doesn't suck! Btw I never called anyone's church. Sean either lied or it was someone else. I don't bring anything that happens on interference into the outside world. That's fucked up. I'd never mess with anyone's non internet life. . I just posted some trolls mugshot . I never take anything personally. You'll never ban an idea dieman.

Love, Steve
Nascar is a very working class sport here. There may not be tons of cultural overlap between Nascar and U2 that would lead a Nascar fan to interference.

Because there are few U2 fans that are "working class"?

This whole thread is full of fucking idiot sauce.

Somebody please create a NEW album thread when something actually happens.
I would never doubt that soccer sucks indeed.

Isn't there a sports forum here? :hmm:

This thread needs to get back on topic. I miss the fish on bikes discussion. Stop derailing, people! :grumpy:
I wonder if the managerial switch will have any kind of impact visible at all....

:hmm: Would the new guy still get 20% of all income, which sounds rather odd to me as it's a newcomer who also works with other acts, but still..
Canada might be the only other one, although I think Japan uses it to some extent too.

We call it soccer in the little leagues and probably in talking about it..but our pro team is called TFC...and there ain't no 'F' in 'soccer' lol

But when I say "we" I only mean long time Canadians..we have entire communities here from Europe Asia and S America some that barely even speak English and I'm guessing they say "football" probably..
I wonder if the managerial switch will have any kind of impact visible at all....

:hmm: Would the new guy still get 20% of all income, which sounds rather odd to me as it's a newcomer who also works with other acts, but still..

Rumor has it that Bono will be wearing guyliner again.
Either way, both NFL football and association football are girls sports. You can't tell an Australian that 4 to 5 inches of plastic reinforced padding and giant helmets can be called a 'contact' sport.

Well that's a failure in logic on their part then. By this definition hockey isn't a contact sport either lol!!
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